Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 153 of 153
Country: Greece
  1. Αρχείο της Ιταλικής Αστυνομίας των Καραμπινιέρων

    • Royal Carabinieri Police Archive
    • Archeio tis Italikis Astynomias ton Karabinieron

    The archive contains approx. 80.000 personal files (for 130.000 inhabitants). It contains reports on political events, social and ethnic groups (Greeks, Turks, Jews and other foreigners) and companies, juridical decisions, information on the antifascist activities, the Jewish community, cases related to full Italian citizenship and the special local form of citizenship (Cittadinanza Egea Italiana).

  2. Εβραϊκή Συλλογή

    • Jewish Collection
    • Evraiki Syllogi

    According to the website: "Archive of Jews of Kavala and other regions. It includes: Bulgarian catalogue of the census of Jews of Kavala of 1942 - 1943, before Holocaust. Collected evidence (unbound documents, notes etc) for the Jews of Kavala and other regions of Macedonia and Thrace. Photographic material (synagogue etc)".

  3. Αρχείο Ειρηνοδικείου Σερρών

    • Archive of the District Court in Serres
    • Archeio Irinodikiou Serron

    Information includes proceedings and decisions of the court, as well as affidavits for Holocaust victims.

  4. Συλλογή Δικηγόρου Κωνσταντίνου Ζιώγα

    • Collection of the Lawyer Constantinos Ziogas
    • Syllogi Dikigorou Konstantinou Zioga

    Part of the material concerns the case of Jews of Thessaloniki (inheritance issues after the Holocaust).

  5. Αρχείο Δικηγόρου Γεωργίου Μόσχου

    • Archive of the Lawyer Georgios Moschos
    • Archeio dikigorou Georgiou Moschou

    The archive contains approximately 200 bundles. Documents include correspondence with Jews of Serres concerning abandoned properties.

  6. Αρχείο Συμβολαιογράφου Κωνσταντίνου Τριανταφυλλόπουλου

    • Archive of the Notary Public Constantinos Triantafyllopoulos
    • Archeio Symvolaiografou Konstantionou Triantafyllopoulou

    The archive contains 35.846 contracts. Many contracts concern the Jews of Serres.

  7. Αρχείο Δήμου Σερρών

    • Archive of the Municipality of Serres
    • Archeio Dimou Serron

    It holds historical records of the Municipality of Serres, including vital records, the old municipal rolls (1934), names of Holocaust victims and survivor certificates.

  8. Αρχείο Κτηματογραφικού Χάρτη Πυρίκαυστης Ζώνης Πόλης Σερρών

    • Archive Cadastral Map of the Burnt Zone in Serres
    • Archeio Ktimatografikou Charti Pyrikafstis Zonis Polis Serron

    A map with dimensions 1,45 by 2,46 meters, on which are plotted individual and communal properties (mostly Christian and Jewish) which were destroyed by the Bulgarians in the arson of the city in 1913. Although not connected directly to the Holocaust, it is very useful for understanding of the city's Jewish past.

  9. Συλλογή Ασσέο Ι. - Χαμπούρη Α.

    • Collection Asseo I. - Chabouri A.
    • Syllogi Asseo I - Chambouri A
  10. Συλλογή Σιμόπουλος Τάκης

    • Collection Simopoulos Takis
    • Syllogi Simopoulos Takis

    Personal documents, diary, documents of the Service for the Disposal of Jewish Property.

  11. Συλλογή Στρατόπεδο Παύλου Μελά

    • Collection Military Camp Pavlou Mela
    • Syllogi Stratopedo Pavlou Mela

    Catalogue of the executed prisoners (among them 7 were Jewish).

  12. Συλλογή Μοδιάνο

    • Collection Modiano
    • Syllogi Modiano

    Title deeds, contracts, correspondence with Italian Authorities, certificates of nationality, judicial documents.

  13. Δημοτικό Αρχείο - Γενικό Αρχείο

    • Municipal Archive-General Archive
    • Dimotiko Archeio-Geniko Archeio

    Decisions of the municipal council, correspondence with the government, correspondence with the Jewish community, files of Jewish clerks of Thessaloniki Municipality, Jewish associations, the issue of the Jewish cemetery, Jewish properties, certificates for the Holocaust victims and survivors.