Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 153
Country: Greece
  1. Αρχείο Γερμανικής Στρατιωτικής Διοικήσεως Κρήτης

    • Archive of the German Military Administration in Crete
    • Archeio Germanikis Stratiotikis Dioikiseos Kritis

    It consists of material relevant to the German administration in Crete, the correspondence with the local civil authorities. It also includes the list of the Jews deported by the Nazis in 1944.

  2. Προσωπικό Αρχείο του Εσδρά Μωυσή

    • Personal Archives of Esdras Moisis
    • Prosopiko Archeio tou Esdra Moisi

    Contains Esdras Moissis’s personal archives, which include various records, correspondence, and publications related to the history of the Jewish community of Larissa.

  3. Αρχείο Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου Δωσιλόγων Αθηνών

    • Archive of the Special Court of Collaborators in Athens
    • Archeio Eidikou Dikastiriou Dosilogon Athinon

    Decisions against Greek collaborators during the German Occupation (1941-1944).

  4. Αρχείο του Πρωτοδικείου Αθηνών-Αποφάσεις Προέδρου Πρωτοδικών "Ναζιστικές Αποφάσεις"

    • Archive of the Court of First Instance in Athens-Decisions of the Court's President , "Decisions on Nazi-crimes"
    • Archeio tou Protodikeiou Athinon-Apofaseis Proedrou Protodikon "Nazistikes Apofaseis"

    Applications, proceedings, decisions according to the Law 4781/1961 "Agreement between Greece and Germany on the compensation of individuals who suffered damages from National-socialism".

  5. Γερμανικές Αποζημιώσεις

    • German Reparations
    • Germanikes Apozimioseis

    The archive concerns applications related to pensions' allocation pursuant to the West German Federal Indemnification Law (known as the Bundesentschädigungsgesetz, or BEG), the German Reich and Equivalent Legal Entities (Monetary Compensa-tion) Act (BRüG, of 19 July 1957, Federal Law Gazette I, p. 734) and the Greek Law Decree 4178/1961. Apart from these, part of the archival material refers to newer agreements about pensions' allocation. The archive also contains the community's correspondence in relation with its demands and its members' indemnifications.

  6. Βιβλία πρακτικών της Κοινοτικής Συνέλευσης

    • Books of Minutes of the Communal Assembly
    • Vivlia Praktikon tis Koinotikis Synelefsis

    It contains information on the postwar Jewish life in Thessaloniki.

  7. Αρχείο Εκλογών

    • Archive of Elections
    • Archeio Eklogon

    The archive contains information on the communal elections, the Holocaust survivors.

  8. Ηλεκτρονικός κατάλογος θυμάτων Ολοκαυτώματος

    • Electronic Catalogue with Holocaust Victims
    • Ilektronikos katalogos thymaton Olokaftomatos

    The catalogue has been created by Ms Aliki Arouh and contains 25.475 names of Holocaust victims from Thessaloniki. It also provides information on age, place of birth, address of residence etc.

  9. Αρχείο Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Καβάλας

    • Archive of the Jewish Community in Kavala
    • Archeio Isralitikis Koinotitas Kavalas

    The Archive contains correspondence among the community in Kavala and other communities, the Greek authorities, Holocaust survivors, members of the families with Holocaust victims.

  10. Ιδιωτική Συλλογή Ιλάν Κάρμι

    • Private Collection Ilan Karmi
    • Idiotiki Syllogi Ilan Karmi

    The collection contains the writer's notes on his research, personal correspondence, books.

  11. Συλλογές δικαστικού υλικού

    • Collections of Judicial Material
    • Sylloges Dikastikou Ylikou

    The archival holdings contain judicial material from Max Merten's trial (1942-1959), trials against Greek Christian and Jewish collaborators (1946-1959), decisions of the Court of the First Instance in Thessaloniki (certificates of deaths) [1945-1968].

  12. Βιβλία Απογραφής Επιζώντων του Ολοκαυτώματος

    • Registry Records of the Holocaust Survivors
    • Vivlia Apografis Epizonton Olokaftomatos

    The collection contains information on names, surnames, place and date of birth, residence, education, profession before, during and after WWII, personal stories in camps, living conditions after the return to Thessaloniki.

  13. Αρχείο της Υπηρεσίας Διαχείρισης Ισραηλιτικών Περιουσιών

    • Records of the Central Agency for the Custody of Jewish Property
    • Archeio tis Ypiresias Diacheirisis Israilitikon Periousion

    "Contains records of the Central Agency for the Custody of Jewish Property (YDIP) Greece, an agency which regulated the expropriation of Jewish shops and businesses in Greece during the war. Contains case files for individual shops as well as regulatory guidelines and operations procedures for the agency." (USHMM RG-45.005M)

  14. Αρχείο Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Καβάλας

    • Archive of the Jewish community of Kavala
    • Archeio Israilitikis Koinotitas Kavalas

    The material covers the period of the interwar, the WWII and postwar. It's about the relations between the Jewish community and the local authorities and other Jewish communities in Macedonia and Thrace, the case of the old and the new Jewish cemetery, the economic situation of the community, the education and the communal school, the religious celebrations.

  15. Αρχείο Χαρτών και Κατόψεων

    • Archive of Maps and Plans
    • Archeio Charton kai Katopseon

    It contains information about the Jewish districts and synagogues of Thessaloniki.

  16. Μικρές Συλλογές

    • Small Collections
    • Mikres Sylloges

    Photo archive: Copies of photographs of the Federal Archives of Germany (Jews’ concentration at Eleftherias Square in 1942) and original photographs of Jewish families and post-war communal events [1900-2013] Correspondence collection: it contains documents for trade, hereditary issues (unclassified).Collection of insurance booklets and passports before World War II (1920-1941).

  17. Συλλογή Σαμπετάι Τσιμίνο

    • Collection Sabetay Tsimino
    • Collection Sabetay Tsimino

    It contains more than 4.000 Pages of testimonies in commemoration of the Greek Jews who lived in the Greek provinces of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace occupied by the Bulgarians (1941-1944). Its special forms were designed by Yad Vashem to restore the personal identity and brief life stories of the six million Jews who were murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices.

  18. Αρχείο της Επιχειρηματικής Δραστηριότητας των Εβραίων της Θεσσαλονίκης 1920-1940

    • Archive of the business activities of the Jews in Thessaloniki 1920-1940
    • Archeio tis Epicheirimatikis Drastiriotitas ton Evraion tis Thessalonikis 1920-1940

    It contains information and archival material for thousands of Jewish and mixed sociétés anonymes (S.A.s) and sole proprietorships.

  19. Αρχείο Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου Δωσιλόγων

    • Archive of the Special Court of Collaborators
    • Archeio Eidikou Dikastiriou Dosilogon

    The material is indictments, case files, judicial decisions regarding the Collaborators of the Nazis in Greece.

  20. Αρχείο Πρωτοδικείου Θεσσαλονίκης - Κατοχικές Αποφάσεις

    • Archive of the Court of First Instance in Thessaloniki - Decisions for the Period of Occupation
    • Archeio Protodikeiou Thessalonikis - Katohikes Apofaseis

    Proceedings and decisions. During the German occupation (1941-1944) people were forced to sell their property. The Court was asked to re-examine the transactions.