Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 60 of 2,003
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Jewish Theological College, Vienna: Archives

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  2. Willy Katzenstein collection

  3. Rivka Warnford-Davis collection

  4. Renate Collins collection

    Family papers belonging to Renate Collins. Includes correspondence from Renate’s mother Hilde, material documenting Renate’s move to England and ultimate adoption, and later material showing Renate’s family tree and the fates of family members under the Nazis.

  5. Eric Taylor collection

  6. Chevrah Kadisha, Antwerp: Minutes, statutes, membership lists, financial reports

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  7. Berta Wallis née Matzer collection

    Postcard from Jolan Nagy Wallis and delivery dockets to Jolan Nagy Wallis in Lodz 

  8. Philipp Manes Collection

    This is a collection of original papers of Philipp Manes, former fur trader, resident of Berlin and later inmate of Terezin, from where he was sent to his death at Auschwitz with his wife in 1944.

  9. Zdenĕk Lederer collection

    This collection comprises Zdenĕk Leder's personal papers including documents, notebooks and correspondence; papers documenting the publication of his book on the Theresienstadt Ghetto; compensation claim papers; papers documenting his activitities as an employee of Radio Free Europe.

  10. Rabbi Shlomo Rosenthal from Budapest: Personal documents

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access this digital contentLetters to and from Rabbi Shlomo Rosenthal from Budapest, as well as a number of letters from rabbis from the Landau family in Prague

  11. Valerie Forman collection

  12. Dziunia Markus collection

    The collection documents the life of Polish-Jewish Holocaust survivor Dziunia Markus neé Wortmann and partly her family.The bulk of the collection consists of photographic material. Pre-war images show the life of a well to do assimilated Jewish family in Poland. Depicted are several Wortmann family members including Dziunia’s parents and later Holocaust victims Maria neé Birenbaum and Maksymilian Wortman. Post war images allow insights into Dziunia’s life in England and the trips she took to various places around the world.The documents in the collection focus on post war period and includ...

  13. Joir Weisz collection

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  14. Marion Koebner collection

    Collection comprised of documents and photographs belonging to the Koebner family, including correspondence, personal documents, school reports and poetry.

  15. Braunschweig Jewish community: Archives

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  16. Lemberg Jewish community: Archives

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  17. Berlin Jewish Community: Archives

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  18. Otto Kapp collection