Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 741 to 760 of 1,934
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Lithuanian
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Oscar Loeser collection

    Copy correspondence from Oscar Loeser in Sachsenhausen concentration camp and copy appeal from Käte Loeser, his wife, to the police authorities to release him and copy letter from her to Oscar.

  2. Short history re Jewish influence in Tonga

    Word-processed history of the Jewish influence in Tonga1 page English Author unknown 

  3. Louis Philip Polak: copy personal account

    This personal account of Louis Philip Polak provides expert details on the policies and administrative process of persecution and on the personal experiences of persecuted Jews in the Netherlands between 1943 and 1945. It is in the form of sketches or vignettes broadly arranged chronologically.Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version in English

  4. Constantine Fitzgibbon's 'Denazification': Working papers

    These papers were apparently generated during the course of Constantine Fitzgibbon's research for his book Denazification, Michael Joseph, London, 1969.

  5. Miscellaneous press cuttings and photographs

    Press cuttings consisting of features, book reviews published extracts and editorials on a variety of different Holocaust topics, for instance Concentration Camps and their Liberation and contemporary Jewish life in Britain and Jerusalem; Schindler's List etc.English. 

  6. Leaflet on regulations re life in Nazi Germany - no date

    This is a fragment of a leaflet containing regulations on various aspects of social and cultural life in Nazi Germany. Subjects covered in the leaflet include matters concerning the concept of the German Race; change of name/ title of unmarried women; Hitler Youth; travel and restaurant coupons; income from sub-letting; working clothes for farmers; memorial notices for soldiers killed in the war.

  7. Leeds Jewish Refugee Committee: Papers

    This collection comprises papers and correspondence regarding individual children, who came or were hoping to come to Leeds on one of the Kindertransporte. There is also some general correspondence and papers.

  8. Agnes Kaposi Collection

    This collection contains the personal papers and photographs of the Kaposi Klein family. In particular material relating to Erno Kaposi-Klein, the donor's father-in-law, his wife and son; also Magda and Imre Kristof, the donor's parents

  9. Leonard Montefiore collection

    Leonard Montefiore collection comprising draft writings, correspondence, printed material and press cuttings documenting his life and work

  10. Letter from Heinz Berggruen to Mr Wallach

    Letter from Heinz Berggruen to Mr Wallach thanking him for introducing him to his friend, Colonel Stewart-Roddies, who gave a talk about conditions in Germany. Also mention is made of a report from the author's cousin of the experiences of his parents, still in Berlin.German 2 pagesNothing is known about the author or addressee. The letter was written in the USA. The letter is annotated 'zu persönlich'

  11. Edia Bayer letter

  12. English Solidarity against Multiracism: flyer

    Flyer against Hong Kong immigrants English 

  13. Sandberg family: copy correspondence

    This collection of copy correspondence with transcript consists of letters written by Jewish parents to their daughter in the 1930s and just prior to the daughter's emigration to Great Britain on the Kindertransport.

  14. Details of an international anti-Jewish congress in Belgium

    Report, which is a digest of details about an international anti-Jewish congress which took place in Belgium, entitled Union Antijudaique Universelle from an undated issue of Welt-Dienst, an Erfurt publication.Details of an anti-Jewish congress held in Belgium entitled Union Antijudaique Universelle, including the following sub-headings: the secrecy of the event; Muslims amongst the participants; earlier conferences of this sort; a permanent office for the Union Antijudaique Universelle; in case of a new Jewish war.2 pages

  15. Copy affidavit from Manfred Rommel

    Copy affidavit from Manfred Rommel asserting that his father Fieldmarschal Erwin Rommel was murdered on the orders of Adolf Hitler

  16. Clothing industry in Frankfurt: articles

    These accounts of Jewish involvement in Frankfurt's (ladies) wholesale garment and textile industry during the 19th and 20th centuries include descriptions of all the major firms and players.

  17. Miscellaneous collection of copy documents

  18. World Jewish Congress: publication excerpt

    Excerpt for an unknown publication entitled Jüdischer Weltkongress und Judenfrage in OesterreichGerman 1 page 

  19. Plaut family papers

    Readers need to book a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archveFamily papers