Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,141 to 1,160 of 1,894
Country: United Kingdom
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Jewish anti-defamation work in pre-Hitler Germany

    Copy report on anti-defamation work in pre-Hitler Germany under the following sub-headings: the Jews; Labor; Antisemitic propaganda among labor; Defense; ConclusionsEnglish 31 pages 

  2. Letter fragment regarding Deutsche Freikörperkultur

    Letter fragment regarding Deutsche Freikörperkultur.

  3. Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin: copy letter to Vatican

    Copy response by the Auswaertige Amt to the Vatican commenting on the status of the relationship between the German Reich and the Vatican 

  4. Franz Szell: correspondence re Alfred Rosenberg

    The letter seeks to demonstrate the racially mixed background of one of the Nazis most virulent exponents of Nazi racial ideology. The collection also includes copies (in several languages) of a letter addressed to Goering, Göbbels and von Neurath, amongst others, containing essentially the same information as in the open letter (936/2). The last letter is addressed to the Justice Minister, Trygre Lie, Oslo, and in addition to the information contained in the above, contains details of the author's own experiences.

  5. Eliezer Kaplan: Correspondence re Aliyah

    The correspondence consists of copy outgoing letters either authored by or forwarded to Eliezer Kaplan, and relates to the activities of Keren Hayesod (The Palestine Foundation Fund), in particular the settlement project (?) Mifal Bizaron. The letters bear a London address and a PO box in Jerusalem

  6. Tobias Brandt family papers

    The collection contains the personal papers of Tobias Brandt; Tobias and Emmy Brandt correspondence; correspondence regarding Die Weltbühne; various press cuttings; material regarding Nellie Sachs and Ernst Wiechert; and photographs.

  7. Gertrude Tausinger: family papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access this digital materialThis collection contains the family papers of Gertrud Tausinger, a Jewish refugee from Vienna who emigrated with her husband to the UK via Prague in 1939. The couple's business and that of her parents were seized shortly after Austria was annexed into the German Third Reich and they were forced to emigrate. Personal papers including birth, baptism, marriage and death certificates; passports, "Heimatschein", ID and membership cards; tax clearance certificate; "Abstammungsnachweis" certificate; alien registration c...

  8. Inge Lojdová family papers

    This collection contains papers relating to the extended family of Inge Lojdová arranged by family member. Also included are unpublished biographical articles about earlier family members and family photographs.Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access an audion interview with the donorLee Comer describes the background of her aunt, Inge Baumlova; provides information about the broader family history; decribes the family home 

  9. Copy letters from Rudolf Hess

  10. Jewish deaf people in Nazi Germany: copy articles

  11. Terezin Studio Project: Programme re The Emperor of Atlantis

    This programme was produced for a series of performances of The Emperor of Atlantis by the Terezin Studio Project in Halifax, NS, Canada, 1998. The programme includes a brief history of Terezin, where the opera was composed, a history of the opera, short biographical accounts of Viktor Ullman, the composer, and Petr Kien, the librettist, and an English translation of the text.

  12. Frieda Melitz and Eugen Sundheimer: Copy documents re marriage

    Copy documents re the marriage of Frieda and Eugen Melitz including certificates, letters of congratulation, present list etcGerman 

  13. Colin Gross family papers

    Documents and personal papers of the Gross family.

  14. Hastings Castle Hill publishers: flyer

    This flyer was in the book Das Rudolf Gutachten, Gutachten ueber die 'Gaskammern von Auschwitz' by Germar Rudolf, Hastings Castle Publishers.

  15. Copy letter from Göring to Reichsminister des Innern

    Copy letter from Göring to Reichsminister des Innern asking him to do everything to promote the emigration of Jews 

  16. Hans Woltär: Copy postcard to Moritz Kupfer

    The subject matter of this copy postcard and transcription is concerned with the provision of supplies and queries about the health and well being of family and friends

  17. Waging peace: Darfur children's drawings and other material

    Readers need to book a reading room terminal to consult a digital copy of this material

  18. Diary and other writings of ordinary German women

    This collection consists of two unrelated items, both of which document the sympathetic attitudes of two ordinary German women to the Nazis and their Führer.