Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 321 to 340 of 1,825
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Slovak
Country: United Kingdom
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Isidore Kirschner: school and university certificate

    School and university certificates of Isidore KirschnerGerman 

  2. Sir Otto Kahn-Freund: collection of miscellaneous pamphlets and newsletters

    This collection of pamphlets and newsletters from a variety of organisations relate mainly to conditions in Germany and Austria both during and after the war. They reflect the interests of the collector, Otto Kahn-Freund, a German Jewish lawyer and academic, born in Frankfurt/ Main, 1900, died 1979, Great Britain.

  3. Political Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office: news digest for Germany and Austria

    This collection of news digests was compiled by editors at the German and Austrian Division of the Political Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office. The information contained within was obtained from numerous European sources for internal consumption. Subjects include reports on the Bergen Belsen trial and the Nuremberg War Crimes trialand other war crimes trials. Also reports on the social economic and political conditions of Germany and Austria in the immediate post-war years.The frequency of these extant copies varies. They begin daily, become weekly, then more intermittent with a...

  4. German Trades Unions in Great Britain: Miscellaneous material

    This collection comprises newsletters, activity reports and and other material relating to the activities of the TUCGWGB.

  5. Felix Langer: diaries

    The diaries contain mostly sparse notes often barely legible. A large part of the content relates to books.

  6. Berlin Medical Unions: various papers

    This collection consists of papers which document the activities of the Berlin medical unions, Berliner Aerztlichen Standesvereine, in general and that of the Aerztlicher Standesverein der Koenigstadt zu Berlin in particular. Note that it appears that the latter organisation ceased to exist on 31 March 1936 according to a note at the end of the last set of minutes (1435/1/3).

  7. Correspondence and photographs of Julius Bloch

    This collection of correspondence documents, in part, the life of Julius Bloch, a German Jewish immigrant, and former memberof the Jewish cultural communities in Frankfurt/ Main and Pforzheim. Also included is a photo album documenting the work of apprenticeshop workshops for Jewish teenagers in Frankfurt am Main, and a draft statement about the establishment and role of the workshops.

  8. Moses Mendelssohn: edited correspondence with Friedrich Nicholai

    This collection consists of the typescript transcripts (and editorial notes) of a series of letters from Moses Mendelssohn, the famous German Jewish writer and philospher, and his friend, Friedrich Nicholai,philosopher of the enlightenment.

  9. Joel Meyer Gottstein: family papers

  10. Nazi persecution of Jehova's Witnesses

    This collection of copy documentation records the Nazi persecution of Jehova's witnesses. It consists of a range of documents, the originals of which are held by a variety of archives, and were brought together by the Centro di Documentazione sui Bibelforscher. It is assumed that this is only a fraction of the total material which this institution holds. The purpose behind this selection is unknown.The range of material covers lists of camp inmates from a number of concentration camps; Nazi military court verdicts in cases of conscientious objection; Gestapo correspondence; case files on in...

  11. Otto F. Hutter: copy personal papers

    Thes papers relate to the experiences of Otto Hutter, a former Kindertransportee from Vienna.

  12. Antisemitic coloured painting

    Antisemitic painting, coloured, possibly page of a book or broschure, of 'Judensau'The main picture shows the common motive of the 'Judensau' in connection with three Jews who are wearing so-called 'Jew-hats'. Moreover, the picture shows a devil that should be recognized by horns on his head. Coloured painting, possibly a page of a book; "Pag. 392 printed in the top right corner.Headline: "Au weih [Rabbi Ansehl?] au au Mausch auwei au au Under the Headline: Picture of an injured body of a child. Banner under the picture: "Diese Abbildung stehet zu Frankfurt am Maijn am Bruecken Thurm abgema...

  13. Sofie Kahn: Red Cross letters

    Red Cross letters to Sofie Cahn, from her parents in Rheydt, Germany  

  14. Juedische Volksschule, Munich: copy letter

    This letter of the school inspector of Munich concerning the school-building of the Jewish community, written on the 12 of November 1938, to the government of Bavaria/Munich reports the destruction of the school-building caused by a fire in the attached Synagogue. Considering the date of the letter it can be assumed that the fire was a result of the pogroms on the 9 November 1939. Moreover, the school inspector reports that of six male teachers three are in prison, one is ill and that the whereabouts of the fifth teacher is unclear. Therefore he orders the closure of the school.

  15. Leaflet against Hitler: 'Gebt mir vier Jahre Zeit'

    The leaflet confronts images of Hitler and quotations made by Hitler from 1939 to 1943 with pictures of the destroyed cities of Rotterdam and Hamburg as well as images of the Wehrmacht in Poland and the Soviet Union. A handwritten comment on the third page indicates that the leaflet was dropped by the R.A.F in 1943 or 1944.

  16. Belgian anti-Jewish leaflets

    Leaflet of the Nationaal Legioen/Nationaal Arbeidsfront against a strike in the Netherlands. Leaflet of the Verbond Van Dietsche Nationaalsolidaristen (VERDINASO) for a national unity of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.