Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 528
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Hebrew
Language of Description: Dutch
Country: Belgium
  1. Oberman-Dupont family. Collection

    The collection contains documents, photos, printed press and objects including : several postwar newsletters, newspapers and a book on the Breendonk camp ; false IDs used by the donor's aunt in France and false ID and empty ID of her father Zelman Simon Oberman ; post-war work permits ; prewar Russian passports and visa applications ; letters from Sonia Wisniky in France to her son Zelman Simon Oberman in Brussels and Breendonk and to her husband Ephraim Frans Oberman in Belgium ; letters sent by Ephraim Franz Oberman, paternal grandfather of the donor, from the internment camp in Rekem, Li...

  2. Mickey Gliksberg. Collection

    This collection contains the following documents: the ketubah of Meyer Gliksberg and Sura Blumenkranz, 1919 ; photocopies of two letters from the National Railway Company of Belgium (NMBS/SNCB) to Meyer Gliksberg regarding luggage lost during the flight in May 1940 ; a file (6 documents and 6 photos) concerning the hiding of Mickey (Michla) Gliksberg at the pensionnat Saint-Charles in Herseaux, including photos of the site, the nuns and post-war photos of Mickey Gliksberg with other Jewish girls hidden at the convent ; a photocopy of a note dated 1943, sent by Henri, a fellow-prisoner of Mi...

  3. Itzkowic-Goldberg family. Collection

    This collection contains: a pre-war photo of Salomon Itzkowic posing with friends in a car ; one postcard and four letters sent by Esther Goldberg and her children Achim Itzkowic, Berthold Siegmund Itzkowic and Arthur Itzkowic in Antwerp to their husband and father Salomon Itzkowic in the Saint-Cyprien and Argelès-sur-Mer internment camps in France (August to December 1940) ; Salomon Itzkowic's certificate of registration in the United Kingdom, 1946 ; a post-war statement by Salomon Itzkowic on his family history.

  4. Anna Slomovic. Collection

    This collection contains 9 photos of Anna Slomovic which were taken on the day of her baptism and her first communion at the Martens-Devoghelare family farm in Ursel where she was hidden, and a commemorative card in remembrance of the celebrations which took place on 25 April 1943.

  5. Madeleine Sulzberger. Package registration. Collection

    This collection contains a form that is a package registration from Kazerne Dossin in Mechelen. Madeleine Sulzberger requested a package from Marie-José Smets and Geneviève Hankar on July 24 1944. Since it was only allowed to write one address, both names are combined in order to reach both of them. Madeleine requested multiple clothing articles for a man and a woman (presumably for herself and her husband) and some alimentary products. Madeleine Sulzberger was registered as number 435 on transport XXVI and stayed in Kazerne Dossin in hall IV.

  6. Kerner-Mazefska family. Collection

    This collection comprises an assortment of documents illuminating the life of Abram Hertz Kerner and Tauba Mazefska. Notable items include two identity cards (1942), two attestations regarding Abram's enlistment in the Belgian army reserve, an attestation of residence in Charleroi (1942), and ration certificates for their family. Additionally, the collection encompasses documents related to Abram's business activities, such as attestations of the fixed business tax, two regulations and permits for itinerant trade. These were all part of the documents confiscated from them at the Dossin barr...

  7. Weissblum-Wachspress family

    This collection contains: a wartime photo of spouses David Weissblum and Giza Wachspress ; a wartime photo of Giza Wachspress ; a wartime photo of Giza Wachspress and her son Simon Weissblum ; two wartime photos of Simon Weissblum as a baby and as a toddler ; a wartime photo of Simon Weissblum with his rescuer misses Ecran-Petri ; two post-war photos of the Weissblum-Wachspress family.

  8. Wiznitzer Family. Collection

    This collection contains: one photo of Beate Wiznitzer, who was the mother of Andy Popperwell, her brother Josef Wiznitzer, and their parents Mendel and Rachel Wiznitzer; one photo of Mendel Wiznitzer in his soldier uniform in the top left with his comrades in the Austro-Hungarian army during the First World War; one passport of Beate Wiznitzer with which she was able to enter the United Kingdom at the end of December 1938; and an envelope in which Beate's last letter to her father Mendel was returned to her in 1942.

  9. Rozenblum-Suknik family. Collection

    This collection contains: documents regarding Natan Rozenblum’s migration to Belgium, including his Polish passport ; two tailor’s sketchbooks containing drawings for clothing ; pre-war, wartime and post-war photos of the Rozenblum-Suknik family, some of which are pasted into a photo album, including a photo of Charles Rozenblum’s first communion and photos of relatives in Poland ; documents confiscated from Natan Rozenblum upon arrival at the Dossin barracks, including a real and a fake ID card ; a bible and other catholic items such as prayer cards obtained by Charles Rozenblum during his...

  10. Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas religious marriage records. Collection

    This collection contains: the register of the Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas containing the religious marriage certificates drafted between 1 January 1937 and 27 February 1938 ; a second register containing the certificates drawn up between 6 March 1938 and 27 June 1939 ; a third register containing the certificates drawn up between 29 June 1939 and 14 June 1942 ; a folder containing unbound religious marriage certificates drawn up by the Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas between 5 November 1944 and 14 October 1947. Each certificate contains the following information: the d...

  11. Transcripts of interrogations of Adolf Eichmann in preparation of his trial. Item

    This item consists of six volumes containing the transcriptions of the interrogations of Adolf Eichmann by investigator Avner Werner Less, conducted between 29 May 1960 and 15 January 1961.

  12. Oscherowitz family. Collection

    This collection contains : photos of the British inmates of Ilag VIII/Z among whom Philippe Oscherowitz, Maurice Bernard Fishel and Leonard Fishel, including propaganda photos of prisoners at the Ilag swimming pool and theatrical and musical spectacles performed by the inmates ; family photos of Belgian citizen David Oscherowitz, his wife Clara Risnik and their daughter Eva Oscherowitz ; photos of David Oscherowitz taken during his military service in the Belgian army in 1935-1936 ; photos of unidentified family members and friends of the Oscherowitz family.

  13. Violin of Maurice Flam. Collection

    This item is a violin used by an unidentified prisoner to play for the guards at the Dora concentration camp and taken to Belgium by camp survivor Maurice Flam in 1945.

  14. Gathering of child survivors of the Holocaust housed in Belgian orphanages. Collection

    This recording contains the exchange between 11 child survivors of the Holocaust during a zoom meeting held on 17 January 2021. All participants and their siblings were housed in Jewish and/or non-Jewish orphanages in Belgium during the war. These institutes included the Meisjeshuis and Good Engels (the Meisjeshuis department for babies and toddlers), the Jongenshuis and Pennsylvania Foundation orphanage, the Wezembeek-Oppem children's home, the Baron de Castro children's home in Etterbeek and the Les Moineaux children's home in Uccle. The following survivors participated in the discussion:...

  15. Robert Lambert. Collection

    The collection consists of: two diplomas issued to Lambert Robert by the Institut des Arts et Métiers [Institute for the Arts and Professions] in Brussels (1940 and 1942) ; a diploma of rescuer issued in 1980 to Robert Lambert and his parents Jules and Caroline Lambert by the Comité d'Hommage des Juifs de Belgique 1940-1945 [Honorary Committee of the Jews of Belgium 1940-1945] ; a photocopy of a diploma of Righteous among the Nations issued to Robert Lambert and his parents Jules and Caroline Lambert by Yad Vashem in 1995 for helping the Kuniecpol family while they were in hiding.

  16. Renée Flaksbaum. Collection

    This item is a studio portrait of Renée Flaksbaum. The back of the photo mentions the date on which she gave it to her non-Jewish friend Lucy Lauwerijs, 8 August 1942, which is the same day that Renée left for the Dossin barracks with a convocation for forced labour (Arbeitseinsatzbefehl).

  17. Dutkiewicz-Wagner family. Collection

    This collection contains: the envelope created by the Dossin barracks administration to contain the documents of Laja Wagner, confiscated from her upon her arrival at the SS-Sammellager ; the false ID card of Laja Wagner which was stored in the Dossin barracks envelope ; the wedding photo of Gdalja Dutkiewicz and Laja Wagner.

  18. Ehrenfeld family. Collection

    This collection contains: one portrait of the extended Ehrenfeld family ; five photos of Anna Lambrechts walking down a street or at the Antwerp Stadspark (city park) in the company of Marcel and/or Sylvain Ehrenfeld, sons of her employer Jacques Ehrenfeld ; a photo of brothers Marcel and Sylvain Ehrenfeld walking down a street ; a wartime ID card of Anna Lambrechts' husband August Bosmans

  19. Dora Turksma. Collection

    This collection contains: two photos of Dora Turksma as a child, including a photo of her with her mother Klara Schilt at the beach; the ‘Volksmisboek en Vesperale’ (catholic prayer book) Dora Turksma received when being baptised as a hidden child in 1944; several dozen post-war prayer cards and devotional cards tucked away in the bible, signed by nuns and pupils at the boarding schools Dora attended; an interview with Dora Turksma in which she talks about her childhood in Antwerp, daily life at Morpheusstraat where she and her mother lived, moving around during the first years of the war, ...

  20. Objects alledgedly made from human tissue confiscated by the Police judiciaire de Liège - Police scientifique in a post-war fraud case. Collection

    This collection consists of a lamp with a lampshade, alledgedly made from human skin, and a box with a clasp containing 4 pieces of soap, rumoured to have been made from human fat, confiscated during investigations by the Police judiciaire de Liège - Police scientifique into a fraud case against J.G. in Liège in 1968.