Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 281 to 300 of 492
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Language of Description: Croatian
Country: Belgium
  1. Sylvain Paul Zucker. Collection

    This collection contains : a red Nazi armband with swastika as worn by members of the NSDAP ; a Nazi insignia depicting a sword on a swastika surrounded by a laurel wreath, worn by athletes of the Reich ; a Nazi insignia depicting an eagle above a swastika ; an allied military identifification card issued to Sylvain Paul Zucker, a Jewish soldier from Belgium who joined the Brigade Piron in England ; a military driver’s licence issued to Jewish allied soldier Sylvain Paul Zucker.

  2. Apsel-Szulchan family. Collection

    This collection contains the following documents: a Jewish calendar for the year 1942-1943 ; six Polish Zloty bank notes ; a letter regarding the delivery of a uniform to a member of a the Flemish SS ; a photocopy of an Ausweis exempting Moses Pinkas alias Maurice Apsel, his wife Fanni Szulchan, their children Paula and Renée Apsel, and Fanni’s mother Chaja Richter from the anti-Jewish decrees as their names occurred on a list with candidates for the German-Palestinian exchange ; a press clipping regarding the post-war trial of the gang of Lucie Delchambre who had denounced Jews during the ...

  3. Georges May. Collection

    This collection contains: two work permits issued to Georges May in 1942, confirming his employment by the Association of Jews in Belgium ; one document signed by the Association of Jews in Belgium allowing Georges May to freely move around Brussels while performing his job, 1943 ; two documents regarding the non-Jewish parentage of Georges May's wife Angèle Wybo, including a certificate from the Bureau des Enquêtes raciques et généalogiques, 1943

  4. Samuel Dreese. Collection

    This collection contains a studio portrait of Samuel alias Tonny Decker, which was given by Tonny to his fiancée Rosette Decker on 15 November 1940.

  5. Lucy Wolkowitz. Collection

    This collection consists of a photo of and an interview with Lucy Wolkowitz. In her testimony Lucy talks about her childhood in Piotrkow Trybunalski, her life in the ghetto of Piotrkow, the different labour camps she and her mother Laja Perlowicz survived, living conditions at Bergen-Belsen and the death of her mother Laja Perlowicz there, Lucy's voyage to Sweden, being reunited with her father Wolf Wolkowitz and her life in Sweden, the United States and Belgium after the war.

  6. Gemeiner-Lewy family. Collection

    This collection contains: the wedding booklet of Moise Josef alias Joske Gemeiner and Rosa Lewy, 1933 ; three fake ID cards issued to Rosa Lewy during the war under the false names Virginie Stevens (Antwerp), Coleta Avezals (Schoten) and Anna Opdebeeck (Antwerp) ; card for a beneficiary of the status of political prisoner issued to Salomon Gemeiner as beneficiary of his father Moise Josef Gemeiner, 1951 ; five pre-war and wartime photos, including a photo of the pelt shop run by Moise Josef Gemeiner at Provinciestraat 143 in Antwerp, a photo of Rosa Lewy and her rescuer misses Vandoren and ...

  7. Marie-Jeanne Borghmans. Collection

    This collection contains the memoirs of Marie-Jeanne Borghmans in which she addresses the following topics: her own family tree ; the connections her father Jozef Borghmans had with the resistance in Leuven and with the Jewish Rothschild-Florsheim family living in Kessel-Lo ; daily life at the Borghmans family home with the Russian-Jewish couple Lazare Galperin (born on 24 August 1892 in Proskurov, Russia, today Khmelnytskyy in Ukraine) and Freide alias Frieda Engelmann (born on 13 February 1897 in Lwow, Poland, today Lviv, Ukraine) hidden in their attic (including information on medical tr...

  8. Woydislawski-Schwarz family. Collection

    This collection contains: ten parcel request forms sent by Dora Schwarz and her son Harald Woydislawski, detained at the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) in Summer 1943, to acquaintances asking them for food and clothes ; post-war correspondence between Dora’s brother Rudolf Schwarz and the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre [Aid to Jewish War Victims, AIVG] regarding the acquisition of declarations of death for the deported Dora Schwarz and her son Harald Woydislawski; administrative declaration of death issued for the deported Dora Schwarz and her son Harald Woydislawski ; ...

  9. Comité Hommage aux sauveurs - Comité Huldebetoon aan de redders. Collection

    This collection consists of fourteen files dedicated to different aspects of the organisation of a tribute to Belgian rescuers organised by the Comité Hommage aux sauveurs - Comité Huldebetoon aan de redders [Tribute to the rescuers Committee] at Forest National in Brussels on 12 October 1980. These files contain: circulars and newspaper clippings concerning the objectives and financial support of the committee’s umbrella organisation, the Comité d'Hommage des Juifs de Belgique à leurs Héros et Sauveurs (1940-1945) - Huldecomité van de Joden van België aan hun Helden en Redders (1940-1945) ...

  10. Hauser-Ingber family. Collection

    This collection contains eleven photos of members of the Hauser and Ingber families. A first photo shows Melanie Ingber in 1920, who married Pinkus (Paul) Barber. A next one shows Rene Reinhold in 1936, son of Charlotte Ingber and Salomon Reinhold. Charlotte Ingber with son Sylvain Reinhold is visible in the third photo from 1938. On the fourth photo from 1944 Salomon Reinhold, husband of Charlotte Ingber, can be seen. The fifth photo portrays Charlotte Ingber herself in 1926. Jacob/Jukiel Ingber and Regina Neubauer, parents of Charlotte and Melanie, can be seen on the next one from 1909. T...

  11. Miscellaneous newspapers and magazines collected to create the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance. Collection

    This collection consists of work copies of miscellaneous newspapers, magazines, clandestine press and clippings on the Holocaust in general and the Belgian case in particular, stored in mostly Belgian institutes. The copies were entrusted to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance in 1994-1996, in order to create its permanent exhibition.

  12. Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Front de l'Indépendance. Collection

    This collection consists of 4,058 documents confiscated by the Front de l’Indépendance (Independent Front) at the offices of the Association of Jews in Belgium (AJB) – “Aide Spéciale Malines” [Special Assistance Mechelen department], after the liberation. The documents can be divided in five sections : - Correspondence of the AJB : between the leading committee and local committees, between local committees, between the AJB and German or Belgian officials, between the AJB and Suisse, German, French and Dutch organisations, etc. - Lists : e.g. employees of the AJB, Organisation Todt workers,...

  13. Miscellaneous documents collected to create the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance. Collection

    This collection consists of work copies of miscellaneous documents on the Holocaust in general and the Belgian case in particular, stored in dozens of institutes worldwide. The copies were entrusted to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance in 1994-1996, in order to create its permanent exhibition.

  14. Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Institut Martin Buber. Collection

    The archives of the Association of Jews in Belgium (AJB), donated to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance by the Martin Buber Institute, contain almost 3,500 documents which cover over 40 topics, including : copies of German decrees, the statutes and procedures of the AJB, files of the general and local committees (Brussels, Antwerp, Liège and smaller cities), interventions by the AJB with the German authorities, population registration, Jewish schools and children’s homes, the Arbeitseinsatz (forced labour) for Organisation Todt (France), convocations for the SS-Sammellager Mech...

  15. Membership forms of the Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Series

    The collection "membership forms of the Association of Jews in Belgium" contains digitised copies of ca. 12,000 registration forms filled in by Jewish families in Belgium, which became members of this organisation as was required after the decree of 25 November 1941. Each form consists of the names of every family member living under the same roof, their dates and places of birth, their date of immigration, their faith, their profession, the family address, the number of rooms in the house and the property owner.

  16. Miscellaneous photos collected to create the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance. Collection

    This collection consists of work copies of miscellaneous photos on the Holocaust in general and the Belgian case in particular, stored in dozens of institutes worldwide. The copies were entrusted to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance in 1994-1996, in order to create its permanent exhibition.

  17. Registre des Juifs de Belgique - Jodenregister van België. Series

    The German decree of 28 October 1940 made it compulsory for all Jews from the age of 15 to register in the Jewish register of the municipality where they officially lived. The names of younger children were added to the forms of the parents (in most cases the copy of the father). Each form has room for the following information : surname, first names, date and place of birth, profession, nationality, religion, date of arrival in Belgium, the country of migration, successive addresses, date and place of registration, and the person’s signature, but also name, date and place of birth and reli...

  18. Index cards on Jews from Belgium interned in or deported from France. Collection

    This collection consists of index cards containing information on 9,765 Jewish men, women and children who in general lived in Belgium before the Second World War and who were interned in or deported from French internment camps during the war. The group of index cards for a specific person can contain a file card drafted by the Sicherheitspolizei-Sicherheitsdienst in 1941-1944 in case of a person who fled Belgium in or after 1941 and a research request filed by a relative. Every group of index cards for a specific person contains handwritten file cards with information gathered post-war by...

  19. Index cards of the Möbelaktion (Räumung) in Antwerp. Collection

    This collection contains 2,913 index cards which refer to the Möbelaktion (Räumung), the spoliation of Jewish homes, in Antwerp. Each index card contains the address of a plundered home, the name of the Jewish resident, the date of the clearance and a file number referring to a more comprehensive file, which no longer exists today.

  20. Precious prints. Collection

    This collection contains precious prints such as pamphlets, posters, books and other types of publications published before 1950. The topics include pre-war Jewish life, anti-Semitism, ideologies of various political movements, biographies of camp survivors, commemoration of resistance movements, German organisations such as the SS, post-war trials and war crimes. The publications do not only focus on Belgium, but also include publications from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Czechoslovakia and the United States.