Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 56,066
  1. Eric Erber collection

    The collection contains the personal papers of Eric, Robert and Anna, in particular vital records and identity documents. Eric’s papers include the materials he collected in seeking compensation for a property owned by his mother’s family. Robert’s papers contain materials on his dismissal from the Viennese tram company because of the Nazi race laws and a letter from the foreign representatives of the Austrian socialists offering Robert support as a political refugee. The collection also includes Robert’s correspondence with various institutions on the whereabouts of his brother Ernst, who...

  2. Dr George F.J. Bergmann: Diaries and personal papers

    Amongst the papers in this collection are a set of typescript transcripts of his diaries which document in detail his experiences in the Foreign Legion and in prison. They also provide a full report on the infamous trial of French officers and guards at Hadjerat M'Guil.

  3. Neuengamme trials: Papers of J. C. Giffin

    The collection primarily consists of handwritten notes, presumably by Giffin, on the trials. These cover the testimony provided by the witnesses for the prosecution and the defence made by the accused. In addition there are several official British documents on the case, including the depositions. There are also some statements by the defendants’ lawyers, as well as German press cuttings on the case.

  4. Erich and Magdalena Schulhof: family papers

    This collection consists of the family papers of Erich and Magdalena Schulhof, a Jewish family who fled Berlin after they were forced to sell their business due to the increasing Aryanisation of Nazi-Germany in the late 1930s.Personal papers including the couple's school reports and qualifications; birth, death and baptism certificates; naturalisation certificate; passports; papers relating to Erich Schulhof's work and the family's restitution claim; correspondence with family and friends; family portraits and copy of the family history. Also included are the papers of their children and th...

  5. Lady Rose Henriques Archive

    The Henriques Archive comprises the working papers of Rose Henriques from 1945 to 1950, when she served as head of the Germany Section of the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad (JCRA) and led one of the Jewish Relief Units (JRU) into the former concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen.

  6. Nuremberg War Crimes Trial: documents

    This collection comprises authenticated copies and translations into English of Nuremberg War Crimes trial documents which specifically pertain to the fate of European Jewry. The collection contains both contemporary documentation (eg correspondence, directives and orders between Nazi authorities) and post war affidavits from witnesses. Section A: "Racism and Antisemitic Propaganda" (Including: Anti-Jewish research. Indoctrination. Promotion of anti-Semitism abroad. Denial of anti-Jewish activities. Reactions to the foregoing.) 1655/1-286.Section B: “Discrimination” (Inc...

  7. Aranka Fuchsova papers

    This collection contains documents relating to Aranka Fuchsova and her husband Jan (Hanusch) Fuchs.

  8. Elise Steiner: personal papers and correspondence

    This collection contains the personal papers of Elise Steiner, a former Jewish refugee from Vienna who arrived in England on a Kindertransport in 1938. Her parents and younger brother were murdered at Kowno concentration camp in 1941.Personal papers Including family correspondence (together with typescripts) documenting the day to day activities and aspirations of a Jewish family in Vienna. Recurring themes include their gratitude that at least one child was able to escape and continue with her education, efforts to find a place on the Kindertransport for Elise's brother Leo Steiner, news o...

  9. Max Nachmann collection

    Personal papers of Max Nachmann, including vital records and identity documents, as well as correspondence with institutions, companies and individuals, mainly on his attempts to extract his family from Poland and Germany. There are also personal papers belonging to his wife, siblings, father and aunt. 

  10. Persecution of Jews in Berlin: Various copy documents

    This collection of copy documents records the experiences of racial persecution of Jews in Berlin. It includes the following: an arrest warrant for Leo Boschwitz, (1935) for the destruction of a copy Der Stürmer (-/1) and his release from Lichtenburg concentration camp in the same year(-/2); a good conduct certificate issued by Camp le Vernet for Kurt Noher (1940) (-/5); detailed instructions issued by the jüdische Kultusvereinigung zu Berlin to Regina Montilja prior to her deportation to 'the Protectorate', (1942) (-/7); and pro forma summons to the assembly station at Grosse Hamburger Str...

  11. Nazis in Greece: Copy documentation

    Note: this collection is held offsite. 5 days retrieval time. This collection of copy material comprises primary and secondary sources used by Mark Mazower for his book, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-1944, Yale University Press, 1993. Mark Mazower provides a commentary on the sources and their value in the chapter "Notes on Sources"

  12. Price of Life

  13. Emil Fuchs collection

    Emil Fuchs: Correspondence and papers comprising letters mostly written by Emil and Paula Fuchs in Vienna to their children  in Great Britain; also some copy documentation

  14. Irene White: papers relating to Eli Alkana and the Holocaust in Luckenwalde

    Readers should reserve a reading room terminal to access this digital contentThis collection consists of material relating to Eli Elkana (Georg Michelsohn), a Jewish poet and dentist from Dessau (now Saxony Anhalt), who was persecuted by the Nazis as early as 1932/33 for his opposing ideas and writings. He, his wife and his daughter managed to emigrate whilst other family members perished in the Holocaust.Personal papers Including Eli Elkana's manuscripts of 'Die Ritter von der weichen Birne' (1952) (1761/2) and 'Die Militär-Parade' (written as part of a letter to his daughter) (1761/1) as ...

  15. Edgar Duchin: working papers re refugees from Nazi Europe

    This collection of papers relating to the fate of refugees from Nazi Europe was part of the working papers of Edgar Duchin (formerly Duchinsky), a solicitor who worked on behalf of refugees. A number of organisations dealing with the problems of refugees are represented. The papers at -/5 which document his activities viz representing the interests of individual refugees and his presence on a number of committees involved in similar work are testament to his commitment to the cause of refugees.

  16. Suzanne Ullmann papers

    Reders need to reserve a reading room terminal to access this digital content.This collection comprises papers of the Ullmann family including correspondence received by Rudi and Lenke Ullmann in the UK from Lenke's mother Regina Brueck née Reisner, aka 'Lill Mama' (Little Grandma), 1939-1942 (with introduction and notes on individuals) 1878/1; poems by Regina Brueck, 1910-1940s, 1878/2; a long letter written by Regina Brueck to her daughter, Heddy, detailing the family's experiences in Budapest during the war, c1945, 1878/3; account by Suzanne Ullmann of life during the war in Budapest, 18...

  17. Ludwig Rosenberg collection

  18. Kurt Weinberg: Family and business papers

    This collection comprises the papers of the Weinberg family, cigar manufacturers of Werther, North Rhine-Westphalia : family correspondence mostly regarding emigration

  19. Martin Wreschner Correspondence

    This collection comprises the correspondence of Jewish-German refugee Martin Wreschner in Shanghai from his mother Greta and sister Mira in Berlin, Germany.