Edgar Duchin: working papers re refugees from Nazi Europe

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 70153
1 Jan 1938 - 31 Jan 1942
Level of Description
  • English
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

According to a letter to a Miss Margery Fry, 17 Dec 1940, in which he expresses gratitude that she will be on the Lindley Committee to examine the cases of 'Friendly Aliens' (1014/5/3), Duchin describes himself as having been working on refugee matters for 5 years and having been on various committees. He also states that he assisted Dorothy Buxton in the preparation of her book 'the Refugee and You'. At the request of Professor Leonard Woolf he prepared a memo on the subject of the International Advisory Committee of the Labour Party, which was widely circulated by Transport House. He was one of the Honorary Solicitors assisting the Jewish Refugees Committee and was in close contact with Norman Bentwich. In addition, according to the 1937/8 annual report of the Haldane Society, Duchin was a member of that organisation and chaired a sub-committee on the law relating to aliens for which he wrote a report (see -/3). After the war he became involved in the redistribution of property stolen by the nazis (-/6)

Archival History

The circumstances around the deposit are unknown.

Scope and Content

This collection of papers relating to the fate of refugees from Nazi Europe was part of the working papers of Edgar Duchin (formerly Duchinsky), a solicitor who worked on behalf of refugees. A number of organisations dealing with the problems of refugees are represented. The papers at -/5 which document his activities viz representing the interests of individual refugees and his presence on a number of committees involved in similar work are testament to his commitment to the cause of refugees.

System of Arrangement

The papers have been arranged chronologically by organisation. Additional sub-fonds include published reports (-/8) and miscellaneous papers (-/7).

Conditions Governing Access


Conditions Governing Reproduction

This material has been digitised. Readers should book a reading room terminal to access it.



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