Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,601 to 10,620 of 56,066
  1. Antisemitic Nazi propaganda leaflet mimicking a US silver certificate found by a US soldier

    Anti-Jewish and anti-Allied forces Nazi propaganda leaflet acquired by Charles E. Pugh while he served as a United States paratrooper in France during World War II. These leaflets were dropped from planes over Paris in late 1943, as part of a German propaganda campaign to raise suspicions against the United States and its part in the worldwide Jewish conspiracy which threatened the safety of France and all of Europe. The streets would appear to be littered with real dollar bills. Then, after picking one up, a person would discover that it was fake and see the information detailing how Jews ...

  2. Lea Sonnenschein papers

    Transcript of an interview and a manuscript documenting the experience of Lea Sonnenschein in Amsterdam, Westerbork transit camp, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Troebitz, Leipzig, Munser, Buchenwald, and Herenveen.

  3. Victor and Melinda Swiecicki papers

    Papers consist of a train ticket issued to Klara Perl and her son, Benjamin Perl Melinda (Swiecicki's step-father), for travel from Vienna to Trieste in Italy in October 1939. Also included in the papers are six photographic images of Franek Swiecicki (Victor Swiecicki's father) in the Polish Anders Army.

  4. Bidding farewell at New York harbor

    MS, SS Champlain ship (overexposed) at New York harbor. Pan, Jacoby family members, smiling as they bid farewell to Samuel, Marie, Willis, and Mark Jacoby on a trip to visit family in Biecz, Poland and other sites in Europe.

  5. German women involved in war effort; woman wearing Mother's Cross greets her son; German army in France; Warsaw Uprising; action on the Eastern Front

    Cameramen listed on screen: Ammer, Berna, Garms, Grigoleit, Groeninger, Jaeckisch, Kilian, Lempert, Mahla, Pahl, Ritter, Selbach, Stollsteimer, Zeiss. Close up on an announcement requiring both women and men to register with the employment office. Women in an office page through piles of registrations while the narrator says that women must now enroll in the total war effort. Women must fill positions so that men can be free to go to the front. Shots of women operating drill presses, working in an armaments factory, and being trained as streetcar conductors. Women serving in the police and ...

  6. Postwar devastation; opening of Nuremberg Trial; early Nazi party history, events, leaders

    Part 1 of ENGLISH language version [corresponds to NARA Reels 1 & 2] "Europe 1945" Panorama of war devastation: buildings and cities laid to waste, rubble, mother climbing out of trap door shelter with naked baby in arms, people in hunger and despair emerge from shelters, children running down steps, clambering for food, poverty, homeless people, begging for food, weeping woman. "Nuremberg 21 November 1945" EXT and INT Nuremberg Palace of Justice. CU, document announcing trial and listing the accused. Seating of International Military Tribunal. Chief US prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson pre...

  7. Electric power plant in Kalinindorf, Ukraine

    Russian intertitle. Interior scenes of the new electric power plant in the national Jewish region of Kalinindorf in southern Ukraine, organized by the Soviet organization OZET (Society for Settling Working Jews on the Land) and funded at least in part by the Agro-Joint. Workers check the machines. High angle shot of the station's interior.

  8. Nuremberg Trial proceedings; summation and verdict

    Part 4 of GERMAN language version [corresponds to NARA reels 7 & 8] Courtroom scenes, questioning various defendants, showing various views of the courtroom and trial proceedings. Questioning Jodl and von Ribbentrop. Prosecutor asks Goering: "Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?" Goering: "I already had said that not even approximately did I know to what degree this thing took place." Prosecutor: "You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy which aimed at the liquidation of the Jews?" Goering: "No, not liquidation ...

  9. Sadie Rigal Waren photograph collection

    Collection of 36 photographs pertaining to Sadie Rigal's experiences during World War II. Included in the collection are photographs of dancing scenes, dance practices, and a trip to Berlin to perform with Edith Piaf and Charles Trenet for French POWs.

  10. Esther Menaker photograph collection

    Collection of 11 photographic images depicting the donor's life after liberation, including her work in the Rosenheim displaced persons camp; her wedding to Ephraim Menaker, who she met on the ship "Exodus"; and a portrait of her parents taken after their release in 1953 from a Russian prison.

  11. Sightseeing in France: Paris & Versailles

    Title: "Streets of Paris. Cafes on the Champs-Elysees. Arc de Triomphe. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Place de la Concorde." Sightseeing in Paris, including street scenes, cafe with red tables and chairs, Arc de Triomphe, Eternal Flame for Unknown Soldier (WWI) with wreath and flowers, French police, Eiffel Tower, Place de la Concorde, statues, cars on Champs d'Elysee, and aerial views from the Eiffel Tower including the Seine. 01:09:36 Title: "Malmaisson. Home of Josephine." LS, palace and grounds with tourists. 01:09:56 Title: "Versailles. Its Beautiful Gardens and Fountains." Tourists vis...

  12. Abraham Breski testimony

    Contains six pages of translation (pages 5 and 6 are both numbered 5) of first hand account of Abraham Breski, who was a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The account documents Breski's experiences being deported from Pruzana, Poland to the Birkenau killing center in Poland in 1943.

  13. Visiting family and sights in Budapest

    In Budapest, street scenes, Kornhauser family (Marie's family) walking past shops, posing for camera. LS, city across Danube. Policeman on horse. More shots of the Kornhauser family.

  14. Twentieth Century Fox version, Reel 3: Anschluss; Munich Pact; Hitler speeches

    Reel 3 of the English language version of "The Nazi Plan" produced by Twentieth Century Fox with new graphics. Title: "1936." "Reoccupation of the Rhineland 7 March 1936." Newsreel footage and brief audio of troops marching into the Rhineland. Title: "Minister von Neurath expresses confidence all Germans will vote approval of Hitler's policies 29 March 1936." Von Neurath speaking. Hess, Frick, Goebbels vote and speak briefly. Title: "Address to Krupp Munitions Plant Workers 28 May 1936." Hitler speaking at podium. Shots of munitions workers. Title: "Eighth Party Congress 8 - 14 September 19...

  15. Ausstellung "Das Wunder des Lebens" Berlin 1935 Der Glasserne Mensch

    Contains a photographic postcard with image of the "glass man" model, with caption printed at bottom: "Ausstellung" Das Wunder des Lebens/Berlin 1935/Der Glasserne Mensch." Rectangular body constructed of paper; on recto, black and white photographic image of statue of human figure standing on metal circular platform with title of statue printed across bottom; on verso, handwritten text across top in pencil.

  16. Portrait of a US soldier by George Byfield, a former camp inmate, after liberation

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn518627
    • English
    • overall: Height: 22.125 inches (56.198 cm) | Width: 17.125 inches (43.498 cm) pictorial area: Height: 18.500 inches (46.99 cm) | Width: 13.500 inches (34.29 cm)

    Framed watercolor portrait made for Captain William Adams Bridgforth, United States 7th Army, by Gyorgy Beifeld (George Byfield), in Dachau concentration camp after liberation in exchange for a pack of cigarettes. Byfield had been an prisoner at the camp, which was liberated by the United States 7th Army on April 19, 1945. Byfield had been deported from Budapest to a concentration camp following the German occupation of Hungary in March 1944.

  17. Youth of the Netherlands! Waffen-SS recruitment text only poster that urges Dutch youth to help the Germans fight the Russians

    Waffen-SS recruitment poster issued in August 1941 in German controlled Netherlands asking young Dutch men to join the German Army in order to defend against the Jewish Bolshevik threat. Germany launched Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union, on June 22, 1941. This was their biggest military operation of the war and there was an increased need for soldiers throughout the Germany Army.

  18. Nazi crimes: early gassing; corpses; camp atrocities; forced labor; Nuremberg Trial proceedings

    Part 3 of GERMAN language version [corresponds to NARA reels 5 & 6] Includes extra shot of nurses and Mogilev gassing. Courtroom scene, Russian prosecutor Gen. Rudenko at podium, Gen. Erwin Lahousen in witness stand. Narrator quotes Lahousen speaking about Canaris and Hans Frank describing Nazi policies and methods for exterminating Poles and others. Goering, Hitler, and other Nazi officials in a meeting. Pan, hut with thatched roof. CU pipes from a German police car bearing a license plate POL-28545 and a German police truck with license POL-51628 (as well as military unit markings: 7 ...

  19. Arie and Rina Singer photograph collection

    Collection of 29 photographic images relating to experiences of Arie and Rina Singer and their families during the before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  20. Book