Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,641 to 9,660 of 56,066
  1. Donald Deane collection

    Consists of photographs documenting the Nordhausen concentration camp after liberation; taken by Donald Deane, while serving in the US Army during WWII, as a member of the 663rd Engineer Topographic Company; captions typed in English on verso. Sent by Deane to T.E. Rose (donor's grandfather), who was Deane's employer at the Connecticut State Board of Fisheries and Game.

  2. David Joseph Brill collection

    Collection of materials relating to David Joseph Brill (donor's father). Includes photographs taken in Erlangen, Germany, when David returned there in 1935 to convince his parents to immigrate; photographs taken in 1980 of David with the Bittners, a couple who assisted his parents after their arrest following Kristallnacht; a copy of a newspaper article about David's 1980 return trip to Erlangen; a letter from Alex Bauer to David Joseph Brill about Erlangen following the publication of the article, dated February 8, 1981; and a photographic print of a letter sent by Hans Weber, a hairdresse...

  3. John Scott collection

    Consists of documents, correspondence, loose photographs, photograph albums, and film related to the wartime and post-war experiences of John Scott. Includes correspondence, documents, and photographs related to his work with the Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC) and his experiences stationed in Frankfurt, Germany in 1962-1963 as a member of the intelligence service.

  4. Froehlich family collection

    Contains letters and telegrams from Artur and Frieda Froehlich in Cologne, Germany to their daughter Lilo in New York, relating primarily to immigration efforts. Also includes letters from Martin and Hertha Noah [Frieda's brother and sister-in-law], dated 1940-1941, and an album and single photographs of the Froehlich family from WWI until c. 1938 in Cologne, Germany.

  5. Loewy, Kohorn, and Messinger families papers

    Collection of documents and photographs that regarding the experiences of the Loewy, Kohorn, and Messinger families in Europe before and during the Holocaust; includes pre-war photographs and writings, and post-war documents and correspondence, identification papers, and materials relating to immigration and naturalization.

  6. Invasion of Poland

    Title: War Department Film Bulletin: Issue No. 48 Restricted. Title: Invasion of Poland in 1939 by the German Army. German footage of the invasion of Poland. Wide shot of German tanks massed in a field. Tanks roll across the field and down a dusty road. German soldiers riding the tanks smile at the camera. Shots of the port of Danzig. The narrator notes that this is where the fighting began, where "Nazi secret agents had long plotted the revolt against law and order." Germans fire at Polish loyalists holed up in the post office. They spray gasoline on the building and set it on fire. Well-k...

  7. WWI activities; excerpts from Hollywood feature films

    Intertitle: "America enters the fight for democracy!" General Pershing and officers meet. Map of France with animation. 01:03:30 Excerpts from two Hollywood feature films: "Sergeant York" (1941) and "Wings" (1925). Dramatized footage of troops fighting in WWI (some in slow motion). Newspaper headlines of NY Telegram: "War Ends"

  8. Americans fight in World War I

    Miscellaneous Film 50 / Signal Corps / U.S. Army. Reel 4. 01:27:12 "Behind the lines long range guns swell the storm of destruction" US artillery in fields, troops, firing with camouflaged vehicles, smoke rising in the distance. More weapons firing, equipment. 01:29:30 "The famous 75's in action at Le Cotes de Forinent, September 27, 1918" Men set off weapons, CUs. 01:30:24 "The tanks advance to do their bit" Views of tanks moving in the fields with soldiers nearby, smoke. 01:32:27 "Shelling an ammunition dump" Weapons fire. 01:33:04 "Every man on his toes - amid the roar of guns and whine ...

  9. Kurt Moser diary

    The Kurt Moser diary documents Moser’s experiences at the Château de la Hille in France (Ariège) and details his planning for escape to Spain and Portugal. The diary describes life at the castle, his attempts to escape to Switzerland, his capture and brief imprisonment, his work on a farm, efforts to find a guide to Portugal, his preparations for escape including obtaining travel documents, and his fears about deportation to Poland. It is believed that the last entry in the diary was made by Kurt’s friend Walter Kaniuk.

  10. World War I warfare

    Title: "1914/1918" World War I warfare. Troops in trenches. Horses and carriages. Cemetery with wooden cross-shaped grave markers.

  11. Lindley Pugh collection

    Consists of twelve photographs taken by Lindley Pugh after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp, including photographs of arrested German perpetrators, the aftermath of summary justice, and photographs of convoys of German civilians fleeing the front. Includes one photograph of Lindley Pugh outside his quarters near the Dachau camp and one photograph of soldiers enjoying a Bob Hope show. Also includes one DVD of Mr. Pugh speaking about his experiences to his granddaughters' middle school class.

  12. Eva Ostwalt papers

    The Eva Ostwalt papers contains documents and photographs relating to the personal life of Eva Ostwalt, a Jewish woman who was eventually imprisoned in Ravensbrück concentration camp during World War II. The photographs mainly consist of her family members, with many of Eva herself from both pre-war and her later years. The documents primarily relate to her time post-World War II, and include hospital notes, travel certificates, and identification materials. Other documents include correspondence, documentation concerning reparations, and other various affidavits and written statements. Al...

  13. Airship

    Views from INT airship. Aerial shots of rivers, countryside, lakes. 01:03:49 Group of boys looking out observation tower windows. More aerial views. Night scenes, lights. Car driving on highway (NJ 40 N). People gathered to greet airship landing in Lakehurst, NJ at Naval Air Center. Many wearing white caps, together holding a large metal pole. This may be one of the ten commercial transatlantic passenger flights of the LZ-129 Hindenburg Zeppelin taken in 1936. 01:06:37 Man with white cap (sailor?) waving to camera. 01:06:54 Group waving to camera, arms in the air. MS, Naval air center, INTs...

  14. Sami Djalilov papers

    The collection consists of a Red Army booklet issued to Sami Djalilov, originally of Leninabad in the former Soviet Union (present-day Khujand, Tajikastan). Sami kept the booklet with him throughout his Holocaust experience including his capture in 1944 near the Czech border, his transfer to the Auschwitz concentration camp, and a death march where he was liberated in Brescia, Italy. Also included is a 1946 photograph of Sami in Italy.

  15. Allied Control Commission meets; Artworks return to Louvre; War damage in the Ruhr

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 21 (part) Title: Allierte Kontrolkommission [Allied Control Commission]. Marshal Zhukov stands outside the Berlin building where the first conference of the Allied Control Commission will take place. Eisenhower arrives at the conference, then the French representative, and the British representative, General Montgomery. The narrator notes that the building where the conference will take place was once the home of the Nazi People's Court (Volksgerichthof). Shot of Allied flags. The four men pose in front of the building as the narrator says that the Control Commission...

  16. "Die Geschichte von Walter und Irmgard Stern"

    Contains one article entitled "Die Geschichte von Walter und Irmgard Stern," by Gerhard Heckelmann. In this article, Mr. Heckelmann describes making contact with the family of Walter and Irmgard Stern, who were originally from Mensfelden, Germany, part of a small Jewish community consisting of the villages of Dauborn, Heringen, Kirberg and Mensfelden. The article describes the Sterns' Holocaust experiences.

  17. De Gaulle's inspection tour; honoring heroes of Warsaw; V-2 rockets in Cuxhaven; Dachau orphans

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 25 (part) Title: Inspektionsreise General de Gaulles [General de Gaulle's inspection tour]. General de Gaulle tours the French occupied zone of Germany, beginning in Saarbruecken. The general rides in an open car and crowds line the streets. Many of those in the crowd wave French flags. De Gaulle greets French troops (some of them colonial troops) and inhabitants of Mainz. Shots of destroyed buildings in Mainz. His car drives past the Westwall fortifications. De Gaulle greets women dressed in ethnic costume. On the third day of his journey de Gaulle reaches the city ...

  18. Brodnitz family papers

    Consists of scanned, copied, and transcribed copies of diaries, notebooks, day planners, and miscellaneous papers related to Julius Brodnitz, the president of the Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens from 1920 to his death in 1936, and Julius's son Friedrich, who was a functionary in the Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden until he immigrated to the United States in 1937. Includes Julius Brodnitz's diaries from 1933-1936; Friedrich Brodnitz's notebooks from 1920 and 1933-1938; and correspondence with Jewish community leaders such as Leo Baeck.

  19. Uri Hirschmann papers

    The Uri Hirschmann papers include a photo album, travel pass, and Palestinian naturalization certificate documenting Hirschmann’s family in Frankfurt am Main before the war and his relocation to Palestine. Photographs depict Hirschmann’s family, their home, bar mitzvah and Purim celebrations, and Hirschmann at a Hachschara camp in Germany, and a Youth Aliyah camp and a kibbutz in Palestine.

  20. Veszprémi Érseki Levéltár, Veszprém Holocaust-era records from the Archives of the Archbishop of Veszprém, Hungary

    Primarily records of individuals seeking to convert to Catholicism, related correspondence among Church authorities, documentation of conversion, documents of name changes. Postwar administrative and political documents mainly related to adaptation to the new government and circumstances, for instance defending priests and defending church property.