Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,321 to 7,340 of 56,066
  1. Marvin Alishouse photograph

    Consists of one photograph of corpses being dumped from the bed of a train into a pile. The photograph was taken in a rural location, not in a concentration camp.

  2. Margot Schlesinger papers

    The collection includes documents, correspondence, and photographs related to Margot and Chaskiel Schlesinger, who were married in the Tarnow ghetto and survived together on Schindler's list. Includes correspondence between Margot and various members of her family, 1939-1946; a letter from the State Department sent to Edward Wind, of Chicago, dated 1940, regarding his efforts to assist with immigration of relatives from Europe; and photographs of the family in Europe and arriving in Chicago.

  3. Chana Meller documents

    This collection includes documents issued in Vienna, 1947, confirming that Chana Meller (b.1901 in Poland) was deported from Vienna to Minsk on 31 August 1942; a document, dated 28 February 1947, issued by the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, noting the date of her deportation and that there was no record of her return to Vienna; and a document issued by the Polizeidirektion Wien confirming that she had been registered as moving from her former residence in Vienna when she was deported to Minsk in 1942.

  4. Ernst Berl papers

    Correspondence, documents, printed articles, news clippings, documenting the experiences of chemical engineer Ernst Berl, following his removal from the faculty of the Technische Hochschule in Darmstadt, and his immigration to the United States in 1933. Included is correspondence with other emigre academics from Austria and Germany during the 1930s and 1940s, correspondence concerning attempts to help others immigrate from Austria and Germany and obtain academic positions in the United States, as well as materials documenting Berl's efforts to help persecuted Jews in Darmstadt with scholars...

  5. Stettner family papers

    This collection relates to the lives and emigration attempts of the Stettner family. As the family members were all born in different countries—Maximilian and his daughter Ilse in Czechoslovakia, Kathe in Austria, and Walter in Italy—they were under different refugee quotas and had different opportunities for immigration. The collection illuminates the hardships imposed by circumstances of birth and the difficulties each family member faced. The correspondence between the family members—in the United States, Trieste, the Netherlands, and Shanghai, is a highlight of the collection for resear...

  6. Illustration 8 from a handmade portfolio of illustrations by Herbert Heyne and Erich Kästner

    Book of illustrations sent by Herbert Heyne to Walter Furst. The book was a gift from Heyne to Furst and was written with Erich Kästner in 1945. It features color illustrations by Heyne and offers a comical and critical depiction of National Socialism and Nazi militarism.

  7. Rosa Plawner collection

    Collection of photographs depicting the Cymberknopf family before the war in Bedzin, Poland as well as photographs taken during the war or given during the war in the Bedzin ghetto. Includes an essay written by Rosa Cymberknopf (donor) in which she describes her feelings of desperation because of death of loved ones; a letter from Rosa to her friend Basia in Palestine asking for her assistance in finding her brother Majer Cymberknopf; a letter from Paul Herz in Amsterdam to Ruschka, whom he had met in the camps. Rosa Cymberknopf Plawner, daughter of Berek and Hana Rifka, born on November 3,...

  8. Ralph Hansen photographs

    Consists of seven photographs of the aftermath of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. The photographs, which depict emaciated survivors, corpses, and the burial of bodies, were taken by Ralph Hansen, a member of the 22nd Infantry regiment of the 4th Division of the United States Army.

  9. Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Sondergericht Warschau Prokuratura przy Sądzie Specjalnym w Warszawie (Sygn.1601/III)

    The collection contains selected investigative files of the Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Sondergericht Warschau (State Prosecutor of the Special Court Warsaw) relating to breaking the law during German occupation in Poland by Poles and Jews. Includes files concerning crimes such as illegal political activities, participation in resistance movements, administrative and official violations of the law, crossing country borders, anti-German declarations, listening to the radio, using force against Germans, possessing a weapon, bribery, an offence against regulations concerning foreign currency, d...

  10. Panoramic view of the Place de l'Concorde during Paris Exposition

    Scenes filmed from an automobile circling around the Place de la Concorde during the 1900 Paris Exposition. CUs, statues, La Madeleine in BG. Horses and buggies on the street. Panorama of the street and buildings. People stand. A packed wagon passes the archway entrance to the Paris Exposition. MS, young boy in a guard uniform. Carriages pass. Two men link arms and walk away. Young boy returns, smiles. Carriages and a man on a bicycle pass. Man in a hat walking.

  11. Shoshana Langerman collection

    The collection includes family photographs, a Palestine citizenship certificate for Shoshana’s parents, a brochure with a song written for the wedding of Georg and Gerda Kammerling, and correspondence, including a letter, in English, to Shoshana's parents.

  12. Print

    Print from a set of eight reproductions of lithographed drawings by Gheorghe Ceglokoff depicting scenes he witnessed in 1941 while a political prisoner in the Romanian concentration camp Târgu Jiu in Transnistria.

  13. Géza and Margarete Fisch family papers

    Documents, correspondence and photographs illustrating the experiences of Géza Fisch, his wife Margarethe Goetzl Fisch, their daughter Eva Johanna (donor), and son Heinz (Heinrich) as they fled Vienna, Austria in November 1938. Géza, born in Detta, Hungary, was unable to immigrate to the United States with his family, and went to Ecuador. His family immigrated to the U.S. and then in 1939, joined him in Ecuador, where they then remained.

  14. Print

    Print from a set of eight reproductions of lithographed drawings by Gheorghe Ceglokoff depicting scenes he witnessed in 1941 while a political prisoner in the Romanian concentration camp Târgu Jiu in Transnistria.

  15. Peçi family collection

    Consists of documents, photographs, and two photograph album from the collection of Louis Pechi, born Ljubomir Peçi in 1934, in Zagreb, Yugoslavia (now Croatia). Includes photographs of pre-war Yugoslavia, documents related to the family's escape and life in wartime Italy, and post-war photographs, correspondence, and documentation. Also includes photographs and documents related to family members from the Sidon and Tkalčíč families, including cousins who were killed in Jasenovac.

  16. Henry Hirschmann papers

    Consists of copies of swimming certification books and an Arbeitsbuch, issued between 1934-1936 to Heinz Hirschmann of Grossauheim, Germany. Also includes copies of typed and handwritten testimony and speeches written by Mr. Hirschmann about his childhood, arrest and imprisonment in Buchenwald, emigration to the United States, and experiences in the United States military during World War II.

  17. Selected records from the State Archives of Ancona

    This collection contains records relating to a census of the Jews, racial laws, Jewish businesses, publishing houses, and companies, refugees, and the Jewish community.

  18. Selected records from the State Archives in Gorzów Wielkopolski

    Contain selected records from files of the towns Brójce, Pszczew and Gorzów Wielkopolski, created during the pre-war period, as well as in the first years of WWII. The materials from 1933-39 refer to the election of the Jewish community (list of members of the community in Gorzów), religious schooling, holidays and Jewish graveyards. Records from the period after 1939 relate to anti-Jewish orders, as well as press cuttings and personal questionnaires related to Kennkarte (from the town of Pszczew).

  19. Isenberg family visits relatives in Gilserberg; cemetery; synagogue

    Man riding bicycle through town, past stacks of timber. Horse-drawn wagon. More logs and pan of houses. 01:16:00 "Jakob Stern" sign on a house [see notes about Stern family], men on wagon. Mailman closes door to truck. Man walks down street with a cane. Muddy trail in a field. 01:16:52 Cemetery - gravestones with Hebrew inscriptions - family names: Stern, Marx, Isenberg, Stahl. Family rides in a horse-drawn wagon in town. Jacob and Sophie Stern and family pose in front of the Stern house. Sigmund, Rosa, Julie, unknown women, and Isenberg family work on a farm. Sigmund leads oxen. 01:19:15 M...

  20. "My Story"

    Consists of one memoir, 55 pages, entitled "My Story," by Sol Graf (also known as Zoltan Grof or Shlomo Graf), originally of Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary. He describes pre-war life, the invasion of Hungary, being sent to the Moson ghetto and from there to the ghetto in Gyor. At the beginning of June, he was deported to Auschwitz and describes the selection process and being placed in the children's barrack in the so-called "Gypsy camp." He was transferred to Auschwitz I and later to the Sachsenhausen, Lieberose, and Mauthausen concentration camps. He was liberated from Gunskirchen in May 1945 a...