Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,181 to 7,200 of 56,066
  1. Files of the Żarki Commune Akta urzedu gminy Żarki (Sygn.125)

    This collection contains selected records related to everyday life of the Jewish community in the Żarki commune during the inter-war and war time period during WW II. Includes minutes of meetings of individual organs of communal authority, census, files concerning trade and craft, social welfare and the matters related to forced labor during the war. Selected materials also refer to the Polish society during the war as well as materials concerning mandatory quotas and forced labor.

  2. Tallit atarah

    Tallit atarah from the collection of the Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Commission [JCR]. This atarah was acquired in New York City, bearing a metal tag which states "JCR" in a star of David on one side and Hebrew initials in star of David on the other. The atarah was part of a large collection of Judaic "cultural treasures" that was "heirless" after the end of World War II, identified and distributed appropriately.

  3. Buchenwald liberation photographs collection

    Collection of eight prints of photographs taken after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Includes images of victims bodies found in the camp, a memorial erected in the camp in memory of the victims of Buchenwald, and an effigy of Hitler hanging in front of one of the barracks in the camp; some prints include inscriptions on verso. Photos brought home from the war by Sgt. Miller (first name unknown).

  4. Advertising poster for a Yiddish newspaper

    Poster designed by Aharon Hefter advertising subscriptions to Der Emes newspaper, a Yiddish paper published in Moscow.

  5. Poster, "Deliver us from evil" Buy War Bonds

    American WWII poster, "Deliver us from evil"/Buy War Bonds. Black and white photograph of a child's face superimposed on a swastika.

  6. Touring Germany

    In the mountains (Alps?). A man and a woman talk before a tree and look at the camera. Several young men smoke and pose for the camera at the foot of a ski slope. Guesthouse. Visiting the traditional frescoed facades of the Bavarian village Oberammergau and the Ettal Monastery. Pan across the mountain landscape and small towns below. Three men pose near the summit mount with their skis. People ski and ride in cable cars. Large church. 01:02:07 Pan and LS of an ice rink. A villager herds his sheep. Cut back to ice skating, mountains and people hiking. More aerial views, the ski slopes, and a...

  7. Hans (Jan) Löw collection

    Consists of enlargements, CD photographs, original negatives, copyprints, and original photographs of Hans "Jan" Löw, originally of Brno, Czechoslovakia. Prior to his 1936 emigration to England, Hans had previously edited a Revisionist Zionist publication in Prague and worked for Keren Tel Chai. Upon his arrival in London, Hans served as a secretary to Vladimir Jabotinsky in his office at 47 Finchley Rd. The office operated from 1936-1939.

  8. Blumberg family photographs

    Contains a photo album with images of activities and vacations with friends of Shlomo Baruch Blumberg (donor's father) who immigrated to Palestine in 1934 from Warsaw, Poland.

  9. Judith Weiszmann collection of stamps

    Contains postage stamps issued in Canada and Sweden in 2012, commemorating Raoul Wallenberg on the centenary of his birth. The graphic design of both stamps incorporate a "Schutzpass" that was issued to Judith Weiszmann, nee Kopstein, in Budapest in 1944. Included are postage stamps, first day covers, and souvenir sheets; as well as copies of news articles about Weiszmann and the issue of the Canadian postage stamp, that appeared in publications in Canada, Germany, and Hungary.

  10. Harland Schuler copyprints

    Consists of two copyprints of photographs of corpses at the Buchenwald concentration camp. The original photographs were taken by Harland Schuler, who was a member of the Third Army and participated in the liberation of the camp.

  11. Frank Elkins collection

    Contains a booklet entitled "These 21," written by Allan Dreyfuss and published by Stars and Stripes, based on Dreyfuss's assigned coverage of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in December 1945. Each of the 21 Nazi defendants' positions within the Third Reich is detailed as well as the crimes of which they are accused. The defendant’s original signatures are taped in the booklet in the chapter in which they are included by Frank Elkins, a United States military police officer who worked at the IMT. Also included are two handwritten notes, from defendants Fritz Sauckel and Han...

  12. Frieder family in Manila

    Jane Frieder swims in a pool, probably in Manila (note servant in white and plant vegetation in next shot), while Peggy floats in an inner tube. Jane practices diving. Scenes of life in the Philippines. 00:03:34 Housekeeper wearing white walks Peggy down the stairs. Jane and Peggy pose for the camera outside in the garden of their family estate. 00:03:56 Jane and Peggy swim in a pool, large cargo ships are visible in the distance. 00:04:42 INT, dark shots of a nanny helping the girls with their meal. 00:05:22 Jane and Peggy pose in white linen outfits at the Frieder family's Manila villa. 0...

  13. Selected records from the State Archive of Ferrara

    This collection contains records from the Police in Ferrara and Prefecture Cabinet Series of Ferrara relating to personal files of Jews, questionnaire on the status of Jews in the province of Ferrara, racial laws, arrests of Jews, Jewish property and Jewish schools, and discrimination against Jewish residents.

  14. Tela Zasloff research collection related to Pastor Pierre-Charles Toureille

    Consists of notes, photocopies, photographs, interview transcripts, book excerpts, and other research material created and collected by Tela Zasloff for the preparation of her book, "A Rescuer's Story: Pastor Pierre-Charles Toureille in Vichy France." Includes correspondence and interviews with those who knew Toureille; copies of documents from the World Council of Churches in Geneva; photographs of the places he lived and worked; copies of his articles and sermons; minutes of the Committee of Nimes; and correspondence regarding his recognition as Righteous Among the Nations.

  15. Jozefine Markstein and Georg Spitz papers

    Photographs and correspondence concerning the experiences of Jozefine Markstein and George Spitz (donor’s parents). Includes correspondence from American soldiers, Don Reagan and Sergeant Cletus King, to Jozefine’s relatives stating she had survived, as well as photographic prints of the wedding of Jozefine and Georg in 1940 and a postwar image of Jozefine with her son John (donor) in 1946. Also included are portrait photographs of Jozefine taken before her 1944 deportation. Jozefine survived multiple camps and reunited with George after World War II.

  16. Newspaper announcing the death of President Roosevelt

    Consists of the front page of the Philadelphia edition of the "Jewish Daily Forward" from April 13, 1945, announcing the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

  17. Maria Madi diaries

    Consists of seventeen bound volumes containing diaries written by Dr. Maria Madi, a non-Jewish female physician living in Budapest, Hungary, between December 1941 and September 1945. In the diaries, which are handwritten in English, Dr. Madi describes what she is hearing about the war, about propaganda in Hungary, and about missing her daughter, who immigrated to the United States in 1939 and started a family. After the German invasion of Hungary in March 1944, Dr. Madi describes constant air raids, intense deprivation, and what she knows and sees of the ongoing persecutions against Jews. S...

  18. Abraham Bohrer photograph album

    Contains a WWII photo album from the US Army 45th Signal Corps.

  19. Oral history interview with Helen Mincberg and Ann Beckerman

  20. Izak Fridman biography

    The Izak Fridman biography is an internet printout, in Hebrew, about Izak Fridman, originally of Włodawa, Poland. Fridman was born in 1925 and served as a partisan during the Holocaust. He died in 1948 during the Israeli War of Independence. The biography includes wartime photographs and copies of postcards.