Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,181 to 4,200 of 56,066
  1. Textile factory, family, daily life in Jihlava; horse race in Austria

    Title: “Iglau August 1931 und 1932” WH logo. Swimming. Citrus trees, kitten. 01:01:13 Elderly man in doorway of family factory in Jihlava [Iglau], Czechoslovakia. “August 1933” Weekly market in Jihlava. Large group of Hausner family members pose for camera, including Ferdinand, his wife Wilhelmina, sister Julie, son Franz, and father Salomon with cane. 01:04:43 LS, factory. 01:05:07 “Prag” Statue on the Charles Bridge, CUs of Wilhelmina. Street scenes with traffic and shops, cobbled streets. Tower with clock in the distance. Street sign for “Karlovy Vary” and shop “Stoklasa” with pedestrian...

  2. Harry Oberyant collection

    Collection of letters from 1943-1945 documenting the experiences of Harry Oberyant, who served in the US Army during WWII.

  3. Oral history interview with Peter Kadar

  4. Oral history interview with Hanna Dahlgren

  5. Advertisement for Pető lottery shop

    Hungarian titles throughout. Lottery prize winners selected. INTs, men seated at a table, talking. “A huzás vezetője engedélyt ad a huzás megkezdésére.” Man in a suit removes tag from a wheel. “Összekeverik a szerencsekerékben levő számokat.” Spinning wheel. “Kezdődik…A húzásnál két árvalány segédkezik.” Two girls make the pulls and pass the papers to the men at the table. “Minden számot és nyereményt hangosan kikiáltanak.” Men review the notes and prepare to announce the winners. Seated crowd. “A napilapok tudósítói lázasan úják a 'gyorslistát'.” Women (newspaper correspondents) record the...

  6. Manfred Haber family papers

    The collection consists of biographical material and correspondence documenting the Holocaust-era experiences of Manfred Haber (later Fred Haber) originally of Vienna, Austria, his parents Dora and Raphael Haber, and sister Gertrude Haber. The bulk of the collection consists of letters sent to Manfred and Gertrude, who immigrated to the United States in 1939, from their parents in Vienna, Antwerp, and several concentration camps; and letters exchanged between Manfred and Gertrude while he was serving with the United States Army from 1943-1946. Biographical material includes Manfred’s birth ...

  7. Max and Dorothy Folk papers

    The collection documents the post-war experiences of Max and Dorothy Folk, both of whom survived the Holocaust and married in Landsberg am Lech, Germany after the war. The collection primarily consists of biographical and identification papers from Landsberg, documents regarding their respective Holocaust experiences, papers related to their immigration to the United States in 1950, and restitution paperwork. Biographical material primarily documents the Max and Dorothy’s post-war lives as refugees in the Landsberg am Lech DP camp area. Papers of Max include identification cards; documents ...

  8. Records of the New Israelite Congregation, Uruguay (Nueva Congregación Israelita)

    Copies of La voz newspaper, minutes of meetings of the General Assembly, minutes of the Board of Directors and assembly of representatives, correspondence, and marriage registrations.

  9. Prewar leisure activities in Szeged

    Kodak Safety Film logo. Title card: “Most Ugrik A Majom A Vizbe - és más bohóságok”. More titles in Hungarian throughout the reel, some humorous, some identifying individual people, presumably appearing in the following sequences. Man plays tennis. He sits in a dimly lit room, speaking. Large sports field, spectators gather in the stands. Man dives in water. 01:55 Pető checks the water temperature. Reverse shots. Filming from behind the steering wheel in a moving vehicle. Nice close shots of seated spectators. Soccer team. Men boating and fishing. Farmers moving bales of hay with horse-draw...

  10. Trims; outtakes from Jonny's Gang comedy film

    Reel contains quick, unrelated trims and cuts filmed by Walter Hausner. WH logo (reversed). Side view of man in dark sweater vest, observing the tennis game from above. VAR quick cuts of athletes in the tennis match. Side/close view of woman, with athletes and court in BG. More shots of the spectators, some smoking. Two athletes walk up the stands towards the camera. Soccer team, playing and posing for the camera. The Hausner friends ski outdoors in winter. Czech troops in uniform with weapons parade the streets in Prague, spectators with umbrellas, shop signs, cobbled streets/tram lines. A...

  11. Aaron Finger papers

    The collection primarily documents the wartime experiences of Aaron Finger, originally of Toronto, Canada, who trained at Camp Ritchie and was in Germany from 1945-1946. Included is an identification card, letter of commendation, a small amount of correspondence, photographs, and a photograph album. Also included are a small amount of documents and photographs related to the family of his wife, Henrietta Finger (née Treister). The Aaron Finger documents include an identification card, a 1946 letter of commendation, a postcard inscribed in Yiddish to the Finger family in Toronto, and a 1991 ...

  12. Part 2 of short film about Eva and György; honeymoon in Budapest

    Opening title card in Hungarian handwriting (too dark to read). “Egy Ember tragédiája 2 felvonításban.” “II. rész.” “Nászút: Budapest.” Eva and Győrgy travel to Budapest on their honeymoon. “Kirándulás a Gellért Hegyre esa Hárshegyre” Eva walks up a flight of stairs, establishing shots of Budapest, then Győrgy and two others walk around a park, steamship, and what seems to be an excavation site. “Emléklap Átosok.” Men do some work at the site. “Önkéntes munkaszolgálat.” Győrgy and the two friends also begin to work, shoveling dirt. They get into a car. “Margitsziget. (Palatinus.).” Flowers....

  13. Oral history interview with Hans Baruch

  14. Sol and Sylvia Horwitz visit family in Bessarabia, 1936

    In 1936, Sol and Sylvia Horwitz traveled to their hometowns in Bessarabia and visited Paris, Berlin, Romania (Chernovitz, Falesht, Beltz, Tulcea, Ismail), and Vienna. They documented their journey on 8mm film and each kept a travel log, in which Sol discussed his growing anxiety and concern over the current state of his homeland, while Sylvia described the townspeople and their cultural customs. Sylvia returned to NY on July 6, 1936, sailing on the SS Queen Mary from Cherbourg, France. Sol stayed in Vienna for medical training and arrived separately in NY on November 2, 1936. 0:00 Bustling ...

  15. Geclewicz family photographs

    Contains approximately 69 postwar photographs brought by parents Anna (nee Charlotte Gersten) and Daniel (Gedalia) Geclewicz (later Geslewitz) from Lüneburg, Germany, depicting displaced persons in and around the town.