Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 401 to 420 of 56,066
  1. Patrick Verwerft. Collection

    This collection contains: documents of Michel Van West and his family, detained at the Dossin barracks and deported via Transport XXIV ; documents of René Basch, detained at and released from the Dossin barracks, and of his wife Elsa Verhoeven ; a statement on behalf of Max Kirschen confirming his release from the Dossin barracks ; Rose Goldine 's payment slip proving her membership of the Association of Jews in Belgium ; certificate exempting Charles Sternberg from wearing the yellow star ; order addressed to Laure Nejman-Reich to report to the Sipo-SD headquarters in Brussels ; one worn y...

  2. Fischler-Hollander family. Collection

    This collection contains: 177 postcards sent by family members and friends from Antwerp to Abraham Fischler in Portugal in 1940-1941; documents regarding Abraham Fischler’s stay in Portugal and Cuba, including visa; a postcard sent in May 1945 by Abraham Fischler while in Cuba to his parents’ house in Antwerp, unaware of their deportation; post-war correspondence between Abraham Fischler in Cuba and family members and neighbours in Antwerp regarding the fate of Abraham’s parents Mojzesz Fischler and Serka Hollander and his siblings Sonia Laja, Hudes, Beila Ruchla, Munisz and Jozef Fischler;...

  3. Ines Jacobsohn. Collection

    This collection consists of: one photo of Ines Jacobsohn, deported from Drancy to Auschwitz-Birkenau via Transport 31 on 11 September 1942 ; letters and postcards written by Ines Jacobsohn during her internment at Rivesaltes to her mother and siblings in France and Switzerland ; postcard thrown out of the deportation train by Ines Jacobsohn ; a letter from the Aude prefecture confirming the deportation of Ines Jacobsohn.

  4. Henrotte-Balay family. Collection

    This collection contains : a declaration signed by Emile Dernivoy regarding the resistance activities of Hubert Henrotte and Emma Balay ; certificates of civil resistance awarded to Hubert Henrotte and Emma Balay by the Kingdom of Belgium ; a class picture of the fourth grade at the Bressoux communal school in 1936-1937, with among the pupils Louise Henrotte and five identified Jewish girls, including Estera Chana (Anna) Szlamowicz.

  5. Guy Francès. Collection

    In this interview Guy Elie Francès talks about: the migration of the Frances family from Greece to Belgium via the Netherlands ; his childhood in Brussels ; daily life at the family home in the Jewish neighbourhood of Saint-Gilles, Brussels ; his family’s escape during the anti-Jewish raid on Brussels in the night of 3 on 4 September 1942 ; hiding in Liège ; family life after the Liberation.

  6. Jesode Hatora and Beth Jacob school, Antwerp. Collection

    This collection contains prewar, wartime and postwar parts of the administrative archive of the Jesode Hatora and Beth Jacob school in Antwerp. KD_00037_0001 : General documents regarding expenses and teaching staff, letters with blessings by Isaac Herzog, chief rabbi of Israel, and Eliezer Silver, rabbi of Ohio, promotional leaflets, speeches and magazines of the parent association and the pupils. KD_00037_0002 : Attendance lists of the teachers, 1934-1966 KD_00037_0003 : Attendance lists of the pupils, 1941-1983 KD_00037_0004 : Student count based on the municipal register, 1936-1960 KD_0...

  7. Miscellaneous documents collected to create the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance. Collection

    This collection consists of work copies of miscellaneous documents on the Holocaust in general and the Belgian case in particular, stored in dozens of institutes worldwide. The copies were entrusted to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance in 1994-1996, in order to create its permanent exhibition.

  8. Research by David Inowlocki on hidden children and their rescuers in Belgium. Collection

    This collection consists of 57 research files. Every file was carefully composed by David Inowlocki during his presidency of the Hidden Children Association Belgium (L’Enfant Caché). The files revolve around a hidden child or a rescuer, and contain photocopied documents and proposals in order to request Yad Vashem to award a rescuer the title of Righteous among the Nations.

  9. Jacky Barkan. Collection

    This collection contains six articles from Belgian newspapers Het Volk, Het Nieuwsblad and De Gentenaar, covering the story of Jacky Barkan, a hidden child, in search for the De Meulemeester family that hid him in Sint-Kruis-Brugge. During his search, Jacky also discovered that Gabriel and Edouard Zimmerman and Henri Schlamowitsch were hidden by other members of the De Meulemeester family, living in Brussels.

  10. Goldberg-Goldberg family. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war and wartime pictures of Sarah Goldberg’s family, and a group photo of repatriated female Auschwitz survivors ; a testimony written post-war by Sarah Goldberg, documenting her experiences in the concentration camps ; documents regarding the wartime and post-war life of the family of Jacques Goldberg, future husband of Sarah Goldberg, in hiding as the Goffin family, including several fake Belgian IDs ; propaganda leaflets ; three worn yellow stars ; photocopy of a letter sent by Sarah Goldberg and her fiancée Henri Wajnberg after their arrest to Henri’s famil...

  11. Sara Weis-ova. Collection

    This collection contains two photographs showing Sara Weis-ova and young Gilbert Furcage outside in a park in Antwerp in 1941. Also in this collection is the book entitled "The mysterious Dossin Barracks in Mechlin - The Deportation Camp of the Jews" written by Jos, and a picture of the Dossin Barracks' front door used as the front cover of the aforementioned book.

  12. Silberberg-Litmanowicz family. Collection

    This collection is highlighted by a prisoner uniform jacket from Auschwitz, stitched together by Benjamin Silberberg, a survivor of the camp, from original fabric swatches sourced from various Auschwitz camp uniforms collected when he went back to the camp after the war. Notably, one of these (unclear if original) swatches bears the prisoner number 133427, belonging to Jacques Chil Raffeld, a deportee from the Dossin barracks who endured internment at Auschwitz and Jaworzno before being repatriated to Belgium in 1945. Also included in the collection are three prints of Benjamin Silberberg's...

  13. Gert (Gerhard) Lilienthal. Collection

    KD_00059_0001 : Judaica concerning Jewish emancipation and the German liberal revolution of 1848 ; remains of the looted collection of Berlin banker dr. Heinz Lilienthal, father of the donor. KD_00059_0002 : Prewar Lilienthal family documents, including vaccination certificates, birth certificates, marriage certificates, documents related to dr. Heinz Lilienthal’s business, a household inventory and household budget. KD_00059_0003 : Wartime Lilienthal family documents, including three letters sent from the Dossin barracks by Hilda Kirschstein and Minni Marie Fabian, mother and maternal gran...

  14. Liwszyc-Jagolkowska family. Collection

    This collection contains: two pieces of yellow cloth containing each three Belgian stars of David which were never cut from the fabric or worn ; two letters sent by relatives to Rachel Carolina Liwszyc while she was in hiding as Lina Pasqual ; a report on the history of the Liwszyc- Jagolkowska family written during the procedure to recognize rescuer Jeanne Periphanos as Righteous among the Nations ; the diploma of Righteous issued to Jeanne Periphanos in 2007 ; a letter signed by Yad Vashem confirming that the title of Righteous among the Nations was issued to Jeanne Periphanos ; a photo o...

  15. Tertaas-Huijsman family. Collection

    This collection contains: photos from the album of the Tertaas-Huijsman family, including photos of Hartog Tertaas and his wife Clara Huijsman (Huysman), of their daughters Rebecca and Jacomina Tertaas, of Rebecca Tertaas's husband Francois Verachtert and of their son Jozef Verachtert ; a congratulatory letter from the city of Antwerp to Rebecca Tertaas and Francois Verachtert on the occasion of their marriage

  16. De Ceulaer-Margulies family. Collection

    This collection consists of two photos of the four De Ceulaer-Margulies family members, posing in group in their living room and in the garden.

  17. Sosna-Trzcinka family. Collection

    This collection contains: eleven pre-war photos of the Sosna-Trzcinka family, including group photos, photos taken during outings in Liège and photos taken while on vacation ; two pre-war work permits issued to Raca alias Rosa Sosna, 1938-1939 ; a war-time postcard sent to Marie Louise Dufour which was the false identity of Raca alias Rosa Sosna while in hiding, 1943 ; a post-war postcard to Raca alias Rosa Sosna from Henry and Jacques (unidentified), 1945 ; a search request concerning Tobias Sosna filled out by Raca alias Rosa Sosna and sent to the Belgian Red Cross, 1944 ; four forms sign...

  18. Registries of Jewish retirement home Scheut. Collection

    This collection contains digital copies of two registries used to monitor the number of residents at the Jewish retirement home Scheut in Anderlecht. The institution housed 490 Jewish elderly men and women from September 1943 until December 1944. Each page contains four names and bibliographical information : name, date of birth, place of birth, profession, nationality, information on the spouse, date of arrival at Scheut and date of departure. The registries sometimes also refer to the way of arrival or departure of a person.

  19. Lili Nahmias. Collection

    This collection contains one letter written by Lili Nahmias while detained at the Dossin barracks in May 1944 and sent to her parents at the Jewish elderly home Scheut in Anderlecht ; one note written by Lili Nahmias and thrown out of deportation transport XXV en route to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

  20. Weissblum-Wachspress family

    This collection contains: a wartime photo of spouses David Weissblum and Giza Wachspress ; a wartime photo of Giza Wachspress ; a wartime photo of Giza Wachspress and her son Simon Weissblum ; two wartime photos of Simon Weissblum as a baby and as a toddler ; a wartime photo of Simon Weissblum with his rescuer misses Ecran-Petri ; two post-war photos of the Weissblum-Wachspress family.