Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 381 to 400 of 55,888
  1. Henri Oerlemans. Collection

    This collection contains ten paint containers, a paint brush, a book on world history and a sticker book which belonged to Sylvain Honigwachs, a chess board and chess pieces which belonged to Mala (Malka) Zimetbaum and two statues (named Sylvain and Myriam) created by Henri Oerlemans. After winning a number of prizes and exhibiting his art work in several different places, Henri decided to stay a free artist. Thus inspired by his heart and his emotions, sculptures such as Myriam and Sylvain were born, both Jewish friends of his. She was a skinny, fragile, sweet girl. Henri pictured her as h...

  2. Leentje De Metz. Collection

    This collection contains one membership card of the “Association des Anciens Détenus de Malines” (Organization of previous prisoners of Mechelen (Malines)) mentioning the arrest and release of Leentje De Metz, and two false identity cards of Leentje De Metz with stamps placed on them. Only one of the two identity cards has the filled in false information.

  3. Jenny Birnbaum. Collection

    This collection contains: a portrait photo of Jenny Birnbaum, 1944 ; an order from the Kreiskommandantur in Nivelles to misses Lemarchand in Genval to present herself at their office regarding her foster child Jenny Birnbaum, 1944 ; two drawings created by Jenny Birnbaum in Auschwitz, 1944 ; a letter written by Jenny Birnbaum to her family after her liberation at Kaufering Lager XI, 1945 ; a telegram sent by Jenny Birnbaum to the Lemarchand family in Genval announcing her repatriation, 1945 ; an allied expeditionary force displaced person index card issued to Jenny Birnbaum, 1945 ; a little...

  4. Kichelmacher-Edel family. Collection

    This collection contains: seventy-seven photos of the Edel and Kichelmacher families & friends (e.g. Peretz family), seven photos of the second pilgrimage to the Dossin Barracks, three documents from La Source in Basel, two marriage certificates of of Berthe (Bella) Edel and Moszek Icek (Isaac) Kichelmacher, one name change certificate for Isaac Kichelmacher to Isaac Kay, one prisoner repatriation card, one work permit, one identity card, one travel document, three immigration cards, one passport, two identity certificates, two citizenship certificates and one driving permit.

  5. Research by Florence Matteazzi on the role of clergy from the Liège diocese in hiding Jews. Collection

    This collection consists of 82 files created by Florence Matteazzi while researching clergymen in the Liège diocese and their attitude towards helping Jews during the Holocaust. These files include: administrative files with correspondence with private and public archives or archival holders and witnesses, index cards with biographical notes and draft elements of the final dissertation ; bibliographical files with photocopies of literature on oral history, the psychological analyses of testimonies by hidden children, the position of the catholic church during the Second World War, conversio...

  6. Files compiled by Renée Grabiner as a member of the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II)

    This collections contains: 0001 - Administrative documents regarding Renée Grabiner’s work for the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II) 0002 - Preparatory documents for the annual reports, 2002-2006 0003 - Preparatory documents for the final report, 2007 0004 - Dossiers per meeting (111 files) of the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II). Each file contains one or multiple of the following elements: the meeting invitation, the report of the previous meeting (including a summary of the decisions regarding the claims discussed both in...

  7. Jacques Raffeld. Collection

    This collection contains : a label from a can filled with the carrier of the poisonous gas Zyklon-B used in the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers ; a cap which was part of a uniform worn by an unidentified concentration camp inmate ; four objects from Auschwitz-Birkenau and Treblinka, related to the mass murder of Jews and other prisoners at both camps, recuperated by Icek Chil alias Jacques Raffeld during post-war visits to the former camp sites.

  8. Tertaas-Huijsman family. Collection

    This collection contains: photos from the album of the Tertaas-Huijsman family, including photos of Hartog Tertaas and his wife Clara Huijsman (Huysman), of their daughters Rebecca and Jacomina Tertaas, of Rebecca Tertaas's husband Francois Verachtert and of their son Jozef Verachtert ; a congratulatory letter from the city of Antwerp to Rebecca Tertaas and Francois Verachtert on the occasion of their marriage

  9. Charles Benedictus. Collection

    This collection contains: the birth certificate of Esther Benedictus (paternal grandmother of Charles Benedictus), 1840 ; a municipal certificate issued to Samson and Esther Benedictus (paternal grandparents of Charles Benedictus), 1868 ; the wedding booklet of Samson and Esther Benedictus, 1868 ; a Dutch passport issued to Esther Benedictus, 1918 ; pre-war promotional material for cigar factory Primus inter Pares, owned by the Benedictus family, including a deck of cards, a brochure and a catalogue ; a collage of the I. [Isaac] Benedictus - Primus inter Pares brand cigar bands ; a municipa...

  10. Kutnowski-Kupferminc family. Collection

    This collection contains: one copy of the ruling of the Brussels Military Court of 5 December 1950 on Max Boden, one handwritten Hebrew letter, one written letter to “grandpa”, five extracts/attestations from the population registers of Anderlecht, Saint-Gilles and Brussels for Kutnowski and Kupferminc family members and two inscription certificates of Jankiel Kutnowski in both the population register of Schaarbeek and Charleroi, nine photos showing Aron Kupferminc, Anna Chana Kupferminc, Schlomo Kutnowski, Hersz Kutnowski and Jankiel Kutnowski, twelve attests of deportation or death concer...

  11. Mandler-Handl family. Collection

    This collection contains : a leather tool bag and a red adjustable wrench, brought by Fritz Mandler from Vienna to Belgium in 1938 and used by him while detained at the Dossin barracks where he was appointed head of the Hofarbeiter (Jewish maintenance workers) in 1943 ; fifteen photos, including a pre-war photo of Fritz Mandler participating in a motorcycle race in Austria, a photo of Fritz Mandler handling heavy machinery at the Marneffe refugee centre, photos of Heinz alias Henri Mandler with the Dehaen family which hid him in Courcelles, a photo of Fritz Mandler taken during a visit to h...

  12. Zeliesnikas-Wagman family

    This collection contains: photos of Leib (also Leiba) alias Leon Zeliesnikas (also Zelieznikas), Rifka alias Regine Wagman and their daughter Marie Zeliesnikas ; photos of relatives such as Sara Wagman, Fajga Rajzel Wagman, her husband Szlama Gelbart and their son Karl alias Charles Gelbart, Ruchla Wagman and her son Maurice Hendlisz, Moise Wagman, and David and Nina Wagman (children of Ber Wagman) ; school pictures of Marie Zeliesnikas and her class mates ; pictures of Marie Zeliesnikas and her rescuers, including Mariette De Win ; a letter written by Leib Zeliesnikas and Rifka Wagman whil...

  13. Chaim (Max) Flaksbaum. Collection

    This collection contains a card to Tony Samuel's great uncle, Harry Karet (1906-1999), sent by Chaim (Max) Flaksbaum. The card conveys Jewish New Year's greetings. "I am blessing you and your family with G'mar Chatimah Tovah (literal translation: 'a good final sealing') - said at Yom Kippur, referring to the Book of Life) May God give you a year of life, blessing and success, wealth and honor," the message (in Hebrew) says. In 1938, 14 September marked the Jewish New Year. However, Yom Kippur occurred on 5 October. This card's message may be a little late in some ways, but there may be good...

  14. Szwergold-Elfenbein family. Collection

    This collection contains two false identity cards of Maurice Szwergold and 571 photographs of the Szwergold and Elfenbein-Matuzewitz families both pre-war and post-war. The photos show portraits, garden and park scenes as well as vacation photos at the beach and coast, in Israel, in the Ardennes, in Szwitzerland on weight gain camp and other places. The photos portray, among others: Marcelle Elfenbein, Joseph Elfenbein, Sarah Matuzewitz, Fanny Matuzewitz, Gilel Elfenbein, Gabriel Matuzewitz, Gitel Bleier, Maurice Szwergold, Aaron Szwergold, Cecile (Cyrla) Szwergold, Leah Goldman and Leon (E...

  15. Cohen-de Vries family. Collection

    This collection contains: eight pre-war photos of Hersch Mozes Cohen, his wife Alida de Vries and their son Maurice Cohen, taken during two separate vacations, including a trip to the seaside ; a photo of Emile Huber, Albine Vanryckegem and their daughter Angèle, neighbours of the Cohen-de Vries family, 1944 ; two photos of Frank Huber, neighbour of the Cohen-de Vries family and a member of the Witte Brigade [White Brigade] armed resistance movement, 1944 ; an embroidered table cloth entrusted by the Cohen-de Vries family to the Huber-Vanryckegem family before their attempt to flee or go in...

  16. Feder-Rubner family. Collection

    This collection contains three photographs featuring the Feder family alongside Mrs. van Bergen, providing visual glimpses into their shared experiences. Within the collection are also five letters written by Eva Rubner and Abraham Feder during their periods of captivity. These poignant correspondences, penned while Eva was confined requesting a parcel in the Dossin Barracks and Abraham in Boulogne-sur-Mer and Isques, offer insights into their resilience and enduring bond, them being addressed to Mrs. Van Bergen and Jacques David Feder. Additionally, the collection encompasses significant d...

  17. Lies Vernimmen. Collection

    This collection contains two stamps showing two different anti-Semitic caricatures designed by illustrator Carlo Deliën, who went by the pseudonyms Olrac and Heraus.

  18. Estera Laja Rozenberg. Collection

    This collection contains two group pictures of Estera Laja alias Ida Rozenberg and her friends of the Zionist youth movement Gordonia during field trips.

  19. Max Schindler. Collection

    In the interview Max Schindler describes : fleeing from Leipzig (Germany) to Antwerp (Belgium) in 1939 with his parents Adolf alias Abraham Schindler and Jetty Kern, his life in Antwerp and Brussels during the war, his family's forced relocation to Alken (Limburg) in 1941, the fate of his cousins Manfred (Manny) and Max (Bubi) Hausmann who were able to reach Venezuela, and his post-war life.

  20. Research by Jean-Paul Denis on the municipality of Jette. Collection

    This collection consists of four folders containing copies of historical documents on the persecution of the Jewish community and on the resistance in Jette. The documents include copies of items from the municipal archives of Jette, the Jewish Museum of Belgium, the Archives Service for War Victims, the State Archives of Belgium and Kazerne Dossin as well as information obtained by Jean-Paul Denis from family members of resistance fighters.