Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 381 to 400 of 56,066
  1. Diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia to Kelman Charles Mincberg. Collection

    A diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia, represented by Baron O. de Bogaerde, Minister Plenipotentiary, to Kelman Charles Mincberg, granting him diplomatic immunity and allowing them to travel to Spain and Portugal.

  2. Rachel Souritz. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war photos of the Souritz-Grabowetzki family, including photos of the deported Abraham Echiel Souritz and his children Willy and Paulette ; pre-war photos of the family of Mozes alias Max Blumberg, second husband of Jeanne Grabowetzki, widow of Abraham Echiel Souritz ; war-time photos of Rachel Souritz' son Albert Souritz, taken while the child was in hiding in Mechelen ; post-war photos of Max Blumberg and Jeanne Grabowetzki ; a wartime school report of Paulette Souritz ; documents on the deportation of Abraham Echiel, Willy and Paulette Souritz and on the rep...

  3. Sokolski-Gruszka family. Collection

    This collection consists of photos of Adolphe Sokolski, his wife Sosia Gruszka and their three daughters Jacqueline, Arlette and Francine, as well as newspaper clippings regarding the 70th anniversary of the anti-Jewish raid in Douai and Lens, France (11 September 1942), during which the family was arrested.

  4. Calixte Vandevelde. Collection

    This collection contains: two photos of Calixte Vandevelde ; a number of items recuperated from the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) in the weeks following Liberation in September 1944, including two dice, a purse belonging to Jewish secretary Benita Hirschfeld, an empty parcel box imprinted “Brunita margarine”, a children’s book entitled “De speeldoos van Langelot”, a shoe with wooden sole and 37 tin buttons fabricated in the camp workshops, the pocket watch of the deported Leon Brener with a piece of cloth with a handwritten text in Yiddish tucked inside, the necklace with pendant...

  5. Berneman-Flam family. Collection

    This collection contains pre-war photos of the inhabitants of the town Kozienice, Poland ; post-war photos depicting Pinie Berneman's stay in a Suisse sanatorium in 1946 ; a book on the history of the Jewish community of Kozienice published in 1969 ; additions to the book by Pinie Berneman ; post-war newspaper clippings regarding the war in Poland ; audio-visual testimonies of Pinie Berneman and Chana Flam by the Steven Spielberg Foundation ; audio-visual testimony of Rosie Berneman by Kazerne Dossin.

  6. Jacques Raffeld. Collection

    This collection contains : a label from a can filled with the carrier of the poisonous gas Zyklon-B used in the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers ; a cap which was part of a uniform worn by an unidentified concentration camp inmate ; four objects from Auschwitz-Birkenau and Treblinka, related to the mass murder of Jews and other prisoners at both camps, recuperated by Icek Chil alias Jacques Raffeld during post-war visits to the former camp sites.

  7. Tobias Schiff. Collection

    This collection contains : copies of pre-war studio portraits of Mojzesz Schiff and his wife Rywa Templer ; a copy of a portrait of Wolf and Chenke Fischler-Fischler, 1925 ; a copy of a school picture of the pupils attending the Jesode Hatora boys school in Antwerp, 1931-1932 ; a photo of Tobias Schiff wearing his striped camp uniform, taken immediately after his repatriation in 1945 ; photocopies from 1984 of administrative documents regarding the Schiff and Templer families ; a Schiff family tree (pedigree) ; a portrait of Tobias Schiff showing the Auschwitz tattoo number on his arm, 1996.

  8. Isbert Adam and Martin Bendheim. Collection

    This collection contains a notarial deed from Danzig, regarding a power of attorney attributed to the Aronsohn and Barnass families ; financial deeds regarding shipping company "Havana importer S.A." and the debt suffered by associate Martin Bendheim ; a list summing up the content of a business or a house, probably the abolished office of "Havana Importer S.A." branch led by Martin Bendheim ; a Dutch death certificate of Martha Sara Barschall, mother of Isbert Adam ; correspondence and forms regarding the shipping of several valuable paintings among which a canvas by Pieter-Paul Rubens ; t...

  9. Henoch Kujawski. Collection

    This item is a work permit signed by Charles Cymring, principal of the Ecole moyenne juive de Bruxelles (Jewish Middle School of Brussels) in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Brussels, certifying that Henoch Kujawski worked at the school as a member of the administrative committee.

  10. Bornstein family. Collection

    This collection contains six photographs, showing members of the Bornstein family: Franciska Bornstein, Abraham Kampf, Albert (Avraham) Gunzburg, Arthur (Aaron) Kampf, Lora / Sara Bornstein, Rezi Bornstein, Herman Bornstein, Samu Weinstein, Betty / Basha Schachner, Samuel Bornstein, Eta Kampf-Stieglitz, Harry Stieglitz and Avraham Stieglitz.

  11. Feder-Rubner family. Collection

    This collection contains three photographs featuring the Feder family alongside Mrs. van Bergen, providing visual glimpses into their shared experiences. Within the collection are also five letters written by Eva Rubner and Abraham Feder during their periods of captivity. These poignant correspondences, penned while Eva was confined requesting a parcel in the Dossin Barracks and Abraham in Boulogne-sur-Mer and Isques, offer insights into their resilience and enduring bond, them being addressed to Mrs. Van Bergen and Jacques David Feder. Additionally, the collection encompasses significant d...

  12. Morgen-Duchesne family. Collection

    This collection contains 14 photocopies of documents : regarding the interment of Moszek Morgen in the Saint-Gilles prison and the Fort of Breendonk, regarding the trial against Suzanne Duchesne who tried to bribe a Sicherheitspolizei-Sicherheitsdienst member to liberate her Jewish husband Moszek Morgen and a prewar work permit for Moszek Morgen. The collection also contains three photos of Moszek Morgen, including one with an unidentified woman, presumably his wife Suzanne Duchesne.

  13. Tolkowsky family. Collection

    This collection consists of 13 files : KD_00045_0001: Miscellaneous photographs of the Tolkowsky family from Antwerp, including Charles Tolkowsky as an officer in the Belgian Army during the First World War, André Tolkowsky, son of Charles Tolkowsky, member of the Belgian resistance during the Second World War, Alexander de Vries and his wife Denise Tolkowsky, photos of vacation colony villa Altol, pictures taken during holidays at the Belgian coast and at the Francorchamps race track. KD_00045_0002: Documents concerning Denise Tolkowsky and Alexander de Vries, including poems, drawings, sc...

  14. Comité Hommage aux sauveurs - Comité Huldebetoon aan de redders. Collection

    This collection consists of fourteen files dedicated to different aspects of the organisation of a tribute to Belgian rescuers organised by the Comité Hommage aux sauveurs - Comité Huldebetoon aan de redders [Tribute to the rescuers Committee] at Forest National in Brussels on 12 October 1980. These files contain: circulars and newspaper clippings concerning the objectives and financial support of the committee’s umbrella organisation, the Comité d'Hommage des Juifs de Belgique à leurs Héros et Sauveurs (1940-1945) - Huldecomité van de Joden van België aan hun Helden en Redders (1940-1945) ...

  15. Report by Service MARC. Collection

    Report drafted by a member of the Belgian espionage network Service MARC and sent to London. The document contains a remark regarding the seven Romanian Jews who complied with the Nazi order for repatriation to Romania.

  16. Rosine De Dijn research archive. Collection

    This collection contains the research files and 172 books accumulated by Rosine De Dijn in preparation of six books on various topics related to the Second World War. The research files for ‘De vlucht van Yudka Kalman, 1941-1950’ (KD_00633_01) include five sets of photographic materials, copies concerning the German Landsmannschafte in Donau-Schwaben and across Europe, and files on Carpathian Ukraine, on researched persons and on Belgium's refugee policy. The research files for ‘Zeg Nooit Dat Je Rachmil Heet. Een Joodse Jongen Overleeft De Oorlog In Een Vlaams Gezin’ (KD_00633_02) include p...

  17. Immigration files of Jews, Roma and Sinti, compiled by the Belgian Public Safety Office and its successor, the Belgian Aliens Police (Vreemdelingenpolitie - Police des Étrangers). Collection

    This collection contains a selection of files compiled by the Belgian Aliens Police (Vreemdelingenpolitie - Police des Étrangers), relevant for research on the Holocaust in Belgium : the files of Jews, Roma and Sinti deported from the Dossin barracks, the files of Jews living in Belgium and deported from France, the files of Jewish armed resistance fighters, the files of Jewish members of hiding networks, the files of Jews detained at the Breendonk camp for political prisoners, and the files of Jews liberated at or released from the Dossin barracks. The information on the cover of each file...

  18. Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Front de l'Indépendance. Collection

    This collection consists of 4,058 documents confiscated by the Front de l’Indépendance (Independent Front) at the offices of the Association of Jews in Belgium (AJB) – “Aide Spéciale Malines” [Special Assistance Mechelen department], after the liberation. The documents can be divided in five sections : - Correspondence of the AJB : between the leading committee and local committees, between local committees, between the AJB and German or Belgian officials, between the AJB and Suisse, German, French and Dutch organisations, etc. - Lists : e.g. employees of the AJB, Organisation Todt workers,...

  19. Research by Florence Matteazzi on the role of clergy from the Liège diocese in hiding Jews. Collection

    This collection consists of 82 files created by Florence Matteazzi while researching clergymen in the Liège diocese and their attitude towards helping Jews during the Holocaust. These files include: administrative files with correspondence with private and public archives or archival holders and witnesses, index cards with biographical notes and draft elements of the final dissertation ; bibliographical files with photocopies of literature on oral history, the psychological analyses of testimonies by hidden children, the position of the catholic church during the Second World War, conversio...

  20. Corrections by former members to the manuscript by René De Lathouwer on the history of the Jewish Defense Committee. Collection

    Corrections and additions to the manuscript "Témoignages et documents" (Testimonies and documents) written by René De Lathouwer, on the history of the Jewish Defence Committee (Comité de Défense des Juifs), a resistance and hiding network in Belgium, by four leading members of the JDC : Yvonne Jospa (Hawa Groisman), Maurice Heiber, his wife Estera Fajersztejn and Maurice Bolle.