Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 361 to 380 of 56,066
  1. Fridland-Frydland family. Collection

    This collection contains one video-interview by Arnold Fridland and two photos showing the family and rescuers of Arnold Fridland. The people shown are Zysla (Cécile) Blajwas, boyfriend of Suzanne Blajwas, Ruchla (Rachelle) Blajwas, Suzanne Blajwas, Tauba Frydland, Arnold Fridland, Catherine Frydland and Arthur Langerman. The rescuers of Arnold Fridland shown are Edmond and Emilia Houyoux-Sevrin.

  2. Zaffern-Noskowicz family. Collection

    This collection contains six photocopied photos : a wedding photo of Israel Zaffern and Gitla Noskowicz ; a photo of Gitla's sister Hinda Noskowicz ; several war-time and post-war photos of Lisa Zaffern and the Debroek family which hid her at their home in Schaerbeek, Brussels, in 1942-1944.

  3. Lupu-Sigal family. Collection

    This collection contains a letter thrown out of deportation transport XXII A by Ernestine alias Esther Lupu and three pre-war photos of Bella, Arlette and Ernestine (Esther) Lupu and their mother Adela Sigal.

  4. Goffaux-Indekeu family. Collection

    This collections consists of: two lists containing the names of Jewish and non-Jewish persons rescued by Florent Goffaux and Hélène Indekeu ; declarations regarding the rescue of André Paradis, Antoine Gosselin, Heinz Basch and Henri Drouin (with photos) ; a declaration regarding the death of Jean Lekime ; a statement signed by Salomon Muller ; an honorary certificate issued by the Union des Anciens Détenus et Rescapés de la Caserne Dossin de Malines to Florent Goffaux, and a note regarding Hélène Indekeu’s certificate ; two medals given to Florent Goffaux and Hélène Indekeu by the Union de...

  5. Meisel-Goldstein family. Collection

    This collection consists of: photos of Leon Meisel, his wife Rachel Goldstein and their children Catherine alias Katja and Philippe Meisel who were all deported and murdered ; a photo of family friend Florence Ciparisse who tried to rescue Philippe Meisel ; a photo of Sacha Goldstein, cousin of Rachel Goldstein, who visited Namur in the 1960s to look for traces of his deported relatives ; a business card of one of the Meisel-Goldstein family friends who assisted Sacha Goldstein in his search ; three letters from Sacha Goldstein to the Ciparisse sisters commemorating the deportation of his r...

  6. Landau-Blitzer family. Collection

    This collection contains an audio testimony of Anna Grunfeld-Landau ; a postcard sent by Anna's brother David Landau from the Monowitz camp to their parents in Belgium in 1944 ; two pre-war work permits of Jacob Landau ; two documents certifying the internment of Jacob Landau and Lea Blitzer at the Dossin barracks ; two magazine articles on hidden children and hiding in Lasne, Belgium ; seven pre-war photos of the Landau siblings, including a class photo taken at the Jesode Hatora school ; a war-time photo of Anna Landau at the Lasne children's home ; a post-war photo of Anna Landau.

  7. Mémorial national aux Martyrs juifs de Belgique – Nationaal Gedenkteken aan de Joodse Martelaren van België. Collection

    KD_00947_01: Extracts from the Belgisch Staatsblad – Moniteur belge [Belgian Official Journal] regarding the statutes and composition of the (Fondation) Mémorial national aux Martyrs juifs de Belgique – (Stichting) Nationaal Gedenkteken aan de Joodse Martelaren van België [National Memorial (Foundation) to the Jewish Martyrs of Belgium], 1965-1985 KD_00947_02: File regarding the composition of the national committee, the Brussels committee and the Antwerp committee, including lists of board members and documents regarding the death of co-president Bernard Tarnowski, 1965-1987 KD_00947_03: M...

  8. Jette (Brussels). Documents regarding the implementation of anti-Jewish measures, selected from the municipal archives. Collection

    KD_00031_0001: Folder "Instructions pour Israelites", containing copies of several Verordnungsblatter, circular letters issued by the province and notes regarding the implementation of the anti-Jewish measures in Jette (Brussels). KD_00031_0002: Folder "Documents service interne", containing correspondence with federal authorities, circular letters, lists of Jews whom bought the yellow star (star of David), notes on Jewish children whom turned 15 regarding their registration in the municipal Jewish register, letters regarding the nationality of Jewish inhabitants of Jette, documents regardi...

  9. Suchowolski-Sluszny family research. Collection

    This collection consists of photocopied and original documents and photos, including: documents on the Suchowolski and Sluszny family history ; letters sent by Suzanne alias Suzy Suchowolski to her brother Georges Suchowolski while in hiding ; a notebook used by Suzanne Suchowolski to document her classes at school ; documents on the Suchowolski and Sluszny families photocopied from collections stored at the Archives Service for War Victims in Brussels, the Arolsen Archives in Bad Arolsen, the Belgian State Archives and Kazerne Dossin; documents regarding the Draily, Collignon and Jacobs-Va...

  10. Passport of Heyman Roet and Catharina Preso. Collection

    A Dutch passport issued in October 1940 by the Vice-consul for the Netherlands in Toulouse, France, to Heyman Roet and his wife Catharina Preso. The document contains a photo of both spouses and visa for Spain and Portugal as well as for the United Kingdom

  11. Kanner-Schnitzer family. Collection

    This collection consists of a newspaper article regarding rescue work by Betty Jakobovits or Jakubowicz, and twelve photos of Schnitzer family members, including vacation photos, passport photos and studio portraits.

  12. Rozenblum family. Collection

    This collection contains 5 photographs: KD_00961_000001: photo of Israel David (aka Andre) Rosenblum/Rozenblum, stamped 2 July 1943 on the back. KD_00961_000002 - KD_00961_000005: photos of two men who liberated the mother of Nicole Gold, these being firstly Fred Leverett from the Royal Canadian Airforce (RCAF) and secondly another man from the British Royal Air Force (RAF). KD_00961_000006 - KD_00961_000007: photos from Nicole Gold’s visit to the Stolpersteine of her family at their address 53 Rue Haute / Hoogstraat 53 in Brussels.

  13. Series of drawings "Life at the Dossin barracks". Collection

    This collection contains, in colour and black-and-white, six sketches, one painting and 11 ‘educational’ caricature drawings informing the Jewish staff at the Dossin barracks about daily life and procedures at the camp. This art was created by the Jewish artist inmates of the 'Malerstube' (painters workshop), among whom Gyorgy Bekeffi, Irene Spicker-Awret, August (Alexandre) Polak and Kopel Simelovitz.

  14. Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Institut Martin Buber. Collection

    The archives of the Association of Jews in Belgium (AJB), donated to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance by the Martin Buber Institute, contain almost 3,500 documents which cover over 40 topics, including : copies of German decrees, the statutes and procedures of the AJB, files of the general and local committees (Brussels, Antwerp, Liège and smaller cities), interventions by the AJB with the German authorities, population registration, Jewish schools and children’s homes, the Arbeitseinsatz (forced labour) for Organisation Todt (France), convocations for the SS-Sammellager Mech...

  15. Dreyfuss-Isenberg family. Collection

    The collection contains seven photos of the Dreyfuss-Isenberg family and a prayer card commemorating rescuer Yvonne Veys as well as seven letters and two cards. Five letters and perhaps the two cards were sent by the Dreyfuss family, after they had moved to Leuven, to their former next-door neighbours, the Perck family. Two other letters were sent by the Dreyfuss family, while detained at the Dossin barracks, to their friends the Perck family and the Samuel family.

  16. Kosterich family. Collection

    This collection contains four pictures portraying members of the Kosterich family, including: Max Kosterich, Hedwig Goldschmidt, Walter Joseph Kosterich, Manfred Kosterich, Oskar Kosterich and Hans Kosterich.

  17. Itzkowic-Goldberg family. Collection

    This collection contains: a pre-war photo of Salomon Itzkowic posing with friends in a car ; one postcard and four letters sent by Esther Goldberg and her children Achim Itzkowic, Berthold Siegmund Itzkowic and Arthur Itzkowic in Antwerp to their husband and father Salomon Itzkowic in the Saint-Cyprien and Argelès-sur-Mer internment camps in France (August to December 1940) ; Salomon Itzkowic's certificate of registration in the United Kingdom, 1946 ; a post-war statement by Salomon Itzkowic on his family history.

  18. Alexandre Gourary. Collection

    This collection contains three issues of « La Voix Internationale de la Résistance » ; two photos of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen ; seven photos of tombstones of Jewish resistance fighters who were killed in action or executed and were buried at the Tir National (National shooting range) in Brussels ; 74 photos and photonegatives depicting the armed Mouvement national belge (MNB) liberating Antwerp, protecting the harbour and undertaking military exercises ; a Sten machine gun and a hand grenade used by Alexandre Gourary while guarding the port of Antwerp ; a jacket worn by Alexandre Gou...

  19. Elias Stainfeld. Collection

    This collection contains : three war-time letters from Charlotte Stainfeld to her brother Elias Stainfeld living in France ; documents and three letters with news about acquaintances written by Elias Stainfeld’s (unidentified) friend Blajwajs or Blejwas who was interned at the Le Vernet camp ; a post-war letter sent by survivor Elias Stainfeld from the Monowitz labour camp to the address of his deported sister Charlotte Stainfeld in Antwerp ; three post-war letters delivering the news of his sister and niece’s deportation to Elias Stainfeld ; a letter and a telegram involving Elias Stainfel...

  20. Gizela Flachs. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of and an interview with Gizela Genia alias Gisèle Flachs. In the interview she describes : her youth in Poland, the departure of her father Naftali Flachs to France in 1938, the brutal separation from her mother Regina Knebel in 1941/1942, the different rescuers and the places where she was in hidden in Poland (including three underground locations in the woods), the work camp Koszary-Boryslav and the gruesome scenes she witnessed there, the reunion with her uncle Leon Knebel and the abuse inflicted by his wife Esther Erbsman, her reunion with her father Na...