Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 341 to 360 of 56,066
  1. Kerner-Mazefska family. Collection

    This collection comprises an assortment of documents illuminating the life of Abram Hertz Kerner and Tauba Mazefska. Notable items include two identity cards (1942), two attestations regarding Abram's enlistment in the Belgian army reserve, an attestation of residence in Charleroi (1942), and ration certificates for their family. Additionally, the collection encompasses documents related to Abram's business activities, such as attestations of the fixed business tax, two regulations and permits for itinerant trade. These were all part of the documents confiscated from them at the Dossin barr...

  2. Steinhardt-Safier family. Collection

    The Steinhardt-Safier family collection contains 28 photos showing the prewar Steinhardt and Safier family life : pictures taken on boat rides during vacations, wedding photos taken at a synagogue in Berlin, baby pictures of Harry Henri Steinhardt, family parties and Passover celebrations, and the Safier family at their bakery in Berlin. The collection also contains a post-war letter from the Belgian Ministry of Public Affairs confirming the deportation of the Steinhardt-Safier family and two family trees clarifying the ties between the Steinhardt and Safier families.

  3. Maison de la Miséricorde orphanage, Heverlee. Collection

    Digitised postcards of indoor and outdoor spaces at the House of Mercy (Maison de la Miséricorde/Huis der Barmhartigheid), an orphanage in Heverlee, where over 70 Jewish children were hidden by catholic nuns during the Second World War.

  4. Flor Van Laer. Collection

    This collection contains: postcards sent by family members to David Wajntraub and his wife Sura Gitla alias Sara Broner in Brussels (1937-1942) ; a letter from the Antwerp Ortskommandantur to the mayor of Schoten, confirming the confiscation of buildings by the Abteilung Feind- und Judenvermögen [Division enemy and Jewish capital] (1941) ; postcard sent by Edith Silbiger, Jewish secretary at the Dossin barracks, to her parents Arnold Silbiger and Ernestine Kirschner (30 September 1942) ; parcel request form filled out by Michel Van West and his family while detained at the Dossin barracks (...

  5. Szpiro family. Collection

    This collection contains : 8 photos of Regina Szpiro and her school friend Victoire Ponjaert, taken during school outings or at a swimming pond, and 1 photo of of Regina Szpiro’s deceased mother Golda Awerbuch ; 8 letters from Regina Szpiro, her youngest sister Lea Szpiro and family member Femmy Pels (?) to Victoire Ponjaert, recounting daily life in Brussels.

  6. Leonid Edelstein. Collection

    This collection contains : seven photos of Leonid Edelstein, including two on the beach and two while performing as a musician ; a thank you note by Leonid Edelstein to Pierre André.

  7. Kagan-Sztern family. Collection

    This collection contains seven photos, including several pictures of Tauba (Thérèse) Sztern and her children Fanny and Alain Kagan at their hiding place with the De Winter family in Tremelo.

  8. Jacques Schop. Collection

    This collection consists of a photo of and an interview with Jacques Schop. In his testimony Jacques talks about his childhood in the ghetto of Krakow, his father's clothing business in the ghetto, his life in hiding with the catholic Polish family outside of Krakow where Jacques stayed for several months, how his ‘rescuers’ tried to get rid of Jacques once the payments seized, Jacques’ reunion with his parents in the Krakow ghetto, their flight to Budapest in Hungary with the help of smugglers, their life in Budapest and Jacques’ post-war life in Israel, Canada and Belgium.

  9. Robert Lambert. Collection

    The collection consists of: two diplomas issued to Lambert Robert by the Institut des Arts et Métiers [Institute for the Arts and Professions] in Brussels (1940 and 1942) ; a diploma of rescuer issued in 1980 to Robert Lambert and his parents Jules and Caroline Lambert by the Comité d'Hommage des Juifs de Belgique 1940-1945 [Honorary Committee of the Jews of Belgium 1940-1945] ; a photocopy of a diploma of Righteous among the Nations issued to Robert Lambert and his parents Jules and Caroline Lambert by Yad Vashem in 1995 for helping the Kuniecpol family while they were in hiding.

  10. Reichsarbeitsministerium file carrier. Collection

    This object is a file carrier used by the Antwerp department of the Reichsarbeitsministerium to store index cards regarding labour during the war.

  11. Anna Slomovic. Collection

    This collection contains 9 photos of Anna Slomovic which were taken on the day of her baptism and her first communion at the Martens-Devoghelare family farm in Ursel where she was hidden, and a commemorative card in remembrance of the celebrations which took place on 25 April 1943.

  12. Jenny Birnbaum. Collection

    This collection contains: a portrait photo of Jenny Birnbaum, 1944 ; an order from the Kreiskommandantur in Nivelles to misses Lemarchand in Genval to present herself at their office regarding her foster child Jenny Birnbaum, 1944 ; two drawings created by Jenny Birnbaum in Auschwitz, 1944 ; a letter written by Jenny Birnbaum to her family after her liberation at Kaufering Lager XI, 1945 ; a telegram sent by Jenny Birnbaum to the Lemarchand family in Genval announcing her repatriation, 1945 ; an allied expeditionary force displaced person index card issued to Jenny Birnbaum, 1945 ; a little...

  13. Georges May. Collection

    This collection contains: seven pre-war photos of Georges May, his parents Joseph and Jeanne May-De Bauer and his brother Jules May ; photocopies of pre-war financial documents ; two work permits issued to Georges May in 1942, confirming his employment by the Association of Jews in Belgium ; one document signed by the Association of Jews in Belgium allowing Georges May to freely move around Brussels while performing his job, 1943 ; two documents regarding the non-Jewish parentage of Georges May's wife Angèle Wybo, including a certificate from the Bureau des Enquêtes raciques et généalogique...

  14. Gulden-Bruches family. Collection

    This collection contains: family photos of Mayer Gulden, his wife Pesa Bruches and their children Dina and Mozes Gulden ; photos of Mayer Gulden while in hiding with the Acke-Duerinckx family ; photos of Leon Monheit who was also hidden by the Acke-Duerinckx family ; post-war letters regarding the hiding of Mayer Gulden and Leon Monheit by the Acke-Duerinckx family.

  15. Norbert Vos-Obstfeld. Collection

    This collection contains: the French ID card of Chuma Rajzel Galant-Holcman ; pre-war family photos of the extended Obstfeld-Fleischer and Zwaaf-Vos families, including childhood, wedding and vacation photos ; photos of the Obstfeld-Zwaaf family after fleeing to France during the war; photos of Norbert Vos and his mother Lea Zwaaf while hiding in Kortrijk with the Verhage family ; photos of Elisabeth alias Lilly Zwaaf and her husband Maurice Da Cunha living in India during the war ; post-war photos of Norbert, his mother Lea Zwaaf and his stepfather Emiel Vos ; photos of Emiel Vos’s deporte...

  16. Mandler-Handl family. Collection

    This collection contains : a leather tool bag and a red adjustable wrench, brought by Fritz Mandler from Vienna to Belgium in 1938 and used by him while detained at the Dossin barracks where he was appointed head of the Hofarbeiter (Jewish maintenance workers) in 1943 ; fifteen photos, including a pre-war photo of Fritz Mandler participating in a motorcycle race in Austria, a photo of Fritz Mandler handling heavy machinery at the Marneffe refugee centre, photos of Heinz alias Henri Mandler with the Dehaen family which hid him in Courcelles, a photo of Fritz Mandler taken during a visit to h...

  17. Research by Jean-Paul Denis on the municipality of Jette. Collection

    This collection consists of four folders containing copies of historical documents on the persecution of the Jewish community and on the resistance in Jette. The documents include copies of items from the municipal archives of Jette, the Jewish Museum of Belgium, the Archives Service for War Victims, the State Archives of Belgium and Kazerne Dossin as well as information obtained by Jean-Paul Denis from family members of resistance fighters.

  18. Index cards on Jews from Belgium interned in or deported from France. Collection

    This collection consists of index cards containing information on 9,765 Jewish men, women and children who in general lived in Belgium before the Second World War and who were interned in or deported from French internment camps during the war. The group of index cards for a specific person can contain a file card drafted by the Sicherheitspolizei-Sicherheitsdienst in 1941-1944 in case of a person who fled Belgium in or after 1941 and a research request filed by a relative. Every group of index cards for a specific person contains handwritten file cards with information gathered post-war by...

  19. Gniwosch-Spergel family. Collection

    This collection contains: three family photos of the Gniwosch-Spergel family ; post-war correspondence regarding the redeeming of Suzanne Gniwosch by her uncle Chiel Spergel ; judicial correspondence regarding the court case ; administrative letters from Jewish organisations such as the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre [Aid Society for Jewish War Victims], the Commission on the Status of Jewish War-Orphans in Europe, the Rabbi of Brussels, the Agence Juive pour la Palestine - Alyah de la Jeunesse [Jewish Agency for Palestine – Youth Aliyah department], and the Palestine Office of t...

  20. Kutnowski-Kupferminc family. Collection

    This collection contains: one copy of the ruling of the Brussels Military Court of 5 December 1950 on Max Boden, one handwritten Hebrew letter, one written letter to “grandpa”, five extracts/attestations from the population registers of Anderlecht, Saint-Gilles and Brussels for Kutnowski and Kupferminc family members and two inscription certificates of Jankiel Kutnowski in both the population register of Schaarbeek and Charleroi, nine photos showing Aron Kupferminc, Anna Chana Kupferminc, Schlomo Kutnowski, Hersz Kutnowski and Jankiel Kutnowski, twelve attests of deportation or death concer...