Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,141 to 1,160 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Selected records of the District Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Łódź Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Łodzi (GK 177)

    Records relating to the extermination camp in Chełmno nad Nerem (Kulmhof am Nehr): documents excavated in Chełmno, records of the investigating judge, files regarding camp in Radogoszcz and execution of a hundred people in Zgierz, the camp for Soviet prisoners of war in Ruda Pabianicka, germanization of Polish children from Łódź, investigation against Wilhelm Bittel - a former head of the ghetto in Zduńska Wola and German activities againt Jews, questioning of witnesses about German atrocities in Opoczno county, and photographs of gendarmes.

  2. US airmen

    US airmen standing around in the middle of a street, joking and laughing, there is a garbage can with a fire inside it. "11th SQDN" (?) posted next to doorway. CU, US soldier sits in a covered jeep. Jeep with "...HQ 2" on bumper. The men stand in a circle looking at papers. Sign on far building, "...Dispensary". Some get into the back of a covered jeep. On the corner, boys shine the shoes of a soldier.

  3. List of people from Radautz, Romania who perished in the Holocaust

    Contains two "Yizkor" leaves (memorial leaves) prepared by the "Chessed shel Emet" society, one for men and one for women, with lists of deceased Jews (who, presumably, perished during the Holocaust) from Radautz (Rădăuți), Romania. Includes three printed leaves with additional lists of names of deceased Jews, perhaps proof prints for memorial leaves. On verso of one of the leaves is a handwritten copy of a Romanian letter from 1919. Undated, likely mid-1940s.

  4. Christmas in Brno, prewar

    Michaela and Antonin dressed as angels, singing for the camera beside the Christmas tree in 1939. INTs, a decorated Christmas tree at the Eckstein home in Brno. Children in costume pose and touch the dangling ornaments. They kneel beside the ornamental manger under the tree, hold their hands in prayer and sing for the camera. Pan up, star on top of the tree. 01:02:21 Toys. The children, in different outfits, perform a skit for the camera in a different room. Back beside the tree, the nanny guides them through a song and helps them place more ornaments on the tree. She entertains them with a...

  5. Collection of materials regarding Nazi crimes in Poland Zbiór materiałów dotyczących zbrodni hitlerowskich w Polsce (Sygn. 1348)

    Selected records of Polish courts and commissions researching Nazi crimes. Consists of protocols and reports examining the area of the former Chełmno concentration camp (Kulmhof am Nehr); investigative files of crimes in Siedlce and the surrounding area; witness testimonies; materials about Nazi perpetrators from the Krosno county; the case file against K. Heinemeyer; sentences for persons cooperating with the German authorities; testimonies of Nazi criminals regarding the Warsaw Uprising of 1944; prosecution files of Nazi criminals at Żyrardów area, and correspondence.

  6. Oral history interview with George Schwab

  7. Kreisgericht und Landesgericht Leoben: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court and state court in Leoben, Austria.

  8. Provincial Information and Propaganda Office in Kielce Wojewódzki Urząd Informacji i Propagandy w Kielcach (Sygn. 319)

    Situation reports and press articles related to anti semitic events and Jews properties after World War II. Includes newspaper clippings related to German crimes committed during WWII.

  9. Komendant Policji Bezpieczeństwa i Słuzby Bezpieczeństwa dla Dystryktu Krakowskiego Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD für den Distrikt Krakau (GK 903)

    Consists of files related to prisoners, including files (Schutzhaff-Kartei) of persons arrested for anti-German activities (professors of the Jagiellonian University), and imprisoned in Kraków (Montelupich, Senacka prisons), Tarnów, Rzeszów, Sanok and others; detention of persons arrested by the security police at ul. Montelupich in Kraków and the court prison at ul. Senacka. Includes a name list of arrested and imprisoned in the Płaszów camp; various copies of prison admissions, release orders, and the investigatation files.

  10. Selected records of the Public High School in Małogoszcz Publiczna Szkoła Powszechna w Małogoszczu (Sygn. 1757)

    Nominations for teachers of Jewish religion at the school w Małogoszczu; circulars; minutes of meetings; correspondence; and various types of lists. Documents relate to matters of teaching religion at school, Jewish children attending school, and conflicts related to the teaching of Jewish religion at school.

  11. Oral history interview with Lajos Erdélyi

  12. Kreisgericht Wiener Neustadt: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The collection includes following cases: Vr 229/92 Otto Merich; Vr.517/74 Franz Kandler; Vr 671/72 Erwin Johann Schober, and StA Wiener Neustadt Bruno Eggerth.

  13. Selected records of the Municipal Government in Końskie Zarząd Miejski w Końskich (Sygn. 778)

    Records of the Municipal Government in Końskie: administrative files, registers of minutes of meetings (1945), abandoned real estate in Końskie region (1946), and factories, questionnaires related to German war crimes, and correspondence relating to reporting of new born children (1945-1946.)

  14. Selected records of the commune Krasocin Akta gminy Krasocin (Sygn. 2039)

    Population books, registers and indexes of Krasocin and other villages: Mieczyn, Huta Stara, Huta Nowa, Karolinów, Leśna Góra, Lipia Góra, Mieczyn, Podlesko, Stojewsko and Wystepy.

  15. Oral history interview with Heimek Schmelz

  16. Landesgericht Eisenstadt: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the state court in Eisenstadt, Austria.

  17. American visits Vienna during the Anschluss and tours Germany (color)

    An American visits Vienna in March 1938. City street with telephone booth. Bridge in BG, someone steps into the phone booth. Belvedere palace and sprawling garden with the city in the distance. A long line of Jewish people, most likely attempting to obtain visas to exit the country in March 1938. “Jüdisches Geschäft” [Jewish Business] sign on shop. Narrow street with swastika flags on some of the buildings. The Ankeruhr clock on Hohen Markt street. Nazis in uniform line up in a square. Swastika flags in different shapes hang at the Heldenplatz where Hitler announced the Anschluss on March 1...

  18. Selected records of the County Office in Jędrzejów Starostwo Powiatowe Jędrzejowskie (Sygn. 726)

    Situation reports relating to communist activity of Jews, actions of the National Party (Stronnictwo Narodowe) against the Jewish minority and reactions of the Jewish community in Jędrzejów region. Includes reports on Jewish reactions on the resolution of ritual slaughter in Poland and antisemitic events in Germany; activity of the Zionist Aid for Workers in Palestine, Mizrachi, and other organizations; elections to the Board of the Jewish Religious Community

  19. Władysław Żeleński Collection-materials for the history of the crimes of Lviv professors in July 1941 Akta Władysława Żeleńskiego-materiały do historii zbrodni na profesorach lwowskich w lipcu 1941 (Sygn. 1941)

    Materials collected by Władysław Żeleński on the mass murder of professors in Lviv committed by Germans in July 1941: Correspondence, protocols of hearings of witnesses and alleged perpetrators, newspaper clippings and other investigative files.

  20. Selected records, Obóz Koncentracyjny w Buchenwaldzie Konzentrationslager Buchenwald (GK 127)

    Orders of the camp commandant, statistics, alphabetical list of refugees, interrogations of prisoners, personal files, list of clerical prisoners, transport lists, Effektenkammer files, lists of deceased prisoners, daily reports of the camp hospital, name lists of prisoners numbers: 43001-51000; 59001-121400; 128401-140068; a fragment of the personal files of Polish prisoners who arrived at the camp in April 1945, card files of prisoners No. 1-1201; Veraenderungsmeldungs (reports on changes in the number of prisoners in the camp).