Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 801 to 820 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Buchenwald Standort-Kantine concentration camp scrip, 1 mark

    1 mark coupon issued at Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany. Buchenwald opened on July 19, 1937, and issued undated notes in 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 mark denominations. The simply designed notes were printed on coarse paper. There were two types of coupons: canteen scrip and exchange scrip issued to members of outside labor brigades [Aussenkommandos.] In early April 1945, as US forces approached Buchenwald concentration camp, the German guards began to evacuate the camp. On April 11, the prisoners revolted and seized control of the camp. Later that day, soldiers from the Sixth Army Armored Di...

  2. Manifesto des Juifs de Bedeau

    Consists of the document "Manifesto des Juifs de Bedeau" in French and a vintage mimeographed copy of the typed documen that is double-sided. It was written by the donor's father Sidney Chouraqui when he was leader of the resistance movement in Bedeau Internment Camp in Algeria.

  3. Music booklets

    Comprised of two music booklets "Chants Judéo-Espagnols de Tétouan à Oran/Le Trésor conserve et chanté par Henriette Azen" and "Musiques et Chansons” featuring Ladino songs and French songs and sheet music by Isaac Pougatch

  4. Selected records from the Central State Archives of the of the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpkastan related to the evacuation of civilians during WWII

    Collection contains records related to the evacuation of civilians to the territory Autonomous Republic of Karakalpkastan during WWII. It includes correspondence of the state authorities regarding resettlement and employement of evacuated civilians, lists of the members of the Communist Party, correspondence related to search of relocated relatives.

  5. Oral history interview with Doris Kumar

  6. Oral history interview with Kati Preston

  7. Presentation by Andras Hamori

  8. Oral history interview with Robert T. Shays

  9. Oral testimony of Severin Fayerman

  10. Oral history interview with Frances Irwin

  11. Oral history interview with Galina Alpatova

  12. Primary School in Wierzbnik Szkoła Podstawowa w Wierzbniku (Sygn. 2749)

    The materials relate to the school's activities, such as: reports on pedagogical conferences, administrative matters, correspondence, etc. Typical information for this type of documentation: name and surname of the child, date and place of birth; school class attended; grades in individual subjects of study. The materials (from different years) also contain school certificates.

  13. Eva and Otto Pfister papers

    Accretion to the Eva and Otto Pfister Papers including correspondence, documents, booklet, papers, clippings, translations, pamphlets, leaflets, speeches, writings, tickets, passes, photos, and other materials.

  14. Primary School no 4 in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 w Ostrowcu Świętorzyskim (Sygn. 2908)

    The materials relate to the school's activities, such as: reports on pedagogical conferences, administrative matters, correspondence, etc. Typical information for this type of documentation: name and surname of the child, date and place of birth; school class attended; grades in individual subjects of study. The materials (from different years) also contain school certificates.

  15. Selected records from the Regional State Archive in Litoměřice

    Features administrative records pertaining to the expropriation of Jewish properties and assets and the enactment of anti-Jewish measures in Litoměřice and surrounding regions of the Czech Republic; Nazi prosecutorial records; and post-war Czech Extraordinary People's Court and Public Prosecutor records. This is ongoing duplication project. Individual collection titles and record groups with archival signatures are as follows: a. Administrative records pertaining to the expropriation of Jewish properties and assets and the enactment of anti-Jewish measures in Litoměřice and surrounding regi...

  16. Court of the First Instance in Chmielnik Sąd Grodzki w Chmielniku (Sygn. 2152)

    Court files in civil cases and few files in criminal cases in which Jews from Chmielnik were parties: for reconstruction of birth, death, marriage certificates, for declaring ownership, for entering into possession of property, for declaring death or being declared dead, for correcting personal data, and for entering into possession of property. In addition, case repertories for the entire period containing key information on all cases decided by this court.

  17. Court of the First Instance in Starachowice-Wierzbnik Sąd Grodzki w Starachowicach-Wierzbniku (Sygn. 3285)

    Court files in civil and criminal matters in which one of the parties was a person of Jewish origin. Post-war materials regarding real estate owned by Jews, applications for correction or reconstruction of birth, death or other documents. In addition, case repertories and indexes containing accurate information about all cases in that court during a given period.

  18. Municipal Government in Starachowice-Wierzbnik Zarząd Miejski w Starachowicach-Wierzbniku (Sygn. 3063)

    Numerous post-war materials regarding real estate (including those owned by Jews) and decisions regarding their return to their owners or transferring them for use to other people.