Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,561 to 2,580 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Visiting prewar Athens

    [Problem with film scanning at head of film reel, likely due to shrinkage or broken splice] MS, friends. They bid farewell at a train station. Large group of young children elders. A friend on a busy city street in Athens tips his hat to the camera. Cars in the BG. Sam H. Elias in dark suit walks in a paved garden, waving at the camera. His friend returns, sitting against a flowerbed. MS, Sam Elias again, smoking by a statue. He walks up the steps of a columned government building in Athens. Three Greek soldiers walk by [film transfer problem, some shots repeat]. A sailor and two other men ...

  2. Selected records from the Ministry of Foreign Relations and Culture of Chile

    Diplomatic dispatches, cables, and reports sent by the Chilean embassies and consulates in Europe to the Ministry of Foreign Relations and Culture in Santiago, Chile, including records pertaining to Jewish refugees. Consists of 53 original volumes for the period 1933 to 1945 (non-consecutive). Also features 15 digitized passports of individuals immigrating to Chile from Nazi Germany, including Jewish refugees, and one passport of an individual immigrating to Chile after the war.

  3. Simon Marcks correspondence

    Collection of correspondence written by Simon Marcks (donor's paternal grandfather) in Germany to his children (donor's parents) who were able to leave Germany in 1938 to Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe); dated February 1940 - January 1942; in German. Simon Marcks was unable to leave Germany due to financial reasons. His wife Zilla (Karoline) died of natural causes, but Simon along with his three sisters, was deported from Dusseldorf to Theresienstadt on July 22, 1942. On September 21, 1942, he was deported to Treblinka and is presumed to have been killed upon arrival, as there were no surv...

  4. Selected records of the City of Chmielnik Akta miasta Chmielnik (Sygn. 2129) : Wybrane materialy

    Records relating to Jewish property and its fate after World War II in Chmielnik, mainly in reference to abandoned property. The collection includes official correspondence, descriptions of estates, verdicts of the Court of First Instance, loans and sale of those estates, registration of war damages, birth and death files, and correspondence concerning the matter of searching for individuals who were property owners. Prior to World War II, Jews constituted about 70% of the total population of Chmielnik.

  5. Anne Hanken manuscript

    Contains a manuscript written by Anne Hanken (donor's maternal aunt) about different rescuers during the Holocaust.

  6. Vera Gutmann collection

    Collection of photographs, documents, and correspondence relating to Vera Gutmann (donor's aunt) and her family's experiences before, during and after the Holocaust, as well as post-war restitution papers. Vera surived in Berlin throughout the war along with her mother, Lotte Friedman, living and working under a false identity as a secretary. Vera and Lotte emigrated to the United States in 1946 on board the "Marine Flasher," settling in Chicago where Vera's brother Hans Freeman lived with his family.

  7. Odenheimer family papers

    The Odenheimer family papers consist of correspondence, family history and genealogy, immigration files, photographs, and restitution files documenting the history of the Odenheimer family in Odenheim, Germany, Kurt and Ilse Odenheimer’s immigration to the United States in 1939, Marie and Isidor Odenheimer’s deportation to and internment in southern France in October 1940, the deaths of Isidor and Julius Odenheimer in concentration camps, and Marie’s immigration to the United States in 1941. Correspondence primarily consists of letters exchanged between the Odenheimer family in Germany and ...

  8. Visiting America: World's Fair in Chicago; Washington, DC memorials; New York City

    Seven films by Carl Lutz of the 1934 World's Fair in Chicago, St. Louis, Washington, DC, and New York City: Nr. 297 Amerika (Film Nr. 8) [1934] (10:40) Nr. 298 Chicago Weltausstellung (Film Nr. 3) [1934] (12:00) Nr. 299 Eine Reise nach den Vereinigten Staaten - Carl Lutz (Film Nr. 24) [ca. 1930] (13:21) Nr, 300 Reise nach Amerika IV (Film Nr. 25) [1933] (04:49) Nr. 301 St. Louis - Schweiz (Film Nr. 2) [ca. 1933-1934] (15:08) Nr. 302 Besuch im St. Louis Zoo (Film Nr. 1) [ca. 1933-1934] (10:37) Nr. 304 Washington - Schweiz (Film Nr. 23) [1920s-1930s] (09:22) Detailed Descriptions: Nr. 297 Ame...

  9. Oral history interview with Saul Manski

  10. Stefania Hecht collection

    Collection consists of one typescript memoir, 16 pages, written circa 2015, describing the experiences of Stefania Hecht (nee Kohn), originally of Șomcuta Mare, Romania, during her childhood in Romania, the Hungarian occupation of Transylvania, the subsequent German occupation and deportation of Jews to Auschwitz, and her experiences at that camp, as well as her life following World War II. In addition, the collection contains selected photographs of the Kohn and Hecht families, the text of a speech given by her cousin, Mendel (Menachem) Abraham, at the dedication of a Jewish cemetery in Ti...

  11. Rolf Henne papers Nachlass Dr. iur. Rolf Henne (1901-1966)

    Private papers of Rolf Henne (1901-1966), a Swiss attorney and politician of the National Front (NF) and pro-Nazi movements. The collection consists of his personal documents; diaries, 1914-1918, 1920-1924, and 1939-1945; photographs; press releases; documents on various organizations and on political opponents of the National Front and New Front; speeches and lectures, 1932-1939; preparatory work for a never-realized book project on the history of the Swiss Confederation; records on the 04 Jan. 1944 bombardment of Schaffhausen; Swiss demography; press and language policies; the Swiss-Germa...

  12. Records of the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Crimes Committed by the Nazis and their Accomplices on the Territory of Volyn Region, Ukraine

    Records of the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Crimes Committed by the Nazis and their Accomplices on the Territory of the Volyn Region, Ukraine during WWII. Included are records related to the investigation of war crimes ( list of victims, eyewitness testimonies, forensic reports, lists of perpetrators and local collaborators, lists of locals sent for slave labor in Germany etc.) against local population and documentation related to the material and property damage inflicted upon the economy of the region during the Nazi occupation.

  13. Oral history interview with Frieda Navon

  14. Henry "Hank" Mayer memoir

    Memoir, photocopy of manuscript, 13 pages, written by Henry "Hank" Mayer, of Bridgeport, CT, describing his family's experiences in their native Germany during the 1930s, including antisemitic persecution, their immigration to the United States in 1939, his service in the U.S. Army during World War II, and his post-war life in Bridgeport as the owner of a military supply business.

  15. Jewish Community Hannover after the Second World War Jüdische Gemeinde Hannover nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (Sign. D-Ha2)

    Official records of the National Association of the Jewish Communities of Lower Saxony (Landesverband der jüdischen Gemeinden von Niedersachsen) as well as the official records of the Jewish Community in Hannover (Jüdische Gemeinde Hannover) from the postwar period until the late 1960s. The collection consists of correspondence, financial documents, questionnaires, circulars, registers and reports relating to Jewish Holocaust survivals and the organization of their life after WWII.

  16. Prayer book

    Siddur given to Frank Lyons by his maternal uncle Chaim A. Kaplan on the occassion of Frank's Bar Mitzvah on August 20, 1921 in Framingham, MA. Chaim Kaplan came to the United States in May 1921 to visit his siblings residing in the USA and participated in the celebration of the Bar Mitzvah of his nephew Frank, son of Ida Trombly Liansky and Samuel Liansky. The prayerbook was published in Vienna in 1857 by Jos. Schlesinger and is in both Hebrew and English. It has an inscription inside from Chaim Kaplan to Frank Liansky.

  17. Beit Din in Warsaw collection

    Collection of letters and documents from the Beit Din (rabbinical court) in Warsaw from the latter part of 1939, immediately before the outbreak of the war. Includes handwritten and printed documents concerning family matters signed by the dayanim of the Warsaw Beit Din.

  18. Frances Whitney collection

    Contains a Christmas card and photograph received by Frances Seeds Whitney from Lajos Krausz, an acquaintance she met while traveling through Europe before World War II, circa 1928. The photograph is labeled on verso: "1929...on the farm." Lajos lived in Subotica, Hungary, when he sent this card and photograph; he did not survive the Holocaust.

  19. Bronze Cross of Honor of the German Mother medal, 3rd Class Order

    Cross of Honor of the German Mother (Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter), 3rd class order, Bronze medal issued by the Nazi Party between May 1939, and the end of World War II in May 1945. More commonly known as the Mother’s Cross (Mutterkreuz), the medal served as a propaganda measure to promote National Socialist population policy of glorifying family life and increasing population levels. It was a civilian award instituted following a December 16, 1938, decree by Adolf Hitler to encourage German woman to bear more children. Recipients were nominated by the Nazi Party or government officials,...

  20. André Waksman collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Jacob and Suzanne Waksman of Antwerp, Belgium including their flight from France to Italy and as refugees with their son André at Fort Ontario in Oswego, New York from 1944-1946. Included are identification documents, affidavits in lieu of passports, a telegram, documents granting visas for the Waksmans to enter the United States from Fort Ontario, and naturalization certificates. The bulk of the collection consists of materials related to André Waksman’s documentary film 1943, Le temps d’Un répit (A Pause in the Holocaust), including ba...