Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 6 of 6
Country: Slovenia
Holding Institution: Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije
  1. Fotografska zbirka tekoče gradivo (1941-1945)

    • Photographic Collection "Tekoče gradivo" (1941-1945)

    The "Tekoče gradivo" collection, which formed the basis for the founding of Phototeka in 1952, occupies a special place among the museum's photographic material. Together with the anti-partisan, German and Italian photographs, the material of the partisan photojournalists forms the largest collection in terms of numbers. The photographs on paper, glass plates and mainly negatives were taken during the Second World War, and after the war the material was supplemented by the reproduction of (also existing) originals on new media. The collection comprises an estimated 150,000 negatives and 15,...

  2. Likovna zbirka

    • Art Collection

    The collection is thematically focused on socially critical and committed art created between the two world wars. The central part of the collection consists of works of art created during the Second World War: Partisan prints, drawings, paintings, sketches, etc. by camp inmates from mainly Italian, but also German concentration camps, prisoner-of-war camps and the prisons of the occupying forces. In the style of post-war regime-oriented socialist realism, the museum also owns works that were created for public monuments and facilities in government and other public spaces, depicting the na...

  3. Zbirka ustnih virov

    • Collection of Oral Sources

    The collection of oral sources was established in the Museum in 2003 as the only museum collection of intangible cultural heritage. The main part of the collection consists of audio and video recordings of testimonies about the Second World War and testimonies of camp inmates from various camps, while the rest of the collection covers the period between the two world wars, the Yugoslav post-war period and the process of democratization and independence of Slovenia through the Defense War.

  4. Zbirka osebnih predmetov in dokumentov

    • Collection of Personal Objects and Documents

    The largest part of the collection consists of letters, credentials, identity cards, certificates, diaries, biographies, personal papers and documents. There are special sections on the army, partisan sanitation, culture and life during the Second World War. In addition to the personal papers and documents preserved by the Slovenian camp inmates, there are also important registration books from the court prisons in Ljubljana 1943-45, Radovljica 1941-44, personnel lists from the penitentiary in Begunje, prisoner files in Ljubljana 1942-43, and lists of transports to the Dachau camp 1942-45. ...

  5. Tekstilna zbirka

    • Textile Collection

    The collection is divided into a military and a civilian section. The former, in addition to some Austro-Hungarian uniforms, is dominated by uniforms and items of clothing from the Second World War period (various camp uniforms and uniform parts as well as textiles) as well as clothing from the Yugoslav People's Army. Among the civilian clothing, the collection of Adria Airways uniforms stands out for its richness. A special group are the flags and banners, including unique examples of flags and banners of partisan units, etc.

  6. Zbirka predmetov iz taborišč in zaporov

    • Collection of Objects from the Camps and Prisons

    The collection contains 1159 objects from the Second World War. Most of the objects come from Italian and German camps and prisons. The camp objects are divided into objects that were taken from the camp inmates on their arrival, objects that were made by the camp inmates in the camp, especially on liberation, and objects that were used by the camp guards, etc.