Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 71
Country: Latvia
  1. PSRS Pārbaudes filtrācijas punktos un nometnēs ieslodzīto Latvijas iedzīvotāju personas lietas

    Dokumenti par personām, kas II pasaules kara noslēgumā atradušās ieslodzījumā uz laiku līdz personības noskaidrošanai PSRS Iekšlietu Tautas komisariāta pārbaudes un filtrācijas nometnēs un punktos: personas anketas, pratināšanas protokoli, dokumenti par atrašanos filtrācijas nometnēs un pārbaudes punktos, autobiogrāfija, personu apliecinoši dokumenti (pases, karavīru apliecības "Soldbuch", citas apliecības), nometnēs izdotās kvītis, formulāri, slēdzieni un izziņas. Filtrācijas lietu reģistrācijas žurnāli un filtrēto personu alfabētiskā kartotēka krievu alfabēta secībā ar vairāk nekā 80 000 ...

  2. Latvijas PSR Valsts drošības komitejas (VDK) par sevišķi bīstamiem pretvalstiskiem noziegumiem apsūdzēto personu krimināllietas

    • The Latvian SSR Committee of State Security (KGB) Criminal Case Files of Persons Accused of Particularly Dangerous Anti-Government Crimes

    Fonds includes criminal cases concerning persons accused of particularly dangerous anti-government crimes against the Soviet state and who received criminal liability according to article Nr. 58 of the RSFSR Criminal Code (1926) and articles Nr. 59–68, 43, 74, and 84 of the Latvian SSR Criminal Code (1961), and persons who lived and had committed crimes in the territory of the Latvian SSR or who had been born in Latvia and committed crimes in the territory of another republic of the USSR; these Criminal cases were delivered for storage in Latvian SSR CSS Archive. Criminal cases include info...

  3. Ārkārtēja komisija lvva

    • The Soviet State Extraordinary Commission for Ascertaining and Investigating the Crimes Committed by the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices
    • Чрезвычайная республиканская комиссия Латвийской ССР

    Organization of the Commission’s work, including information about staff, reports, collection of information; lists of victims on Latvian territory, including Abrene district, Aizpute district, and Aizpute city; list of Jews killed in 1941 in Bauska district, Valmiera district, Ventspils district and Ventspils city, Valka district, Daugavpils district and Daugavpils city; list of Jews killed in Livani, Dagda, Jekabpils district, Jelgava district, Liepaja district, Ludza district, Liepaja district, and Liepaja city; lists of Jews killed in 1941 in Riga district and Riga city; list of Jews ki...

  4. Drošības policijas un SD pavēlnieks Austrumzemē

    • Commandant's Office of the Security Police and the SD in Ostland
    • Der Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Ostland

    Survey about Jews in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia; materials about Jewish statistics for 1935 in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia; lists of Jewish property in 1935. Lists of persons who drafted and enabled measures regarding annihilation of Jews (these lists were composed by Soviet institutions in 1947). Lists of Einsatzkommando who were under Lange’s command and were part of Einsatzgruppe A. Measures for Final Solution: 100% extermination of Jews; no reproduction; Jews to work at hard labour; placing of Jews into special settlements outside of Europe. Treatment of Jews, including definition of ...

  5. Latvijas PSR Ārkārtējā republikāniskā komisija (VĀK)

    • The Soviet State Extraordinary Commission for Ascertaining and Investigating the Crimes Committed by the German-Fascist Invaders and Their Accomplices
    • Чрезвычайная республиканская комиссия Латвйской ССР

    Losses to Latvian SSR and citizens of various regions of the USSR due to Nazi German occupation; inventory document sand statements; summary lists about Latvian SSR and its cities, districts, and rural municipalities, and about Lithuanian SSR, districts (oblast) of Minsk, Orel, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Kalinin, and Leningrad; summary notes and primary documents of losses made to institutions, enterprises, and public organizations of Latvian SSR; general notes about citizens killed in cities and districts of Latvian SSR and about Latvian SSR citizens deported to work in Germany; lists of Nazi Germ...

  6. SS un vietējās policijas priekšnieks Liepājā

    • The SS and Police Leader of Libau
    • Der SS–und Polizeistandartenführer Libau

    Guideline for treatment of Jews, including information about interdiction against communication with Jews, mixed marriages, forms to be completed for declarations of Jewish property, record keeping of Jewish property used in barracks, belongings left after executions. Attitude of German soldiers to Jews; the mood of Libau inhabitants after executions of Jews. Arrests of Jews because of violations of the restriction rules; black trade; escaped Jews from ghetto and camps; hidden Jews; arrests of Latvians who helped Jews to hide and issued false papers. Arresting of group of Jews intending to ...

  7. Tukuma-Talsu apriņķa policijas iestādes

    • Tukums-Talsi District Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden des Kreises Tukums-Talsen

    The fonds contains extensive information about activities of the Police institutions in the district since 1919. The wartime documents include information about the Jewish property and the acquisition and registration of Jewish belongings; confiscation of Jewish books; hiding of Jews; Jews who escaped from Kaltene camp (August 1941) and from the Salaspils pit factory; Jews and Poles who escaped from Częstochowa prison; list of Jews in Talsen; manhunting of Roma; Roma living in Kandava (1942); Russian prisoners of war who escaped from Grobina camp; and a list of prisoners of war.

  8. Latvijas vēstures dokumenti ārzemju arhīvos

    • Foreign archive documents about Latvian history

    Registration cards of Latvian inmates of Stutthof and Buchenwald Concentration camps.

  9. Limbažu pilsētas valde

    • Limbazi City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Lemsal

    The fonds contains information about the town’s history administration since the 19th century. Most of the wartime files contain data concerning confiscation of Jewish trade and industry enterprises (1941).

  10. Madonas apriņķa policijas iestādes

    • Madona District Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden Kreis Madohn

    The fonds contains information about activities of the Police Institution in the district since 1919. The wartime documents include information about evictions of Jews from apartments; lists of Jewish property and belongings; information about seizing of Jewish possessions and list of goods taken; and information about Jews arrested in Litene, Jaungulbene, Dzelzava, and Gulbene (1941-1943).

  11. Kandavas pilsētas valde

    • Kandava City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Kandau

    The fonds contains information about the town’s history and administration since 1912. The wartime documents include orders of the district chief to demolish all Jewish cemeteries in the district and to transfer all Jewish vital records to the Riga archive (1942).

  12. Kuldīgas pilsētas valde

    • Kuldiga City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Goldingen

    The fonds contains information about the town’s history and administration since the 19th century. The war period documents include lists of Jewish property, registration of property, acquisition of Jewish property and belongings, a list of Jews sent to do agricultural work throughout the district (1941), and a list of war prisoners in the Kuldīga camp (1941-1942).

  13. Vācu kinožurnāli, Rullis Nr. 12

    • “Reel” (“Rullis”) Nr. 12 (director unknown); motion pictures from the German occupation period

    A few shots: A group of Jewish workers is assigned to clear the rubble of a ruined building in Riga (July, 1941).

  14. Dokumentālā filma “Paliekošais”

    • Documentary “Intransient”

    About history of the Jewish community in Latvia.

  15. Dokumentālā filma “Upuru sadedzināšana”

    • Documentary “The Incineration of Victims”

    This documentary history of the Holocaust attempts to address questions such as "How, and why, was it possible for the Holocaust to happen?"

  16. Documentary “Jehovah’s Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault”

    This documentary is about a tiny group of Germans who refused to be bullied by supporters of Hitler into doing anything which they considered to be against God's Word or condemned by Jesus. They preferred to die (and many did) rather than to kill another person.

  17. Dokumentālā filma “Un atkal cerība”

    • Documentary “And There is Hope Again”

    This documentary is about Jewish culture in Latvia. It includes footage of M. Vestermans; the ensemble “Ufkum”; a children’s theatre: art theorist T. Vlasova; artist H. Risins; sculptress L. Novozeneca; jeweller Z. Smarkovics; the ensemble “Kinors”; Art historianH. Dubins; and musicologist L. Krasinska)

  18. dokumentālā filma “Un atkal cerība”

    • Documentary “Rescuers and Survivors”

    The film is dedicated to Zanis Lipke, who saved 55 Jews in Latvia during the Nazi occupation.

  19. Dokumentālā filma “ Vilkači”

    • Documentary “Werewolf”

    A Soviet-style film about events of World War II in Latvia, including Latvian collaboration with the German regime. A few shots show a burning synagogue and an assault on Jews.

  20. Kinožurnāls “Latvijas hronika” Nr.14/15, 1990.g.

    • Newsreel “Chronicle of Latvia” Nr.14/15; 1990.g.

    Footage includes unveiling of the memorial stone at the site of the former Great Choral Synagogue on July 4, 1989;. Bikernieku and Rumbulas cemetery, people with flowers at Bikernieku and Rumbulas cemetery,, a monument to the victims of fascism; conversation with Johanna Lipke about Zanis Lipke; procession through former streets of ghetto; opening of the Zana Lipke monument, by sculptress L. Novozeneca, at Meza kapi; and Yad Vashem in Israel.