Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,501 to 1,520 of 1,670
Country: Israel
  1. Documentation from the Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archives) regarding the Holocaust

    The Yad Vashem Archives has systematically gathered documentation from the Bundesarchiv, as well as documentation from the Militärarchiv in subsection M.29.Fr. The Records Groups in the Central Archive from which Yad Vashem gathers this documentation belongs to two Abteilungen (sections) of the Archives: - The R -Deutsches Reich Section which houses documentation from state institutions. In this section, only files from the 1920s until the end of World War II regarding Jews and the persecution of Jews are checked;- The NS Section is which the documentation regarding the Nazi party instituti...

  2. "The Koordynacja": The Zionist Koordinatsia for the Redemption of Children in Poland

    Index cards – 330 index cards of Koordynacja children with their details and photographs. Each card contains preliminary details (in many cases only partial information) such as their name, year of birth, who were their parents and from where did they arrive. • Albums – 16 Koordynacja albums that belonged to the organization's activists. It was given to them as a farewell gift when they immigrated to Eretz Israel. The albums contain photographs of the children during their daily activities & celebrations as well as photos of individual children with information about them. • 2 albums th...

  3. The Alfred Schwarzbaum Collection

    Alfred Schwazrbaum has been called a "one man aid and rescue operation". The GFH Schwarzbaum collection holds hundreds of documents, including letters and postcards sent to Schwarzbaum from Poland and from Jews living outside Poland, asking him for help or inquiring about relatives in Poland, receipts for parcel deliveries and correspondences with Jews in Poland and elsewhere.

  4. Documentation from the “Jews in Latvia” Museum

    The O.80 record group is composed of 159 files in Latvian, German, Russian and Hebrew. The record group includes official German documentation photocopied by Westermann in various archives in Germany, and documentation from the Central Archives of Latvia; Description of the O.80 record group: The material in the O.80 record group includes reports, instructions, summaries and orders by local administration personnel, including official documentation of Reichskommissariat Ostland. The second part of the O.80 collection includes memoirs and letters by individual Jews collected by the Westerman...

  5. Documentation of the State Archives of the Rovno Region

    The archives was established in March 1940 as the historical archives of the region, and as of 1941 it was called the State Archives of the Rovno Region. The material for the archives was collected gradually. At the start, the archives received documents from local institutions and from factories, non-profit organizations, associations, and from educational and healthcare institutions that were in existence from the period when Rovno still belonged to Poland. By 1940, collections that dated from 1921-1939 were transferred to the archives. With the start of the Great Patriotic War, the archi...

  6. Memoir collection.

    The Memoir collection of the Leo Baeck Institute holds thousands of mostly unpublished autobiographical accounts and memoirs. Around a quarter of them were written by women. Searching the Center for Jewish History database, we find that the descriptions of a few dozens of memoirs contain the words such as “Belgium”, “Brussels”, “Antwerp” etc. The memoirs relevant for this guide contain descriptions of, for example, life in Belgium (mostly in the interwar period), emigration to and temporary residence in Belgium after 1933, the situation of the German-Jewish refugees in Belgium, experiences ...

  7. Righteous Among the Nations Collection.

    The files concern rescuers recognized as Righteous Among the Nations and honoured by Yad Vashem. It is only an indication of the actual number of rescuers, since it is based on the cases brought to the attention of Yad Vashem. Most Righteous were recognised thanks to the requests made by rescued Jews. By January 1st 2014, there were 1665 files of Belgian rescuers. There is a file for every rescue case, containing the documents gathered through the process of recognition. One will find correspondence, notes, sometimes photographs, and material related to the recognition ceremonies.

  8. Dr. Arieh L. Kubovy Collection.

    This fonds firstly contains several files with correspondence concerning i.a. economic relations between Israel and Czechoslovakia, immigration from Poland, the Israeli embassies in Warsaw and Prague, the International Genocide convention, the trials of Mordechai Oren and Simon Orenstein, the indemnisation of Czechoslovakian Jews who immigrated to Israel, … and roughly covering the years 1949-1952. We also find correspondence of Kubowitzki with family and friends, and correspondence and notes mostly dating back to the war years (1941-1947). The fonds also contain notes on post-war Polish Je...

  9. A. Werber Collection (Poale Zion Left Party in Belgium).

    In this fonds we find the following material: documents related to Linke Poale Zion in Belgium and Jewish associations during the war [JM/1038]; the newspaper Unzer Vort (1941-1944) and other newspapers published during the war [JM/1039]; personal documents, biographies and photographs of members of Linke Poale Zion [JM/1040]; documents on the situation of Jews in Belgium during the war, lists of communists and members of Poale Zion, documents on the resistance in Belgium, correspondence on the relations between Christians and Jews [JM/1041]; documents concerning Jewish life in Belgium afte...

  10. Maxime Steinberg Collection.

    This collection contains photocopies of original archival documents collected by Maxime Steinberg and used to write his magnum opus L’étoile et le fusil. The documents concern topics such as Jewish resistance, rescue of Jews etc. during the German occupation.

  11. Archives in Belgium.

    For the sake of completeness we mention this collection, which consists of copies of archival material from various official and institutional archives in Belgium (such as state, provincial or city archives). At the time of writing it mostly contains material from the city archives and provincial archives of Antwerp.

  12. Collection of Historical Photographs.

    This is the largest collection in the world of historical photographs related to the Holocaust. It documents Jewish life before and during the Holocaust, the life of survivors in the post-war period, but also various activities and ceremonies commemorating the Holocaust all over the world. Searching for keywords such as ‘Belgium’, ‘Brussels’, ‘Antwerp’ etc. yields a result of over 1000 relevant images, from various collections. We find portraits and group photos (scenes of everyday life, Shoah victims, resistance members, partisans, rescuers); pictures of youth movements (i.a. Bar Kochba, H...

  13. Religion (facilities, synagogues, various religious organisations).

    File 5 titled “Belgium” contains documents concerning events organised by the Jewish communities in Brussels (in 1946).

  14. Orphanages, children’s homes.

    File 44-2 contains, among others, circulars regarding the organisation of vacations for orphans (years 1945-1946) in Belgium.

  15. Persecutions, pogroms, self-defense, help to victims.

    In file 493-11 titled “Belgium” we find announcements for events organised by the Jewish communities in Brussels (in 1946).

  16. Zerubavel Jacob.

    This fonds contains several relevant files. We firstly note the correspondence of Zerubavel, in which we also find (copies of) letters (and sometimes circulars) of the Belgian section of Ahdut Ha’Avodah and of various correspondents in Belgium. See the files nr. 30, 33A, 33B, 34 and 60. They resp. cover the years 1922-1961, 1933-1962 and 1957-1962. Lastly, file nr. 29 contains, among others, documents related to the conference of Poale Zion held in August 1946 in Brussels.

  17. League for Labour Palestine.

    This fonds contains 3 relevant files. File nr. 493-1 (dated 1921-1968) contains announcements, invitations, minutes of meetings, reports, press (incl. Folk un Arbet) and correspondence between Nathan Schwalb (for the Histadrut) and the Belgian Ministry of Public Works, concerning compensation for damages to the property of the League for Labour Palestine in Belgium, destroyed by the Nazis during World War II. It also includes testimonies of two former members of the organisation. In file nr. 493-2 (dated 1929) we find announcements for a lecture of a Belgian member of parliament (most likel...

  18. Liaison Office of the Hehalutz in Geneva – Archive Nathan Schwalb.

    In this fonds we find several files which are of importance to our subject. First of all we note a number of files explicitly referring to Belgium. File 1-30 (“Hehalutz Belgium”) contains correspondence (dated 1940-1946) with members of the movement and includes a report on the situation of the Jews in Belgium during the occupation. In the file titled “Belgium” (file 1-135, dated 1940-1946) we find correspondence with the national leadership of the movement as well as with messengers; this file includes lists of members of Gordonia Maccabi Hatzair (October 1945), copies of letters from memb...

  19. The Zionist Organization / The Jewish Agency for Palestine/Israel – Central Office, London.

    Firstly, we note in this fonds several series of correspondence which are of interest to this guide. Files Z4/30867 - Z4/30870 contain correspondence regarding “Zionist work” in Belgium (for the years 1927-1946). Correspondence on immigration from Belgium (often with lists of immigrants) and family research can be found in the files Z4/32408 to Z4/32412 (1943-1947). Various correspondence (regarding i.a. immigration, the Golden Shekel, donations, Zionism in Belgium, …) with the Belgian Zionist Federation and the Zionist Organisation in Belgium is found in files Z4/40030 (1920), Z4/40342 (19...

  20. Immigration department.

    This fonds contains a number of files relevant to this guide, generally containing correspondence, notes, reports and various other documents. We firstly note files concerning: the association of immigrants from Belgium in Tel Aviv (file S6/1417; years 1943-1946), Hehalutz in Belgium (S6/2390, S6/2150 and S6/2151, resp. for the years 1931-1932, 1937-1938 and 1938-1947), Hehalutz in Antwerp (S6/2148 and S6/2149; resp. 1936 and 1937), hakhsharah in Belgium (S6/1936, S6/1937 and S6/1938; resp. years 1938-1947, 1937 and 1937-1938), immigration permits for members of the Belgian Agudath Israel (...