Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 361 to 380 of 747
Country: Belgium
  1. Looft (Louft) family. Collection

    This collection contains pre-war passport photos from Looft (Louft) family members, including Marcus Looft, his brother Mozes Louft, his sister Betsy Louft and their mother Braine Bolda; pre-war holiday photos; a pre-war school picture including Marcus Looft; wedding photos of Marcus’s best friend Maurice (unidentified); a wedding photo of Betsy Louft and Maurice Poznanski; post-war family pictures of Marcus Looft with his wife Constance Van Beek and their daughter Liliane; post-war family photos of hidden child Mina Poznanski (alias Louft, adopted Bols); a photo of Mozes Louft’s tombstone;...

  2. Erlich-Liberman family. Collection

    This collection contains an audio interview of Anna Erlich-Liberman and 22 photos of : the Liberman-Weinberg family, including their three daughters Bertha, Julia and Rosalia Liberman ; siblings Anna and Rosa Erlich ; Vital Bertrand Lieberman and comrades at the Les Mazures camp in France ; Anna Erlich and her friends at the home of the Jewish Association (AJB or Jewish Council) in Lasne ; pre-war photos of Erlich and Liberman family members whom remained in Poland ; pre-war photo of Fryda Liberman ; post-war photos of Anna Erlich, her husband Vital Bertrand Lieberman and other family membe...

  3. Neumann-Wolfsztadt family. Collection

    This collection contains : a picture of non-deported Baruch (Bernhard) Neumann and his mother-in-law Maria Fridman ; pictures of deported family members of Baruch (Bernhard) Neumann and his wife Bajla Liba Wolfsztat, e.g. Baruch's brother Maurice (Moise) Neuman, his wife Enia Leszcz and their children Raymonde Sara and Adolf, Baruch's brother David Isaac Neumann, his wife Jenny (Jeanne) Lewkowitz and their son Henri, and Bajla Liba's sister Ruchla Wolfsztat, her husband Maurice (Moszek Pinkus) Cygler and their sons Abram and Leon ; three letters written by Israel Heinz (Henri) Alexandrowicz...

  4. Anielewicz family. Collection

    This collection consists of two letters sent by Roza Bronsztajn to her husband Hersch alias Harry Anielewicz while he was detained in an Organisation Todt labour camp, and a postcard sent by Israel Ezryl Anielewicz while detained at the Jawischowitz camp to his wife Lea Maschkivitzan.

  5. Kesselman-Stern family. Collection

    This collection contains photos and documents including pre-war pictures of Abraham Kesselman’s first wife Liba Teitelbaum, pre-war photos of Liba’s (unidentified) relatives and friends, pre-war photos of the Stern sisters, pre-war photos of Cipa Laja (Lea) Sztern’s children Henri and Diane Rozen, post-war photos of Eva Stern and Abraham Kesselman, Rachel Stern’s pre-war subscriptions and post-war British registration card, post-war cards from Harry Ekstein to his cousins Rachel and Sara Stern, the judicial document denying Abraham Kesselman the title of political prisoner, an RSVP to Sara ...

  6. Photo series Liberation of Antwerp, donation by Kenis family. Collection

    The topics of the 69 photos in this collection include : Wehrmacht soldiers in Antwerp ; parades of collaborating organisations such as youth movements (Nationaal-Socialistisch Jeugd Vlaanderen (NSJV), Hitler Youth…) ; the evacuation of German troops on 3 and 4 September 1944, using all types of transportation ; victims of the bombardment on Mortsel-Oude God arriving in Antwerp ; arrival of members of the Belgian resistance and allied troops in Gemeentestraat ; the pillage of shops and the destruction of street signs ; the forced transfer of captured Belgian collaborators and German soldier...

  7. Kranz-platten (photos on cardboard) of Adolf Hitler and party rallies. Collection

    5 Kranz-platten (photos printed on wood) depicting Adolf Hitler during party conventions and conferences in the company of elite NSDAP-members. Included is also a metal plaque which was attached to the original frames, indicating the name of the company that took/framed the photos.

  8. Artist painter Etienne Steel. Collection

    Photo of a portrait of Simon Van Daelen by painter Etienne Steel. The back contains notes on Simon Van Daelen, added in February 2018 by Bob Steel, son of Etienne Steel.

  9. Sauveur Eskenazi. Collection

    In this interview Sauveur Eskenazi talks about: his youth in Marseille, France ; his family's arrest and their internment in the camps Royallieu near Compiègne and Drancy near Paris ; their deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau ; his life as a forced labourer in Auschwitz, Warsaw and Dachau ; his liberation in Plzeň (Pilsen) by the Soviet army and his repatriation to France ; his post-war family life in Belgium.

  10. Henri Dewindt. Collection

    This collection consists of: a post-war photo of resistance fighter and political prisoner Henri Dewindt, 15 medals received by Henri Dewindt post-war, three political prisoner bracelets worn by Henri Dewindt during post-war manifestations, a gold pin created by Dominique Labordery for the association of former political prisoners in Mechelen, a photo of the combined pins, and a newspaper clipping from Het Laatste Nieuws regarding a New Year’s reception for former political prisoners in 1987.

  11. Rajter family. Collection

    This collection contains photos of the Rajter family, including: passport photos and wedding photos of Estera Rajter and Abram Ciechanow, photos of Estera Rajter and Abram Ciechanow with their son Willy Rajter (Ciechanow), a photo of Willy Rajter (Marks) and his mother Gitla Rajter, and wartime photos of Willy Rajter while housed at the Baron de Castro children’s home led by the Association of Jews in Belgium.

  12. Koen Pyl. Collection

    This collection contains two small paintings which have been signed by a certain H. Hofbauer. One painting contains a pear, the other one contains cherries. Also in this collection is the wedding book of Petrus Pyl.

  13. Illustrated report of memories of the deported men and boys of Diepenbeekstraat by the occupying forces in Antwerp. Collection

    The collection features an illustrated report titled "Geïllustreerde reportage: Herinneringen aan onze Weggevoerden der Van Diepenbeekstraat te Antwerpen" ("Illustrated Report: Memories of Our Deported from Van Diepenbeekstraat in Antwerp"). This report sheds light on a significant historical event during the Nazi occupation, wherein work refusers were gathered in the Van Diepenbeekstraat and subsequently deported to Germany. The seven-page report includes four compelling photographs depicting the building used by the Germans for this purpose. Accompanying the visuals is a detailed narrativ...

  14. Anna Teitelbaum. Collection

    This collection contains: copies of three photos taken in 1941 right before public parks in Antwerp became non-accessible for Jews, showing the girls attending fifth grade at the local primary school (Stedelijk Onderwijsgesticht voor meisjes nr. 1) at Lange Leemstraat in Antwerp, including Anna Teitelbaum, her best friend Eliane Russinger and their Jewish class mates Ruth Wenger (not deported), Eveline Kohn (deported), Annette Grossfeld (deported), Felicie Gruszow (not deported), Suzanne Spingarn (not deported) and Paulette Liliane Buschel (deported) ; a copy of three pages from Anna Teitel...

  15. Advertising leaflet of fur business H. Mittler, hotel Au Tigre Royal and Antwerp cinemas. Collection

    The collection comprises a single leaflet designed for promotional purposes in Antwerp. Featured establishments include the fur conservation business H. Mittler, the esteemed hotel Au Tigre Royal, and a list with a diverse selection of cinemas throughout Antwerp.

  16. Emergency Deutsche Marken overprinted with NSDAP anti-Semitic election slogans. Collection

    This collection consists of 15 emergency Deutsche Marken banknotes overprinted with NSDAP anti-Semitic propaganda slogans. These banknotes were originally issued in 1922 during the hyperinflation crisis of post-World War I Germany. Overprinted with election slogans in the early 1930’s accusing Jews of financial misconduct and advocating for their removal from positions of power, these banknotes serve as artifacts of Nazi propaganda tactics during their rise to power.

  17. Wiznitzer Family. Collection

    This collection contains: one photo of Beate Wiznitzer, who was the mother of Andy Popperwell, her brother Josef Wiznitzer, and their parents Mendel and Rachel Wiznitzer; one photo of Mendel Wiznitzer in his soldier uniform in the top left with his comrades in the Austro-Hungarian army during the First World War; one passport of Beate Wiznitzer with which she was able to enter the United Kingdom at the end of December 1938; and an envelope in which Beate's last letter to her father Mendel was returned to her in 1942.

  18. Rozenblum-Suknik family. Collection

    This collection contains: documents regarding Natan Rozenblum’s migration to Belgium, including his Polish passport ; two tailor’s sketchbooks containing drawings for clothing ; pre-war, wartime and post-war photos of the Rozenblum-Suknik family, some of which are pasted into a photo album, including a photo of Charles Rozenblum’s first communion and photos of relatives in Poland ; documents confiscated from Natan Rozenblum upon arrival at the Dossin barracks, including a real and a fake ID card ; a bible and other catholic items such as prayer cards obtained by Charles Rozenblum during his...

  19. Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas religious marriage records. Collection

    This collection contains: the register of the Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas containing the religious marriage certificates drafted between 1 January 1937 and 27 February 1938 ; a second register containing the certificates drawn up between 6 March 1938 and 27 June 1939 ; a third register containing the certificates drawn up between 29 June 1939 and 14 June 1942 ; a folder containing unbound religious marriage certificates drawn up by the Jewish Community of Antwerp Shomre Hadas between 5 November 1944 and 14 October 1947. Each certificate contains the following information: the d...