Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 221 to 240 of 667
Country: Belgium
  1. Jules Fleischer. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war and post-war photos of friends and relatives of Guyla alias Jules Fleischer, including photos of his wife Lenca David and their son Jozef Fleischer ; a pre-war photo of a wedding ; a pre-war photo of Jules Fleischer and his fellow diamond workers in their workshop ; a calendar to commemorate the yahrzeit of Jules Fleischer’s father Aladar Fleischer who passed away on 23 January 1941 ; post-war photos of Jules Fleischer showing a selection of diamonds to king Baudouin of Belgium, including a press cutting of the photo as published in De Nieuwe Gazet in 1969.

  2. Silberman-Holzer family. Collection

    This collection contains: an audio-visual testimony by Myriam Silberman in which she recounts her life during the war, including the experiences of her father Efraim Silberman who was sent to a work camp in Northern France run by Organisation Todt and who escaped transport XVI taking him to Auschwitz-Birkenau, the help Myriam, her sister Anna alias Annie Silberman and their mother Euga alias Augusta Holzer received from their former housekeeper Marie in Antwerp and from Righteous amongst the Nations Charles Ollinger and Odon Dubois who hid the family in Mons under the false name “Steurs”, l...

  3. Rozenblum family. Collection

    This collection contains 5 photographs: KD_00961_000001: photo of Israel David (aka Andre) Rosenblum/Rozenblum, stamped 2 July 1943 on the back. KD_00961_000002 - KD_00961_000005: photos of two men who liberated the mother of Nicole Gold, these being firstly Fred Leverett from the Royal Canadian Airforce (RCAF) and secondly another man from the British Royal Air Force (RAF). KD_00961_000006 - KD_00961_000007: photos from Nicole Gold’s visit to the Stolpersteine of her family at their address 53 Rue Haute / Hoogstraat 53 in Brussels.

  4. Lobe-Moens family. Collection

    This collection contains one German lineage dossier concerning the Jewish Daniel Lobe and the non-Jewish Bertha Moens which confirms the Mischeche-status of Daniel Lobe.

  5. Calixte Vandevelde. Collection

    This collection contains: two photos of Calixte Vandevelde ; a number of items recuperated from the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) in the weeks following Liberation in September 1944, including two dice, a purse belonging to Jewish secretary Benita Hirschfeld, an empty parcel box imprinted “Brunita margarine”, a children’s book entitled “De speeldoos van Langelot”, a shoe with wooden sole and 37 tin buttons fabricated in the camp workshops, the pocket watch of the deported Leon Brener with a piece of cloth with a handwritten text in Yiddish tucked inside, the necklace with pendant...

  6. Rosine De Dijn research archive. Collection

    This collection contains the research files and 172 books accumulated by Rosine De Dijn in preparation of six books on various topics related to the Second World War. The research files for ‘De vlucht van Yudka Kalman, 1941-1950’ (KD_00633_01) include five sets of photographic materials, copies concerning the German Landsmannschafte in Donau-Schwaben and across Europe, and files on Carpathian Ukraine, on researched persons and on Belgium's refugee policy. The research files for ‘Zeg Nooit Dat Je Rachmil Heet. Een Joodse Jongen Overleeft De Oorlog In Een Vlaams Gezin’ (KD_00633_02) include p...

  7. Eli Ringer. Collection

    This collection contains one hundred and thirty-three photographs containing the Ringer family, David Stein, Malvine Babad and others, three birth certificates, one Paraguayan passport for Salomon Ringer, one identity card, travel pass and shopping booklet of the UNRRA Jeanne d'Arc Refugee Centre, forty-two letters concerning the return from the UNRRA Jeanne d'Arc Refugee Centre, one letter from the Swiss Embassy about release from Internierungslager Laufen, one letter from the Paraguayan Consulate about release from lager Bergen-Belsen, three letters about the internment in Tittmoning, one...

  8. Moszkowicz-Herszman family. Collection

    This collection contains four photos, which portray the following persons: Fajga Moszkowicz, Salomon Herszman, Helene Herszman, Siegfried Herszman and Henriette Herszman. There is also the first Polish passport issued to Helene Herszman in 1948.

  9. Jacques Schop. Collection

    This collection consists of a photo of and an interview with Jacques Schop. In his testimony Jacques talks about his childhood in the ghetto of Krakow, his father's clothing business in the ghetto, his life in hiding with the catholic Polish family outside of Krakow where Jacques stayed for several months, how his ‘rescuers’ tried to get rid of Jacques once the payments seized, Jacques’ reunion with his parents in the Krakow ghetto, their flight to Budapest in Hungary with the help of smugglers, their life in Budapest and Jacques’ post-war life in Israel, Canada and Belgium.

  10. Elise Leekens. Collection

    This collection contains 1 travelling trunk in pressed cardboard, wood and leather handles as is. The initials L.R. are indicated on the top of the trunk. This trunk belonged to Wolf Leib Richter, husband of Feigel Ritterman. This collection also contains two photos showing Elise Leekens who had kept the travelling trunk with her after the war.

  11. Gizela Flachs. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of and an interview with Gizela Genia alias Gisèle Flachs. In the interview she describes : her youth in Poland, the departure of her father Naftali Flachs to France in 1938, the brutal separation from her mother Regina Knebel in 1941/1942, the different rescuers and the places where she was in hidden in Poland (including three underground locations in the woods), the work camp Koszary-Boryslav and the gruesome scenes she witnessed there, the reunion with her uncle Leon Knebel and the abuse inflicted by his wife Esther Erbsman, her reunion with her father Na...

  12. Mona Verhage. Collection

    The box contains buttons with which Jewish hidden child Norbert Vos played while in hiding in 1942-1944 at the home of the donor’s parents Raymond and Julia Verhage-Leenknecht in Kortrijk.

  13. Diary of dr. Alfons Van Orshoven. Collection

    This collection consists of three elements. First is a diary by Alfons Van Orshoven which he noted at Bergen-Belsen itself during his volunteering work, the first entry dating from 24 May 1945 and the last from 4 August 1945. Within the diary, there are some numbered pages which, however, remain unwritten. Among the things and people mentioned inside is friend and fellow year-old Prof. Jozef Vandepitte (called "Pitten") who was one of the other doctors that came to Bergen-Belsen together with Alfons. Second, there is a notebook in which are written the disease symptoms and treatment of pati...

  14. Fullenbaum-Cukierman. Collection

    This collection contains: one photo of Edithe Fullenbaum-Cukierman on her wedding day with the couple who hid her during the war (Frans Roelands and Jeanne Franckaert) beside her, and one copy of a text publicly read by Edithe Cukierman which includes biographical details about her life during World War II.

  15. Henri Oerlemans. Collection

    This collection contains ten paint containers, a paint brush, a book on world history and a sticker book which belonged to Sylvain Honigwachs, a chess board and chess pieces which belonged to Mala (Malka) Zimetbaum and two statues (named Sylvain and Myriam) created by Henri Oerlemans. After winning a number of prizes and exhibiting his art work in several different places, Henri decided to stay a free artist. Thus inspired by his heart and his emotions, sculptures such as Myriam and Sylvain were born, both Jewish friends of his. She was a skinny, fragile, sweet girl. Henri pictured her as h...

  16. Leentje De Metz. Collection

    This collection contains one membership card of the “Association des Anciens Détenus de Malines” (Organization of previous prisoners of Mechelen (Malines)) mentioning the arrest and release of Leentje De Metz, and two false identity cards of Leentje De Metz with stamps placed on them. Only one of the two identity cards has the filled in false information.

  17. Jenny Birnbaum. Collection

    This collection contains: a portrait photo of Jenny Birnbaum, 1944 ; an order from the Kreiskommandantur in Nivelles to misses Lemarchand in Genval to present herself at their office regarding her foster child Jenny Birnbaum, 1944 ; two drawings created by Jenny Birnbaum in Auschwitz, 1944 ; a letter written by Jenny Birnbaum to her family after her liberation at Kaufering Lager XI, 1945 ; a telegram sent by Jenny Birnbaum to the Lemarchand family in Genval announcing her repatriation, 1945 ; an allied expeditionary force displaced person index card issued to Jenny Birnbaum, 1945 ; a little...

  18. Kichelmacher-Edel family. Collection

    This collection contains: seventy-seven photos of the Edel and Kichelmacher families & friends (e.g. Peretz family), seven photos of the second pilgrimage to the Dossin Barracks, three documents from La Source in Basel, two marriage certificates of of Berthe (Bella) Edel and Moszek Icek (Isaac) Kichelmacher, one name change certificate for Isaac Kichelmacher to Isaac Kay, one prisoner repatriation card, one work permit, one identity card, one travel document, three immigration cards, one passport, two identity certificates, two citizenship certificates and one driving permit.

  19. Research by Florence Matteazzi on the role of clergy from the Liège diocese in hiding Jews. Collection

    This collection consists of 82 files created by Florence Matteazzi while researching clergymen in the Liège diocese and their attitude towards helping Jews during the Holocaust. These files include: administrative files with correspondence with private and public archives or archival holders and witnesses, index cards with biographical notes and draft elements of the final dissertation ; bibliographical files with photocopies of literature on oral history, the psychological analyses of testimonies by hidden children, the position of the catholic church during the Second World War, conversio...

  20. Files compiled by Renée Grabiner as a member of the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II)

    This collections contains: 0001 - Administrative documents regarding Renée Grabiner’s work for the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II) 0002 - Preparatory documents for the annual reports, 2002-2006 0003 - Preparatory documents for the final report, 2007 0004 - Dossiers per meeting (111 files) of the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II). Each file contains one or multiple of the following elements: the meeting invitation, the report of the previous meeting (including a summary of the decisions regarding the claims discussed both in...