Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 181 to 200 of 667
Country: Belgium
  1. Maurice Horoit. Collection

    In this interview Maurice Horoit alias Horowitz talks about: his youth in Antwerp, Belgium ; antisemitism in Antwerp ; his friends at the Tachkemoni school ; fleeing to and hiding in France ; making his way to Switzerland with his brother and surviving there ; the reunion with his parents and their repatriation to Belgium.

  2. Marion Finkels-Kreith. Collection

    This collection consists of: the little suitcase Marion carried her books in when going to Jewish school in Hamburg ; three pages from Marion's photo album from Cuba ; five war-time photos of Marion Finkels in Havana, Cuba ; two excerpts from Marion's diary ; an interview with Judy Kreith regarding the story of her mother Marion Finkels-Kreith ; a post-war photo of Marion and the suitcase she took with her to Cuba ; a post-war photo of Judy Kreith with Michel Fischler, son of Marion's friend from Cuba Bram Fischler ; "The Quiz Box", a story written by Marion Finkels post-war regarding her l...

  3. Szmulewicz-Kramarz family. Collection

    This collection contains: the documentary “Darkness and Light” on the story of Irene alias Rina Szmulewicz-Mondlin, created by Gaël Krajzman Johns ( ; the documentary “Nous sommes là!” on the story of Irene’s cousin Francine Erlich and Francine’s husband Marcel Holender, created by Gaël Krajzman Johns ( ; the documentary “We are here!” on the story of Irene’s cousin Francine Erlich, Francine’s husband Marcel Holender and sister-in-law Louise Holender, created by Gaël Krajzman Johns ( for French ...

  4. Manes Klinger. Collection

    This collection contains documents regarding Manes alias Martin Klinger's life in Germany, his work for copyright agencies including Auteursbureau ALMO, Independant Management Entity, attestations from employers, correspondence, his passport, documents regarding his service in the German army during the First World War, family photos and two medals awarded to Manes Klinger.

  5. Gruszow-Oppenheimer family. Collection

    This collection contains a bowler hat worn by Louis Bloch, father of donor Jean Bloch, as well as documents and photos regarding the Gruszow-Oppenheimer family, including family documents (work permits, passports, a wedding booklet, etc.) of Feiwel Gruszow and his wife Ilse Oppenheimer, letters sent by Feiwel Gruszow and Ilse Oppenheimer after their arrest to their hidden daughter Félicie Gruszow, a ready-to-wear yellow star and photos of the Gruszow-Oppenheimer family taken before the war.

  6. Sternefeld-Hemelrijk-Mok testimony. Collection

    This collection consists of an interview of Mirjam Hemelrijk who survived the war in an orphanage in the Netherlands, Eva Sternefeld who survived the war in Suriname and Rachel Mok who survived the war in the United Kingdom ; photos of Samuel Lisser and Rachel Keyser, adoptive parents of Mirjam Hemelrijk.

  7. Resler-Gutmann family portrait. Collection

    This family portrait depicts Mendel Resler, his wife Rebecca alias Rosa Gutmann and their four youngest children Alexandre or Alexander, Mircea or Mircia alias Michel, Tauba and Eva Resler

  8. Betti Blaugrund. Collection

    This collection contains : a children's desk and chair used by Aline and Jacques Klajn before their deportation in October 1942 ; clogs carved for Betti Blaugrund by Louis Ceulemans while she was in hiding at the Ceulemans-Gryson farm in Aarschot ; a pre-war suitcase used by Betti Blaugrund’s family to store photos ; photos of the extended Blaugrund-Berlinski family, including photos of the Klajn-Berlinski family, the Berlinski-Frenkiel family and the Guzy-Berlinski family ; pre-war photos of family vacations at the Belgian coast ; wartime photos of Betti Blaugrund with Louis and Odile Ceul...

  9. Scrap book on the Adolf Eichmann trial. Collection

    This scrap book contains hundreds of clippings from presumably French, Belgian and Italian newspapers on the trial of Adolf Eichmann.

  10. Gittel Eisner. Collection

    This collection contains two pre-war studio portraits of Abram alias Avram Cohn and Gittel Eisner with their daughter Deborah Cohn.

  11. Guy Francès. Collection

    In this interview Guy Elie Francès talks about: the migration of the Frances family from Greece to Belgium via the Netherlands ; his childhood in Brussels ; daily life at the family home in the Jewish neighbourhood of Saint-Gilles, Brussels ; his family’s escape during the anti-Jewish raid on Brussels in the night of 3 on 4 September 1942 ; hiding in Liège ; family life after the Liberation.

  12. Charlotte Leitersdorf. Collection

    This collection consists of a painting created before the war by Charlotte Leitersdorf, showing a vase with a bouquet of flowers. Charlotte's initials are visible in the bottom left corner.

  13. Rachel Hakker-Furcage. Collection

    This collection contains: the testimony of Rachel Hakker-Furcage regarding her family history ; photos of the Hakker-Simons, Wach-Rosenzweig and Hakker-Wach families, including photos of the Hakker pastry shop at Provinciestraat, wedding photos, vacation photos and a photo of the tombstones of Joseph Hakker and Rachel Simons ; documents, including a false ID and one of the last letters sent by Rachel Simons to her husband Joseph Hakker regarding the visit of their son Simon Hakker in the hospital.

  14. Gabriel Bauden. Collection

    This collection contains two passport photos of Gabriel Bauden, two photos of Gabriel Bauden and his girlfriend Jenny Imberechts, a letter sent by Gabriel Bauden to Jenny Imberechts while detained at the Dossin barracks in August 1942, a letter to Jenny Imberechts thrown out of Transport III on 15 August 1942 by Gabriel Bauden and a post-war request by Jenny Imberechts to obtain a war pension based on the death of her mother during a bombardment on Antwerp.

  15. Paul Morgenstein. Collection

    This collection consists of a pre-war and two post-war photos of Paul Morgenstein as well as his audiovisual testimony. In this interview Paul Morgenstein talks about: his pre-war life in Antwerp, Belgium ; the family fleeing to De Panne, Dunkirk and Calais in 1940 ; Paul's journey to the United Kingdom and his life during the bombardments in 1940-1942 ; his journey to Canada and later on to Cuba in 1942 ; his life in Cuba as a member of the diamond industry and the Jewish Antwerpian enclave in Havana in 1942-1947 ; his migration to New York, United States, in 1947.

  16. Postcard by Markus Singer. Collection

    This item is a postcard sent by Markus Singer, while detained at the Dossin barracks, to the protestant parish office in Grossgartach (today Leingarten). The text contains a request to obtain copies of baptism and marriage certificates for the family of Markus's wife.

  17. Lupu-Sigal family. Collection

    This collection contains a letter thrown out of deportation transport XXII A by Ernestine alias Esther Lupu and three pre-war photos of Bella, Arlette and Ernestine (Esther) Lupu and their mother Adela Sigal.

  18. Class picture of girls at Tachkemoni school. Item

    This class picture shows a group of girls around the age of six attending Tachkemoni school in Antwerp in 1939. The teacher on the right has been identified as Sura Breindel Schwarz.

  19. Propagandistic publications and war-time newspapers. Collection

    This collection consists of one letter and ten publications, including Belgian and international war-time and immediate post-war newspapers (Volk en Staat, Het Algemeen Nieuws, Het Belang van Limburg, La Libre Belgique, Der Mitteldeutsche, The Western Daily Press and Bristol Mirror) as well as propagandistic and/or anti-Semitic booklets (“Terreur tegen paus en Vaticaan”, “Dat had Europa van het Bolsjewisme te verwachten”, “De Beestmensch” and “Vleugels der Overwinning”).

  20. Benjamin Segoura. Collection

    This collection contains a digital copy of: the marriage booklet of Benjamin Segoura and Djoya Benaderek, Benjamin Segoura's 1939 social insurance card, a letter sent by Benjamin Segoura to his wife and children while detained at the Drancy transit camp in 1943, the post-war political prisoner certificate for Benjamin Segoura awarded to his widow Djoya Benaderek and a post-war letter from the French Ministry for former resistance fighters and war victims to Djoya Benaderek regarding the correction of Benjamin Segoura's place of death on his death certificate.