Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,981 to 11,000 of 55,852
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 13 -- Witness testifies

    The President, André Cerdini, enters and the session begins. Witnesses present at this time are called from the viewing public and brought out of the court room to a separate chamber. The session is temporarily suspended as the witnesses exit. The President enters and the session restarts. The bailiff reads the charges being filed against Klaus Barbie. The President then introduces Mme. Sabina Zlatin (maiden name Chwast). She describes her activity as a nurse in 1939, where she worked in a hospital in Argentan and then in Montpellier. She assisted with the movement and placement of children...

  2. Volksdeutsch; Propaganda; Romania

    Title on screen: "Umfassende Schulungsarbeit der Maenner der Partei lenkt die weltanschauliche Ausbildung." [loosely: Ideological instruction by the men of the party] The camera pulls back slowly from a man in a Nazi party uniform. He stands at the head of a table and speaks animatedly to a group of Volksdeutsch, who sit and listen attentively. Another similar scene, although briefer. The next scenes show further instruction given to Volksdeutsch. Close-up and medium shots of a speaker and people listening in the audience. The young women and men in the audience wear uniforms. The light is ...

  3. Jakob Lapides papers

    The papers consist of a commemorative card given to Jakob Lapides as recognition for his contribution in the students' self-government in the orphanage in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland. Also included in the collection is a newspaper published on Aug. 1, 1941, in the Łódź ghetto

  4. Népbíróságok Országos Tanácsa Selected records of Budapest People's Court

    Contains records of the Budapest People's Court (Budapesti Népbiróság). The material includes documents from the pre-trial police investigations, as well as interrogation protocols, indictments, trial transcripts, witness testimonies, judgments, and post sentencing histories.

  5. Hennoch Henry Hochman letter

    The letter was written by Hennoch Henry Hochman [donor's maternal great uncle] in Łódź, Poland, to Abe [Abram] Stern [donor's father] in which he discusses World War II and his hope for things to calm down and for peace to come quickly.

  6. Postwar court records relating to the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki

    Consists of 3,737 court cases from the Court of Thessaloniki, minutes of meetings, reports based on minutes, reports of the court reporters, etc. Records relate to petitions to the court by Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, either seeking approval for a formation of a relatives' council and the appointment of a committee "on behalf of those absent in Poland" or legal confirmation that their relatives, lifetime residents of Thessaloniki named in their petitions, have been killed in Birkenau or Auschwitz, or died on the way there.

  7. Correspondence of the Sicherheitspolizei related to the arrest of Belgian Jews

    Contains Sicherheitspolizei (SIPO) correspondence from 1943 concerning the arrest of Belgian Jews.

  8. Selected Belgian war crimes tribunals and investigation records

    Contains selected records of the Belgian post-war commission of inquiry regarding war crimes, particularly as they relate to the operation of concentration camps.

  9. Records related to German control of currency exchange rates in Belgium

    Contains documents concerning foreign currency and property. Approximately 30% regard Jewish property and the opening of Jewish deposits in Antwerp, Bruxelles, and Liege. Also contains police investigations into violations of foreign currency regulations, bank account fraud, etc.

  10. Selected records related to anti-Masonic measures in Belgium

    Contains documents pertaining to the prohibition of Freemasonry in occupied Belgium and various anti-Masonic measures carried out against Freemasons.

  11. Selected records of the National Bank of Romania

    Contains records relating to the bank of Romania secretariat, reports on the economic situation, correspondence with others including the president of the Council of Minister, financial relations with the USSR, and a confidential note regarding Jewish property.

  12. Records of the Jewish organization Karen Hayesod (East Galicia - Malopolska branch) (Fond 335, Opis 1)

    The collection includes fundraising appeals, circulatory letters of the Central Bureau of the organization in Jerusalem, annual reports concerning various activities of the organization in the region during the interwar period. The bulk of collection consists of various correspondence files with the local branches of the organization, sister organizations worldwide and membership lists.

  13. Records of the Regional Zionist Organization (East Galicia- Malopolska) (Fond 338, Opis 1)

    Contains bylaws, programs, appeals, meeting minutes, documents of Zionist congresses and conferences, informational dispatches of Zionist organizations worldwide, reviews of Zionist newspapers, records of activities of the local branches of this organization in Tarnopol (Ternopil) and Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk), lists of Jews applying for immigration to Palestine, and membership lists of local Zionist and Jewish organizations. The bulk consists of correspondence with Zionist organizations and active Zionists worldwide.

  14. Selected records of the Anti-Joodse Centrale

    Contains information created or collected by the Anti-Joodse Centrale for the purpose of enabling antisemitic measures in occupied Belgium.

  15. Records of the Jewish Health Organization (Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia Ludności Żydowskiej), Lwów Branch (Fond 503)

    Contains records of the Towarzystwo Ochrony Zydowskiej (TOZ) of the Lwów. Records relate to the TOZ activities in the Eastern Galicia ( Lwów, Tarnopol and Stanisławów counties) during the interwar period. The collection consists of several major types of documents divided into six categories: 1. Bylaws, programs of the activities of the organization, circulatory letters of the central office in Warsaw, monthly reports; 2. Documents related to the activities of the organization and its local sections; 3. Correspondence with the central office of the organization in Warsaw and its local br...

  16. Selected records of the Royal Belgian Archive

    Contains clandestine underground bulletins, newsletters and other publications selected from the Royal Belgian Archive's Inventory 253. Also contains records of the Belgian Communist Party, papers of René Greindl (wartime governor of the Luxembourg province), an inventory of the German Foreign Ministry Archives, and records concerning the German occupation administration in Belgium, the Belgian National Movement in Luxembourg, partisan armies, the battle of the Ardennes, the Feldkommandatura in Bastogne, and the situation in the Luxembourg province.

  17. documentary film about Babi Yar

    Documentary film about Babi Yar including archival footage and interviews. At times, the narration does not accurately support the footage, images are sometimes misused. Captured Nazi footage, photographic stills, and newsreel footage were obtained from various Russian archives (see notes for more details). Scenes show Kiev, Hitler, Hitler Youth, Nazi flags with swastikas, US protest posters, neo-Nazi scenes, deportation, piles of victims' belongings, Dina Pronicheva's testimony at the war crimes trials in Kiev, Jewish boycotts, undressing sequences, the chief of Kiev Ukrainian Police Kajva...

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Swedish ship Drottningholm arrives in US with diplomatic officers leaving Axis nations

    Shots of the Swedish-American ship Drottningholm. The ship bears the Swedish flag and the word "DIPLOMAT." Passengers wave from the decks. People disembark from the ship, including diplomatic officers from Axis countries George Wadsworth from the State Department and Curtis T. Everett, listed on the dope sheet as a diplomatic officer to Vichy, disembark from the ship. It is not clear which individuals they are in the crowd. A man speaks at a microphone -- perhaps he is the third man identified on the dope sheet, S. Azacarte of Mexico. Men stand among several pieces of luggage. A label on on...