Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 761 to 780 of 56,066
  1. Ferdinand Topper. Collection

    This collection contains : two photos of Ferdinand Topper; Ferdinand Topper's Belgian army ID booklet, two pre-war documents issued by the Belgian army regarding the new address of Ferdinand Topper, Ferdinand Topper's call for civil duty in March 1940 and a post-war declaration of the death of Ferdinand Topper.

  2. Feldinger family. Collection

    This collection contains four photos of deported members of the Feldinger family, including a photo of the marriage of Moses Chaim Katz and Golda Dychtwald in 1936.

  3. Liliane Steinfeld. Collection

    This collection contains : several documents regarding members of the Steinfeld/Stainfeld family during the war, two photos of deported Steinfeld family members, a Gestapo pin and a scrapbook containing a collection of wartime cartoons published in British and American newspapers, gathered by Liliane Steinfeld.

  4. Kaufman-Rottenberg family. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of the deported siblings of the donor, Marcel and Charlotte Kaufman ; a portrait of the donor’s deported maternal grandmother Rywka Hass ; a photo of the unidentified Belgian family (Nieuwland?) that hid the donor’s mother, Metel Leia (Mathilde) Rottenberg.

  5. Chojnacki-Mozelsio family. Collection

    This collection consists of two photos : a portrait of Chana Chojnacki and a portrait of Joseph Mozelsio.

  6. Cipa Wajncwajg. Collection

    This collection consists of two postcards sent by Cipa Wajncwajg to her husband Moszek Klainer and their children Bernard and Annie, while interned at the Dossin barracks in September 1942.

  7. Izaak Schachter. Collection

    This collection contains : two photos of Izaak Schachter ; a photo of his non-Jewish wife Annie Deneu ; a photo of his non-Jewish stepdaughter Jeanne Somers with her children Raymond and Lucienne Naudt ; a postcard sent by Izaak Schachter to his wife Annie Deneu in Amsterdam, while internet at the Dossin barracks in 1943.

  8. Hans Lichtmehs. Collection

    Digitised copy of a postcard describing the worries of dr. Hans Lichtmehs, detained at the Saint-Cyprien camp in France, to his uncle Richard Wolf living in New York, USA.

  9. Mordka Najman. Collection

    This collection contains a pre-war Polish passport of Mordja Najman and his Belgian war-time ID, issued by the municipality of Charleroi.

  10. Simon Heymans. Collection

    This collection contains : a photo of Simon Heymans, two letters sent by Simon Heymans while imprisoned at Saint-Gilles, Brussels, to his wife and daughter in Tilburg, including lists of goods he wanted to receive and information on the procedure to visit him ; a postcard sent by Simon Heymans while detained at the Dossin barracks to his wife, misses Heymans-Bollekamp, and their daughter.

  11. De Metz family. Collection

    This collection contains a pre-war photo of the complete De Metz family, a photo of middle son Henri De Metz wearing the yellow badge in 1942 and a request for food and clothes sent by the De Metz family members detained at the Dossin barracks to their son and brother Benjamin De Metz in Antwerp.

  12. Lehrer-Geldzahler family. Collection

    This collection contains : a photo of Jenny Geldzahler with her parents Kalman Lehrer and Tauba Geldzahler, and her paternal grandmother Etty Kalech ; a photo of Jenny Geldzahler at the beach.

  13. Benedikt Felsen and Regina Degen. Collection

    This collection contains seven photos : one photo of Louis Paulissen and his father Jozef Paulissen in the courtyard of their farm in As, the province of Limburg ; six photos of Benedikt Felsen and Regina Degen posing with members of the Paulissen family while staying at their farm in 1941.

  14. Jacobs-Stad family. Collection

    This collection contains : a photo of several Jacobs family members and family friend Armand Van Praag participating in the bridal party at a wedding ; a photo compilation of the deported Jacobs family members, including Mozes Theeboom, his wife Sara Jacobs and their daughter Keetje Theeboom, Samuel Jacobs, his wife Dora Efira and their son Jacques Jacobs, Joseph Jacobs and Isidore Jacobs.

  15. "Mijn leven in Frankrijk, bezet en onbezet. Dwangarbeid voor O.T." (diary) by Mozes Isaak (Maurice) Sand. Collection

    In this diary Mozes Isaak (Maurice) Sand recounts daily life as a forced labourer in an Organisation Todt camp in France (August-October 1942), as a refugee in France (winter 1942) and as a member of the French resistance (1943-1944). The notes include detailed reports on the treatment of Jews in the French camps, Mozes Isaak Sand’s return to Belgium in 1942, his personal life and international politics.

  16. Salomon Goldschlager. Collection

    This collection contains pictures of Salomon and Menachem Goldschlager, Liliane Mandelbaum and Josef Hermann Hurtig.

  17. Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshabers in Belgien und Nordfrankreich - Massnahmen gegen Juden. Collection

    This collection consists of 20 issues of the Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshabers in Belgien und Nordfrankreich, containing the anti-Jewish measures ordained in Belgium, including: legislation on ritual slaughter, determining who is Jewish, the municipal registration of Jews as of the age of 15, the registration and marking of Jewish shops and restaurants with placards, the exclusions of Jews from certain professions (government, educational, press, judicial and later medical professions), the residency restrictions (curfew and relocation sites in Belgium), the creation of the Associat...

  18. Celnik-Miliband family. Collection

    This collection contains six photos of Celnik-Miliband family members, including portraits of Jacques Celnik, his wife Frania Miliband and a group photo of the couple with relatives.

  19. "Mijn oorlogsarchief" - Salomon-Vieyra family. Collection

    The collection is divided into six folders. KD_00104_0001 : This file contains documents from 1940 regarding the Salomon family flight to France, including the diary of father Hyman Salomon as a soldier during the Battle of Belgium and a give way allowing members of the Salomon family to cross the border into France. KD_00104_0002 : This file contains documents from 1940-1944 regarding the anti-Jewish measures in Belgium and the hiding and deportation of Salomon family members, including documents regarding the family business, family trees, letters from Salomon and Blits family members in ...

  20. Schonberg-Ubersfeld family. Collection

    This collection contains two family photos, taken in 1922 and 1935, of Abraham Herschel Schonberg, his wife Victoria Ubersfeld and their seven children.