Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 54,661 to 54,680 of 56,066
  1. Files of Beit Terezin

    Files and Documents compiled by Beit Terezin and edited by EHRI to be part of the Terezin Research Guide.

  2. The CHGK Collection: Documentation collected by the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union, 1943-1945

    The collection contains documentation regarding the history of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, and serves as a source of information concerning the extermination of the Jews in the towns and villages throughout the Soviet Union that had been under Nazi occupation. The collection includes lists of those who perished, lists of Nazi criminals, lists of collaborators, maps, sketches of extermination sites, photographs of the faces of the criminals (low quality), investigative reports, surveys, protocols prepared by the investigators, statistical data and more. This documentation provides a d...

  3. Consistoire Israélite

    • Isrealite Consistory

    This collection contains mainly out of documents from the time 1940 to 1945 and concerning residence permits (1-4), confiscations (5-13), consistories abroad (14), correspondence (15-23), deportations (24-36), miscellaneous (37-49), war damage (50), personal records (51-59), emigration (see also miscellaneous and personal records) (60-62), finances (63-75), estate ("fortune") (76-81), instructions (82-84), press (85-87), population census (88-90), sequester (91).

  4. Fünfbrunnen (Cinqfontaines)

    Records related to the Fünfbrunnen concentration camp: name lists of Jews deported from Luxembourg to occupied Poland, SiPo reports on arrested Jews and resistance members, Correspondence and documents relating to the occupants of the Jewish elder people's home Fünfbrunnen close to Ulflingen. General inquiries of the Consistory of the Jewish community in Luxembourg at the Task force of the Security Police (Einsatzkommando der Sicherheitspolizei), the Chief of Civil Administration (Chef der Zivilverwaltung) and the Gestapo. Further the fonds contains documents relating to emigration and depo...

  5. Центральный Комитет ВЛКСМ. Отдел по работе среди комсомольцев и молодежи во временно оккупированных районах и партизанских отрядах (спецотдел ЦК ВЛКСМ)

    • Central Committee of the VLKSM (Komsomol). Department for activity among Komsomol members and youth in the temporarily occupied territoriess and partisan detachments (Special Department)

    Д. 1. Отчет Спецотдела о работе комсомольских организаций в тылу врага с июля 1942 г. по февраль 1944 г. (1-й экземпляр). 1944 Д. 10. Письма ЦК ВЛКСМ в ЦК ВКП(б) и НК обороны о положении в партизанских отрядах. Краткая стенограмма совещания секретарей РК ВЛКСМ оккупированных районов. Отчеты, информации инструкторов и уполномоченных ЦК ВЛКСМ о командированных в тыл врага. Справка о положении в оккупированных и освобожденных районах и другие документы, отражающие деятельность партизанских отрядов и комсомольских организаций в тылу врага. 1942 – 1943. Д. 11а. Справки, записки Спецотдела о разв...

  6. Ministerstvo zemědělství I - sekretariát protektorátních ministrů, Praha

    • Ministry of Agriculture I - Secretary of the Protectorate Ministers, Prague
    • Landwirtschaftsministerium I - Sektretariat der Protektoratsminister, Prag
    • MZ I
    • NAD 751_11
    • Národní archiv
    • 751_11
    • English
    • 1938-1945
    • The fonds consists out of 10.6 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents.

    The fonds consists of the correspondence of the Ministers of Agriculture in the years of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia and a re covering the fields Agriculture, occupation, chambers of agriculture, agricultural labor, taxation, agricultural cooperatives, hunting, hop growing and agricultural statistics. Holocaust relevant material consists mainly out of documents about Aryanization of Jewish property in Agriculture and the exclusion of the Jewish population from specific agricultural products.

  7. Německá osídlovací společnost Karlovy Vary

    • Deutsche Ansiedlungsgesellschaft Karlsbad
    • German Settlement society Carlsbad
    • NOS
    • DAG Karlsbad
    • NAD 556
    • Národní archiv
    • 556
    • English
    • 1938-1945
    • The fonds consists out of 241 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 1 linear meter of documents is not processed and inventoried and inaccessible.

    In the Sudeten region were since 1938 four different organisations involved into the Nazi-settlement policy. These were the Sächsischen Bauernsiedlung GmbH Dresden, the Schlesische Landgesellschaft mbH Breslau, the Bayerische Bauernsiedlung GmbH and the Deutsche Ansiedlungsgesellschaft which openened in February 1939 an office (Geschäftstelle) in Carlsbad (Karlsbad/Karlovy Vary) and an office in Mährisch Schönberg (Šumperk). The main activity of the Deutsche Ansiedlungsgesellschaft was the settlement of German farmers on farms which belonged to Czechs, Jews or other "foreigners". Czech prop...

  8. Sippenamt für Böhmen und Mähren, Praha

    • Sippenamt for Bohemia and Moravia, Prague
    • Rodopisný úřad pro Čechy a Moravu
    • Národní archiv
    • 790
    • English
    • 1939-1944
    • The fonds consists out of 1,8 linear meters of processed and accessible documents. 5,4 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The fonds is incomplete. Of particular interest are documents from a survey of persons of Jewish descent in 1944.

  9. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from regional and local archives in Germany

    The Record Group contains documentation gathered from state, regional and local archives in Germany. In the documentation there is much information regarding the persecution of the Jews on the local level, including deportations, as well as information regarding life in the Jewish communities, Jewish property and sometimes, lists of local Jews.

  10. Documentation from archives in Austria regarding the Holocaust

    In the Record Group there is documentation from national, district and local archives in Austria. There is much information in the Record Group regarding the persecution of the Jews by the federal and local authorities and activities of institutions that persecuted the Jews. In this Record Group there is also information regarding Jewish Community life, Jewish property and various lists of Jews, such as lists of Jews (and Mischlinge or those married to Jewish women) who were dismissed from government service or lists of local Jews.

  11. Collection of Rachel Auerbach, author and founder of the Oral Testimonies Department at Yad Vashem archives

    he Rachel Auerbach Collection contains: Personal documentation; biography; rough drafts of her letters from before the war; versions of her works in Yiddish, Hebrew and Polish; articles published in Israel and abroad; articles on general subjects written in Yiddish, Hebrew and Polish; correspondence; documentation regarding the book "Treblinka" by Jean François Schreiber; research articles about Rachel Auerbach; radio broadcasts; scripts; documentation regarding the Oral Testimonies Department at Yad Vashem; documentation regarding Rachel Auerbach and Yad Vashem; documentation related to th...

  12. The Osoby Collection: Nazi documentation from the Special Archive (Osoby) in the Soviet Union

    In the Record Groupe there is documentation from important archives in Germany, documentation confiscated by the Germans from countries they occupied during the war, documentation from Jewish archives in and outside of Germany confiscated by the Germans and more.

  13. Collection of Jacob Robinson, jurist and diplomat

    The Jacob Robinson Collection contains documentation and publications dealing with the capture of Adolf Eichmann and the Eichmann Trial, and especially with international legal aspects regarding this event; a copy of the interview Willem Sassen conducted with Adolf Eichmann in Argentina in the middle 1950s; documentation regarding criminals and trials conducted against them, mainly the Nuremberg Trials; plans for the creation of a comprehensive bibliographical and chronological project about the Holocaust; bibliographical surveys; documentation concerning the Joel Brand Affair and the Holoc...


    The COJASOR collection is the collection of Jewish Social Action Committee and Reconstruction. It includes folders produced by the committee between 1945 and 1990. Documents mainly tell us about budget management of the committee. We learn much about expenditure control services, distribution of grants, evolution of budget in association with the changing needs of the society. Thanks to the committee's munites and general manager's correspondence we find weekly reports of the activities of all COJASOR's services.

  15. Listes des convois de déportation

    Les listes conservées par le Mémorial sont majoritairement des listes originales. Ces listes donnent les noms, prénoms mais également parfois les dates et lieux de naissance, la nationalité ainsi que la situation de famille, la profession, l’adresse ou le matricule d’internement des personnes déportées. Les camps de départ sont essentiellement Drancy mais aussi Pithiviers, Beaune-la-Rolande, Compiègne, Angers, Lyon et Malines (pour les personnes arrêtées dans le nord de la France, qui ont été déportées depuis la Belgique). Les noms ne sont pas toujours ordonnés de la même façon selon les li...

  16. Ministerstvo vnitra - Londýn

    • Ministry of Interior - London
    • MV - L
    • Národní archiv
    • 828
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • 53,25 linear metres from which 53,25 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and 0,0 linear metres are unprocessed. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The fonds consists of documents of the Ministry of Interior and its departments. The state-security department kept records of all Czechoslovak citizens living in the Great Britain during the WWII and provided passports and visas and also their extension or verifications. The administrative and juristic department edited standpoints of the Ministry to the bills. The educational department took care about all matters of the Czechoslovak schools in Great Britain and also in foreign countries. The Ministry of Interior also cooperated with Czechoslovak intelligence service in the matters of sec...

  17. Sbírka Československé školy ve Velké Británii

    • Collection of the Czechoslovak school in the United Kingdom
    • Národní archiv
    • 1578
    • English
    • 1941-1945
    • 1,3 linear metres of which 1,3 linear metres inventoried. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The collection consist of originals and copies of the various documents, such as copies of identity documents, birth certificates, writing pads, textbooks, school certificates, photographs, messages from teachers to parents (or to the legal representatives of children), memoirs, school notes, presentations and newspapers. These materials also relate to more than 670 mostly Jewish children saved by the Kindertransporte organised by Nicolas Winton and other rescuers.

  18. Ministerstvo hospodářské obnovy - Londýn

    • Ministry of Economic Recovery - London
    • MHO - L
    • Národní archiv
    • 786
    • English
    • 1941-1945
    • 8,5 linear metres of documents from which all are processed and inventoried. The fonds is accessible.

    In the fonds, there are files from government meetings about post-war economic plans and works - such as ledgers, data used for preparations of the state budget, correspondence between departments, various economic reports for the Minister or memos. There are also documents related to post-war reconstruction plans (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, UNRRA) such as documents of activities of each commissions (planning commission, industrial commission, medical commission...) and furthermore various statistics, files or newspapers. The Jewish-related documents are not we...

  19. Ministerstvo financí - Londýn

    • Ministry of Finance - London
    • MF-L
    • Národní archiv
    • 819
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • 24,85 linear metres from which are 16,5 linear metre processed and inventoried and 8,8 linear metres are unprocessed. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The fonds consists of documents of Ministry of Finance activities - documents for preparing and compilation of the state budget, documents for payments of Czechoslovak military and civil authorities. There can be found documents from other financial matters such as checks, accounts, financial confirmations, contracts or travel expenses. Documents that refer to jewish issue can be found in several boxes. The most important one might be the box n. 131, there are registers of Czechoslovak Jews (and other citizens) deported in to the Terezín ghetto and later in to the concentration camps in occ...