Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,741 to 3,760 of 56,066
  1. Felix Kasprzak collection

    Contains two copies of an undated personal narrative written by donor’s father, Felix Joseph Kasprzak, an American born in New Jersey who moved to Poland in 1933 with his Polish-born mother so he could attend school. Living in Pabianice, after the German invasion of Poland, Felix fled to Warsaw and then back to Pabianice. He was eventually arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps and, according to his writings, was able to leave German occupation and return to the United States in 1942. His writings also describe bombings and chaos that ensued as the Germans bombed Poland. The two acc...

  2. Children play in their room in Brno

    November 1938. Antonín with a knit cap and suitcase on the gravel walkway in the garden of the family home in Veverská Bítýška (Note from Antonin: “October 1938 departure from Bítýška”). INT, Antonín and Michaela play indoors in the children’s room in Brno, putting the dolls to bed. Dark shots, Antonín plays with a toy car on the floor. 01:01:54 More INTs of children’s room, with projected lights. Antonín and Michaela ride on toy stuffed animals. 01:02:16 Antonín in the vestibule with jacket and hat, he carries postmail and a newspaper. Michaela washes and hangs laundry in a sunlit room. Sh...

  3. Selected records from the State District Archive in Brno-Venkov

    Records of the District Offices of Brno-Venkov and Tišnov, the District National Committee of Brno-Venkov, the Municipal Archives of Tišnov and Ivančice, pertaining to laws and regulations of foreigners, Jewish passport applications and emigration, the expropriation of Jewish property including lists of Jewish property owners, and anti-Jewish measures. Records also features lists of Jewish refugees in the years 1938 and 1939 from various domestic and foreign locations including from Nazi-annexed Vienna, Austria. Also features post-war lists of Jewish survivors.

  4. Selected records of the commune Busko-Zdrój Akta gminy Busko-Zdrój (Sygn.2130)

    Files of industrial and commercial enterprises, population books and indexes, the registry files and correspondence.

  5. Presentation by Gene Meisels

  6. Selected records of the Legation of the Republic of Poland in Stockholm Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Sztokholmie (GK 186)

    Records relating to German war criminals, descriptions of crimes, description of everyday life in concentration camps in the Third Reich, territories incorporated to the Reich and in the General Government (Poland). Includes file cards of orphan children of Polish parents murdered or missing during World War II, as well as individual and collective photographs of children - depicting the help of Polish welfare committees

  7. Easter holidays in Brno

    April 1938. In yard of family home in Brno (regional capital of Moravia), Hlínky 35, young Michaela (age 3) and her brother Antonín (age 2) hunt for Easter eggs in 1938. They are dressed similarly in checkered jackets. They play in the garden, with the toys. 01:01:01 Michael Eckstein stands beside a nanny, and Michaela pulls the wheeled animal toys. 01:01:13 Side view of Antonín kneeling with the toy bunny in the grass. 01:01:37 Michael walks hand-in-hand with his son Antonín. More of the family in the garden celebrating the Easter holidays. Cut. 01:02:12 Michaela holds a doll and plays wit...

  8. 1943 news roundup

    News documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade of the Year 1943" "Battling the U-Boats!" "Tragedy at Tulon!" "MacArthur's Smashing Offensive!" "Argentina Revolts!" "Allies on the March!" "Bombs Over Hitlerland!"

  9. Selected records of the Municipal Council and Municipal Government in Łódź Miejska Rada Narodowa i Zarząd Miejski w Łodzi (Sygn. 222)

    Reports, correspondence, registers, declarations, financial reports, statistics, application and permits relating to survivors of the war, Jews and Poles. Includes documents on medical assistance for returning and repatriates, the fate of real estate belonging to Jews before the war (so-called abandoned property), population statistics, permits for running and liquidating Jewish enterprises, construction and activity of the Jewish theater, matters of Jewish religion (choice of rabbi, ritual slaughter). In addition, includes documents from various associations and organizations: the Health P...

  10. Selected records of the County Office in Stopnica located in Busko Starostwo Powiatowe Stopnickie w Busku (Sygn. 2119)

    Records related to Holocaust survivors in the Busko County; Jewish cemeteries, and war crimes committed by Germans. Includes statistics of population of Busko county, lists of people murdered by the Germans, missing, deported to German labor camps, transported to concentration camps, lists of places where the murders were carried out and where the murdered are buried, and written statements of witnesses about crimes committed by Germans.

  11. Michaela and Antonin eat a meal and dance

    Michaela pushes a doll in a toy stroller in the yard of their home in Brno in 1940. The children take a walk in the city and run toward the camera in matching sweaters (probably Spring 1940 - note the bare trees). They climb up and down a set of stairs. Indoors, the children eat a meal. They smile and eat. 01:02:14 (splice) In the children’s room, Antonin (age 4) and Michaela (age 5.5) dance together (note the cross hanging on the closet door in their room). They crouch and sing and play (possibly November 1940). End 01:04:23

  12. Oral history interview with Paul Kester

  13. The city governor office in L’viv Der Stadthauptmann in Lemberg (Sygn. 540)

    Consist of selected records of the Stadthauptmann office in L’viv. Included are ordinances, circulars, reports, German personnel files, lists, correspondence, regulations, announcements, and financial books of taxes related to German population, Ukrainian police, ownership of properties, abandoned Jewish properties, and taxes.

  14. Selected records of the Collection of Jan Sehn Archiwum Jana Sehna (GK 190)

    Archives collected by Jan Sehn, a chairman of the District Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Kraków, head of the Documentation Department of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum in Oświęcim, full secretary of the Minister of Justice for prosecuting war criminals. Consist of notes, correspondence regarding the publication of memories of Rudolf Höss, KL Auschwitz commander and other matters related to war crimes, memories of Rudolf. Hössa, his statement, account, and opinion about high-ranking SS officers.

  15. Eckstein children play at home in Brno

    May 1938. Michaela plays on the balcony of her home in Brno, Hlínky 35, with flowering plants next to the toy kitchen, red toy car, dolls, and books. Michaela holds an umbrella, and walks toward the camera. Her brother Antonín joins and they snack on pretzels. 01:02:12 Antonín and Michaela with sun-hats smile and play outdoors in the yard at Hlínky 35. Spring flowers in bloom. Michaela pushes a toy baby carriage along the gravel walkway. Antonín crouches and digs with a trowel in the sandbox (father Michael sits on the white bench behind and smokes a cigar). 01:02:57 Dark-haired woman in re...

  16. Selected records of the commune Kazimierza Wielka Akta gminy Kazimierza Wielka (Sygn. 2227)

    Lists of voters (with accurate personal data) to the municipal council from 1933-1934, minutes of the council meetings from 1934-1936 and 1937-1945; the book of tribute (tax) from 1941-1942; lists of voters for the Sejm (Polish Parliament) and Senate from 1928; various documents related to issuing and the register of ID cards; population control books and the index to the register of residents of the commune from 1931-1938.

  17. Selected records. Obóz Koncentracyjny Stutthof Konzentrationslager Stutthof (GK 138)

    Personal files of guards at the Stutthof concerntration camp, including Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Russians; lists of soldiers of the dissolved National Army of General Kurdic, operating in Lithuania (approximately 1,000 names) and pay lists, surveys of arrested persons; list of children from Tuszynek admitted to the camp.

  18. Selected records of the commune Duraczów Akta gminy Duraczów (Sygn. 524)

    Registers of inhabitants of individual villages, industrial and commercial cards from 1941-1942, name lists and statistics of population from 1939-1943, and documentation regarding Jewish real estate, 1942. Includes the pre-war period records of the spa in Czarnecka Góra, a registration book of spa patients, also correspondence regarding the contribution to the Jewish religious community.