Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,701 to 3,720 of 56,066
  1. Gdynia-America. Shipping Lines S.A. Bucharest branch Gdynia-Ameryka. Linie Żeglugowe S.A. Oddział w Bukareszcie (Sygn. 258)

    Records related to Jewish emigration from Poland via the Gdynia-Ameryka. Linie Żeglugowe S.A. (Gdynia-America. Shipping Lines S.A. ). Incudes reports, summaries, timetables, balance sheets, receipts, passenger lists, correspondence, tickets, and telegrams.

  2. Philipp Kanner papers

    Contains approximately 60 letters and documents that belonged to Philipp Kanner, the secretary of the Ferramonti di Tarsia camp after it came under the auspices of Allied forces in September 1943. Includes a notebook with duplicates of 56 notices handwritten by Kanner to the Welfare Committee of the camp with food orders, maintenance instructions, notices from the camp police, Kashrut, dwelling, and other notices; most notes are signed by Kanner and a small part is signed by the camp commander. Also includes handwritten and typescript letters and drafts sent to and from Kanner, including Ka...

  3. Selected records of the commune Lipsko Akta gminy Lipsko (Sygn. 2812)

    Books of resolutions of the Commune Council of 1919-1921 and 1928-1933, book of minutes of meetings of the Commune Board in Lipsko from 1934-1946, correspondence, and the register of residents from 1935-1948;

  4. Family visits cottage in Veverská Bítýška

    September 1938. Veverská Bítýška, at the family’s estate: School-age boys outdoors near a fish pond (Felix Landsmann (b. 1930) and Gustav Landsmann (b. 1926), died in Auschwitz).The Landsmann boys, with their cousins Michaela and Antonín, play in the meadow. 01:00:26 Woman in a patterned jacket (probably the boys’ mother Juliane (Lilli) Landsmann, died in Auschwitz) greets the children and waves to the camera. Antonín tumbles in the grassy hill. Michaela eats an apple. The toddlers play outdoors in a basin of water. Beautiful view of the raging river Bílý potok (following the flood of Septe...

  5. Sztafety Ochronne. Straż Wiejska w Lublinie. Inspekcja w Zamościu SS Landwach Lublin. Inspektion Nord-Zamość (GK 697)

    Orders, correspondence, protocols of interrogations, criminal reports; judgments of the Police Court SS No. VI in Lublin, name lists of members of the SS Rural Guard, and a list of men of German nationality in the commune of Miaczyn from March 1, 1944. Records relate to personal matters of the members of SS-Landwacht-Inspektion-Nord Zamosc; trainings, regulations, promotions; the search for Jewish escapees; and investigations into the death of Sonderndienstmann, Heinrich Schmidt.

  6. Special Section of the Appeals Court of Paris Section spéciale de la cour d'appel de Paris (1941-1944)

    Files of the Special Section of the Appeals Court of Paris judging individuals arrested for infractions against the pre-war penal code for communist or anarchist activities as well as “social and national subversion” and “crimes and misdemeanors against State security.” The sentences, ranging from prison with or without fines, to forced labor for life, or death, were to be executed immediately. Most of those arrested were communist, and entire cells were arrested at the same time – Spanish Republicans, Armenians, and Polish Jews.

  7. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Grodzisk Mazowiecki Sąd Grodzki w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (Sygn. 1648) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected files of the Sąd Grodzki w Grodzisku Mazowieckim, records so-called “Zg”. Records of "Zg" relate to declaring someone dead or issuing a death certificate. This includes persons who perished during the Soviet or, mainly, Nazi occupation: either including persons arrested by Soviets or Germans, deported to the USSR or the Third Reich, sent to concentration camps, murdered in ghettos or in other places of extermination. The files (approximately 5-20 pages) contain an application declaring the death of a person, testimonies of witnesses filled out on standard forms, correspondence and ...

  8. Posterunek Żandarmerii w Żyrardowie Gendarmerie Posten Żyrardów (GK 657)

    Reports, correspondence, interrogation’s protocols regarding work and events with the intervention of the gendarmerie. Includes personal files of the gendarmes.

  9. Selected records of the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Poland in Warsaw Prokuratura Generalna RPL w Warszawie (Sygn. 842)

    Files against German generals, doctors. other Nazi criminals and collaborators, many of whom were sentenced to death. The documents collected in this collection are hand-held files of the prosecutor who were used it to prepare the indictments. Amongst others, includes files of investigations against Erich Koch and Albert Forster, and files of investigations against some Polish underground organizations [e.g. the Armia Krajowa (AK), Narodowe Siły Zbrojne (NSZ), Bataliony Chlopskie (BCh), Polska Partia Robotnicza (PPR), Armia Ludowa (AL) and others], prepared based on the Decree of August 31,...

  10. Selected records of unpublished studies on World War II Opracowania niepublikowane dotyczące II wojny światowej (Sygn. 1230)

    Published and unpublished studies, copies from the press, excerpts from publications, manuscripts and typescripts of memories, maps related mainly to the situation in occupied Poland and the activities of the resistance during World War II. Includes lists of destroyed villages, of execution sites in Warsaw, lists of underground organizations operating in the territory of Poland during the occupation, of members of the Polska Partia Robotnicza (PPR), Gwardia Ludowa (GL) and Armia Ludowa (AL) killed or murdered during World War II, and lists of prisons in Germany end occupied countries, memor...

  11. Dyrekcja Policji Kryminalnej w Warszawie Kriminaldirektion Warschau (GK 714)

    Orders, and reports regarding officers and employees of the Criminal Police in Warsaw, diagrams showing the organizational structure of various divisions of the Police in Warsaw, correspondence in personnel matters, as well as investigations regarding forgery of money.

  12. Selected records of the commune Mirzec Akta Gminy Mirzec (Sygn. 2692)

    Book of resolutions of the Board of Commune Mirzec, 1932-1939; books of permanent population with an alphabetical index.

  13. Urząd Okręgu Warszawskiego Selected records of the Amt des Distrikts Warschau Amt des Distrikts Warschau (GK 101)

    Telephone and address book of the Office of the Head of Warsaw District and subordinate German authorities and institutions in Warsaw; ordinances and circulars, reports regarding the political, economic and cultural situation in the Warsaw District at the end of March 1940. Includes official correspondence, personal files of prison guards at Rakowiecka Street in Warsaw, reports on escaped prisoners, and situational reports.

  14. Shanghai register of Polish citizens from 1934-1941 Szanghajski rejestr obywateli polskich z lat 1934-1941

    Shanghai Ledger contains the records on Polish citizens kept by the Consulate of Poland in Shanghai in 1934-1943. The ledger was the supporting administrative tool for the diplomatic outpost as well as for the citizens, who settled in a given consulate jurisdiction. Based on the ledger, Polish citizens were able to apply for various documents and compensation. They could also be found more easily by their relatives and were able to get through all the formalities at the consulate faster. The ledger records the experiences of the citizens listed and the material evidence of the care and help...

  15. Selected records from the State Archives of Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine related to the history of the Jewish Communities of the region before, during, and after WWII

    Records of the history of the Jewish communities of the Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine. Includes leaflets, minutes and reports submitted to the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Headquarters on the activities of the Zionist Jewish Party in Transcarpathia; correspondence of the police and district authorities on the activities of various political parties operating in the Zakarpatsʹka oblastʹ; reports of the police and district authorities on Jewish parties in various locations; reports on activities of Jewish associations (preparing Jews for emigration to Palestine), and the New Zi...

  16. Selected records of the Łódź Anti-Beggar Society Łódzkie Towarzystwo Przeciwżebracze (Sygn. 240)

    Lists of people, including Jews, in a shelter for the elderly and cripples in Łódź, as well as lists of arrested beggars (including many Jews).

  17. Selected records of the commune Nowy Korczyn Akta Gminy Nowy Korczyn (Sygn. 2173)

    Books of permanent population of the Nowy Korczyn commune from 1902-1931, and files regarding abandoned Jewish property (property that belonged to Jews before the war.)

  18. Political groups in the country during the occupation-collection of records Polityczne ugrupowania w kraju w okresie okupacji-zbiór akt (Sygn. 1332)

    Selected records of the small Polish organizations working during the German occupation: “Racławice”-Chłopska Organizacja Wolności; Kompania Dozorowania im. Gen. W. Sikorskiego; Konfederacja Warszawska; Legion Unii Narodów Słowiańskich; Narodowo-Chrześcijański Związek Walki; Obóz Narodowy; Obóz Polski Walczącej; Oddział Wydzielony Wojska Polskiego majora Hubala; Młody Orzeł-Polska Organizacja Patriotyczna; Znak-Polska Organizacja Zbrojna; Polski Związek Wolności; Powstańcy Polscy-Centrala Krakowska, Oddział Schronu; “Świt”-Samodzielna Polska Partyzantka Robotniczo-Chłopska; “Wolność”-Socjal...

  19. Selected records of the County Office in Końskie Starostwo Powiatowe w Końskich (Sygn. 1107)

    List of 108 persons registered in the Council of Elders of the Jewish Community in Końskie, February 28-April 28, 1941.