Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,541 to 3,560 of 56,066
  1. Pluton Żandarmerii w Tarnowie Gendarmeriezug Tarnów (GK 693)

    Circular letters, reports, correspondence on the Home Army (Armia Krajowa)-Polish resistance movement.

  2. Private film of Nazi officers' party in occupied France

    Handmade title card: “Referat Film der Propaganda-Abteilung Frankreich.” [Film section of the Propaganda Department of France.] Title card: “Am Mittwoch den Mai 14 1941” [Wednesday, May 14, 1941] On this day, roughly 3600 Jewish men were arrested and forced from their homes in Paris. "PAF" INTs, formal event/party. Nazis from the Propaganda-Abteilung Frankreich in uniform sitting around, the focus is on two men in particular, one who is wearing circular glasses. (1:44) Title card: “Der Kontra-punkt” [The counterpoint.] Back of bald-headed Nazi. Men and women are sitting around a large room,...

  3. German soldiers; loading train; command post

    Landscape with trees, powerlines, and a road. Town, church, possibly in France. Crossroads in a path. Sign with an arrow pointing “Befehlsstelle” and “Keimer.” Traveling shots. Checkpoint with a German soldier standing beside. Sign: “Einbahnstrasse.” German military compound. Brief shot of man at a table writing while a German soldier leans over him. Men shoveling beside barrier. German soldier looks directly at the camera. Farming in a field. Traveling on the road. Sign/stone marker: "St. Gabriel 1k Creully 3k" Pan of snowy landscape. (4:26) German officials oversee cars being loaded onto ...

  4. Selected records of the Provincial Court of the capital city of Warsaw Sąd Wojewódzki dla miasta stołecznego Warszawy 1950-1970 (GK 317)

    Contains selected files of criminal trials conducted by the Provincial Court for city of Warsaw. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Most of investigation were discontinued. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first legislation on li...

  5. Awards Documentation Department of Yad Vashem (Righteous Among the Nations) Dział Dokumentacji Odznaczeń Yad Vashem (Sprawiedliwy Wśród Narodów Świata) (Sygn. 349)

    Consists applications, testimonies, protocols, letters and correspondence related to award documentation "Righteous Among the Nations."

  6. Selected records of the Żanna Kormanowa collection Akta Żanny Kormanowej (Sygn. 1573)

    Selected materials from the collection of Żanna Korman née Zelikan (1900-1988), a Polish communist activist: reports and notes about her stay in the USSR in 1941-1945; biographies and memories of many people; curricula for political officers in the Polish army in the USSR; appeals and other electoral materials of Jewish organizations from 1926-1939; correspondence with Henryk Makower and his wife Emma Noemi Makower née Wigdorowicz; and Pinkus Korman personal documents from 1939-1942.

  7. Family activities at the house in Bítýška; friend in uniform; children get haircuts

    “The last visit in Bítýška at the yard” in September 1938. Baby Elizabeth Shenk with newspaper. 01:00:39 Michael in shorts with tall socks. Cousins from Prague visit the summer cottage: Felix Landsmann (school-age boy in striped suit, b. 1930, died in Auschwitz) with his mother Lilli (niece of Michael Eckstein) in the foyer. Lilli in trenchcoat plays table tennis with her husband Hans (b. 1898, died in Auschwitz) and her son Gustav (b. 1926, died in Auschwitz). Michaela plays in the yard with stroller; Felix on a tricycle. Michael Eckstein (on left) with his brother Jakob Eckstein (in dark ...

  8. Selected records of the Generalgouverneur in Polen Gubernator Generalnego Gubernatorstwa w Polsce (GK 95)

    A diary of Hans Frank (Hans Frank Tagebuch). a governor of occupied Poland during World War II. The diary entries relate to all aspect of Generalgouvernment (GG) administration from its seat in the royal Wawel castle in Krakau (Kraków). The journal is in typed in chronological order. The entries reflect careful, thoughtful consideration of administrative matters, rather than the spontaneous thoughts or feelings usually found in a diary.

  9. Selected records of the Special Criminal Court at the Warsaw Appeal District located in Łódź Specjalny Sąd Karny na Okręg Apelacyjny Warszawski z siedzibą w Łodzi (GK 209)

    Contains selected files of criminal trials conducted in the Special Penalty Court in Warsaw, seat in Łódź during the years 1944-1946. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Most of investigation were discontinued. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one o...

  10. Presidium of the County Council in Kielce Prezydium Powiatowej Rady Narodowej w Kielcach (Sygn.314)

    Files related to abandoned Jewish properties in Daleszyce, Szczecno, and Makoszyn, Poland. Includes some situational plans of individual properties.

  11. Selected records of the Prison records of persons convicted of communist activities Akta więzienne osób skazanych za działalność komunistyczną (Sygn. 1508)

    Files of prisoners (Polish Jews) convicted of communist activities; most of them perished during the Holocaust. Files are from the following prisons located in: Kielce, Krasnystaw, Lwów, Piotrków Trybunalski, Płock, Radom, Sanok, Sandomierz, Sieradz, Tarnów, Warszawa-Mokotów, Zamość, Sosnowiec, Koronowo, Wronki, Kalisz, Gniezno, Bydgoszcz-Fordon, Częstochowa.

  12. Selected records of the State Police District Headquarters in Końskie Police Station in Borkowice Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Końskich Posterunek Policji w Borkowicach (Sygn. 1336)

    Chronological register of police investigations conducted by the Police Station in Borkowice.

  13. Selected records of the Booksellers' Union, Main Board in Warsaw Związek Księgarzy, Zarząd Główny w Warszawie (Sygn. 163)

    Files of the Verification Commission of the Związek Księgarzy Polskich (Association of Polish Booksellers) to verify activities of the booksellers in connection with Germans during World War II. Includes reports, lists and questionaries with investigative information about the booksellers.

  14. Summer 1942 in Veverská Bítýška: gardening and canoeing

    Summer 1942 in Veverská Bítýška, Michaela and Antonín outdoors in a vegetable garden, corn stalks, gardening. Shows an elderly couple (friends of father Michael Eckstein from Brno, probably a lawyer with his wife) and the family of the Czech housekeeper, Milan Jubánek (born in 1935) and his younger brother Laďa Jubánek (born 1942, the baby at 01:07:18). Michaela and Antonín walk on a log with a little dog. Ducks. Michaela, Antonin, the elderly man, and the nannies walk along a dirt road. Cows. The group hikes, climbs over rocks, in the forest. The nanny tosses a handbag in the air and feeds...

  15. Oral history interview with Simon Kagan

  16. Children ride a carousel and play in the gardens

    The children ride the carousel in June 1941. They lounge outdoors on the porch at Bítýška and pose for the camera. 01:02:13 Ducks wade in a small stream on the property. Michaela and Antonin watch with the boy, Milan Jubánek, the (grand)son of the housekeeper’s family in Bítýška. 01:02:35 They sit on a wall together and smile for the camera. EXTs, grounds of summer cottage at Bítýška and the home. The children play in outdoors and pick flowers. Two dogs join the kids, CUs of the German shepherd. End 01:04:24

  17. Prosecutor's Office of the District Court in Warsaw Prokuratura Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie (GK 453)

    Court investigative files for crimes committed by the Germans and their collaborators. Prosecutions based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (Sierpniówka) of the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN, Polish Committee of National Liberation), one of the world's first laws on liability for crimes of World War II. Decree also applied against former partisans of the anti-Communist Armia Krajowa, or Home Army, whom Communism propaganda portrayed as collaborators.

  18. Selected records of the commune Moskorzew Akta Gminy Moskorzew (1909)

    Registers of born and deceased members of religious groups: Evangelical, Orthodox and Jewish in the Moskorzew commune, files for the years 1916-1918.

  19. Touring Budapest and Vienna

    At Heroes Square in Budapest, Hungary, an American family poses and smiles. Flags hang between the two structures. The youngest boy is bouncing around and twirling, laughing and smiling. (1:31) The older woman, a man, and a boy walk in front of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. (1:39) Visiting the zoo, seals swim around in the water in an enclosure. Polar bears on rocks above. Peacocks strut around. (2:33) A band marches on the street below. Soldiers march behind them, followed by cars. (3:27) A couple walks on top of a walkway overlooking a city, probably at Fisherman’s Bastion in Budap...

  20. Home Army Kielce District-Jędrzejów subdistrict Armia Krajowa Okręg Kielecki–Obwód Jędrzejowski (Sygn. 1025)

    Selected records of the Home Army (Armia Krajowa), partisian units "Droga", "Góra" and „Młyny”: reports, orders, maps, and photographs of soldiers. Includes archives collected by Andrzej Roplewski for the book "Oddział partyzancki spaleni” : 65 letters, a list of decoded nicknames, a list of person shot in 1939, situational sketches and instructions.