Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,341 to 46,360 of 55,890
  1. Paulette G. and Denise B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paulette G., who was born in Paris, France in 1933. She recalls her mother dressing her and her sister beautifully; German invasion in 1940; her brother's birth; her father's disappearance; humiliation and harassment when wearing the star; learning her father had been killed; her mother arranging to hide her and her sister with a Catholic family in Seiches; their conversion to Catholicism; cessation of payments from their mother (she was deported and killed); arrival of her brother; his placement in an orphanage; hardships due to their hosts' poverty; consolation from...

  2. Veronika B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Veronika B., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1926. She recalls her family's affluence (they owned a large couture house); their assimilated lifestyle; attending gymnasium; vacationing in Czechoslovakia and Italy; German occupation in March 1944; confiscation of their business, apartment, and possessions (they received a receipt that she shows); entrusting family jewelry to non-Jewish friends; her brother's conscription for forced labor; moving to a safe house; forced labor with her parents in a workshop supplying custom-made clothing and shoes to the SS, their fr...

  3. Denise W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Denise W., who was born in Paris. She recalls her parents were both from Poland; being sent to boarding school in Les Sables-d'Olonne after the outbreak of war; returning to Paris; her father's deportation; fleeing with her mother, grandmother, and brother to Nice; living in Aix-les-Bains; hiding in the mountains during a round-up; returning to Aix-les-Bains; arrest with her family; incarceration in Drancy; deportation to Birkenau; separation from her mother; being protected by the Czech head of her block; her mother's last visit; sorting clothes and luggage near the ...

  4. Paul G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul G., who was born in Boskovice, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1912. He recounts his family's move to Vienna when he was six months old; his parents' divorce; moving to Czechoslovakia in 1922; apprenticeship in C?eska? Li?pa; joining his mother in Vienna in 1934; joining Haganah; losing his business after the Anschluss; moving to Prague in March 1938; illegally emigrating to Palestine through Betar; joining the Irgun; enlisting in the British army in 1939; serving in France; fleeing from Dunkerque to England; marriage in London; serving in Egypt in 1941, then in Nor...

  5. Fred M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fred M., who was born in Trenc?i?n, Czechoslovakia in 1906. He recalls family life; his athletic abilities; education in a Jesuit school; his successful plumbing business; marriage; and moving to Trenc?i?n. Mr. M. describes his exemption from wearing a yellow star because the Germans needed his plumbing skills; working in the Tatra Mountains; hearing that all the Jews in Trenc?i?n had been deported, including his family (he knew his son was hiding with a former employee); escaping to the partisans headquartered in Banska? Bystrica; various forays against the Germans; ...

  6. Stanley R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stanley R., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1934. Mr. R. recalls his assimilated home; his German governess; German invasion; his father's and uncle's flight to the Soviet Union; moving with his mother to his uncle's home in Wieliczka; the horror of witnessing a building being burned containing Jewish adults and children; their return to Krako?w using false papers; his mother working as a domestic; SS confiscation of her employer's home; his mother continuing to work there while hiding him in a closet for six months; being smuggled to Bratislava with his mother, an...

  7. Sara K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara K., who was born in approximately 1926, the older of two sisters. She recounts living in Wielun?; her family's orthodoxy; attending Jewish and public schools; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; fleeing east; separation from her family; assistance from the Red Cross; finding an aunt in Be?chato?w; traveling to Pabianice; returning home; destruction of their home by German bombardments; living with relatives; reunion with her mother and sister (her father never returned); forced labor clearing rubble; joining a cousin in Zie?bice in 1940 (her mother and siste...

  8. Blanche H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Blanche H., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1934. She recalls her affluent home; German invasion; her family's unsuccessful attempt to flee via Dunkerque; returning to Antwerp; antisemitic restrictions; humiliation at having to wear the yellow star; her father's deportation, followed by her brother's and sister's; moving to Namur with her mother; her mother seeking help from a Catholic priest to hide her; living with a family of nine children in Rhisnes (her mother hid in Antwerp); arrival of her mother; having to leave due to fear of exposure; relocation to an or...

  9. Willy K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Willy K., who was born in Mont-sur-Marchienne, Belgium in 1920, a non-Jew. Mr. K. recalls participating in a Protestant youth group; leaving school at age fifteen; working odd jobs; learning to be a baker from his father; military enlistment in September 1938; assignments in Florennes, Konigslo, Rossignol, and Bruges; a futile attempt to leave with British troops after German invasion; volunteering for the bakery when he was incarcerated; transfer to a prison in Bruges; escape; traveling to Brussels, then his home; joining an organization of war veterans; contacting a...

  10. Veronica F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Veronica F., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1919. She describes her father's conversion from Judaism to a Methodist sect; ambivalence concerning her religious identity; anti-Jewish laws in 1938; attending university in Scotland; converting to Presbyterianism; returning to Hungary at her parents' behest; marriage to a Jew; her husband's forced service in a labor battalion in September 1940; his release after six months; her son's birth in May 1943; German occupation in 1944; her husband's deportation; help from Christian friends in hiding her son in a foster home...

  11. Jan R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jan R., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1924. He recalls his family's strong Czech, rather than Jewish, identity; German occupation in 1939; anti-Jewish laws; deportation to Theresienstadt in May 1942; forced labor in the fields, then in a laboratory; surgery; the Jewish leadership's decision to provide more resources for young people; lectures and concerts; sham improvements during a Red Cross visit; an encounter with Rabbi Benjamin Murmelstein; meeting his future wife; deportation to Auschwitz in September 1944 (he never saw his parents and sister again); ...

  12. Walter K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1914. He describes his family background; the Anschluss and resulting terror; losing his job; unsuccessful escape attempts through Luxembourg to Brussels; returning to Vienna; the terrorism and destruction of Crystal Night; his arrest and transfer to Dachau; slave labor and his efforts to remain unnoticed; and release in April due to membership in a Zionist organization which obtained emigration papers for him to Great Britain as a farm laborer. He describes arrival in London; transfer to Wales; several farm jobs; internme...

  13. Irene G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irene G., who was born in Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary in 1934, the oldest of five children. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; beautiful memories of Sabbath and holiday observances, despite their minimal lifestyle; attending a Jewish school; antisemitic harassment; her father's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in 1942; German occupation in 1944; round-up with her grandmother, siblings, and mother in June; deportation to the Debrecen ghetto, then to Strasshof; lack of sanitation and food; transfer to a camp in Vienna; caring for her siblings while her mother...

  14. Kurt G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dr. Kurt G., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1915. He recalls his father's military service in World War I; seeing his father for the first time after his return from a prisoner-of-war camp; the family's move to Innsbruck; anti-Semitic attacks at school; participation in Zionist activities; their return to Vienna in 1933; attending medical school; his father's termination by his German employer; his father killing his replacement; and his arrest. He recounts completing medical school exams after his father's arrest; German occupation in 1938; receiving a message fr...

  15. Herma R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Herma R., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1924. She recounts the Anschluss; antisemitic harassment; her brother's and cousin's arrests and release; expulsion from school; attending a Jewish school; Kristallnacht; her father's arrest; a neighbor hiding their valuables and providing food; eviction from their home; her father's release; traveling with a kindertransport in March 1939 to London; reunion with her grandmother; living with a foster family; brief evacuation to Wales; corresponding with her parents via the Red Cross; close calls during the blitzkrieg; her br...

  16. Jana S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jana S., who was born in Topol̕čany, Czechoslovakia in 1926. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; her father's deportation to Novaky labor camp in 1941; joining him in 1942; forced labor; release during the Slovak uprising in August 1944; traveling to Banská Bystrica; leaving her family to join the partisans; hiding in villages; working in a partisan infirmary; German soldiers capturing her and a friend; one soldier allowing them to escape (the others were shot); hiding in Slovenská l̕upča; obtaining false papers; hiding in Koš and Krušovce; returning to Koš; h...

  17. Tibor F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tibor F., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1933. He recalls his parents' divorce; living with his father and visiting his mother and sister; German invasion; hiding with his father's friends in a Swedish protected house; being sent to his mother due to lack of food; being accosted on the street when returning to his mother in the ghetto; assistance from non-Jews; hiding with his mother in a basement during round-ups; liberation by Soviet troops; his mother arranging for him to go to Germany with assistance from a Zionist organization; participating in Zionist grou...

  18. Albert, Gina, and Kurt K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Albert K., who was born in Poland in 1903; Gina K., who was born in Vienna in 1909; and their son Kurt K., who was born in Vienna in 1937. Married in Vienna in 1937, Mr. and Mrs. K. describe their pre-war life in Vienna; the birth of their son; and the German invasion and conditions under German occupation. They tell of their flight from Vienna to Antwerp, where they remained until the German occupation of Belgium; their arrest in Antwerp; and an aborted attempt to deport them to Poland, which landed them instead on a farm in Belgium. They relate being sent back to An...

  19. Eva F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920, the oldest of four children. She recounts her parents' renouncing their religions upon marriage (her mother was Christian, her father Jewish); limited exposure to Judaism through relatives; her father's political career as a Social Democratic member of the local and national governments (streets are named for him in several cities); his vocal opposition to Nazism; visiting him with her mother and siblings when he was in Oranienburg in 1933 and in prison in 1935; expulsion from school; assistance from Quakers; being taug...