Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,741 to 14,760 of 55,889
  1. Clifford C. Byrum photograph collection

    Consists of 27 photographs depicting Clifford Byrum, other United States soldiers, and German prisoners exhuming infants' graves at a Volkswagen maternity hospital and Kinderheim (children's home) in Rühen, Germany, during the investigation of Nazi atrocities. A maternity hospital and Kinderheim was established by the Volkswagen corporation in Rühen, Germany, in March 1943 for children born to Polish and Russian forced laborers working at the VW factory in Wolfsburg. Because of unsanitary conditions and neglect at the Kinderheim, approximately 365 children under the age of 16 months died ...

  2. Headband

    Headband worn by Eva Charlotte Lehmann (donor's niece); Eva Charlotte was born on September 26, 1936, the only daughter of Gertrud Elias Lehmann and Siegfried Lehmann. They lived in Mallwischken, Germany. Siegfried fled Germany July-August 1939 to England. Gertrud and her daughter, Eva, moved to Berlin. Gertrud died of pneumonia contracted during forced labor on November 7, 1942, in the Jewish Hospital in Berlin. Eva Charlotte was deported to Auschwitz on December 14, 1942, where she perished.

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Examination by Judge Halevi

    Session 106. Starts midsentence with Judge Halevi telling Eichmann that they do not take the words of witnesses as absolute fact. He tells Eichmann, who said earlier that he wanted to write a fair and frank book about what happened as a warning to the youth of Germany, that he can instead accomplish here what he wanted to do with his book, proving to the world, and more importantly to his sons, that he was innocent. 00:06:29 Judge reads the "Proclamation of War by the Jewish People Against the German People" that Eichmann had referenced previously. The Judge acknowledges that even if the pr...

  4. Leo Melamed collection

    The Leo Melamed collection consists of immigration and identification documents issued to the Melamdowicz family (later Melamed) of Białystok, Poland. Also included are blank postcards from Japan; a notebook kept by Leo Melamed containing Lithuanian words and their Yiddish meaning; a second grade notebook, a letter signed by Tomlin Bailey, the American vice-consul regarding immigration visas, December 12, 1939; and a photograph identified as a Białystok Bund demonstration, 1934.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Examination by Judges

    Session 106. Eichmann says (midsentence) that nobody in his office questioned any orders, giving plenty of examples (part duplicated on Tape 2191). Eichmann says that those at the Wannsee Conference discussed the various ways that the Jews could be exterminated. Judge Raveh then asks why Eichmann celebrated the end of the conference with Mueller and Heydrich, why was he the third man if he only gave the minutes. Eichmann gives conflicting answers. 00:09:37 The tape jumps, and Eichmann is being asked about a statement from 1942 where he said that he was washing his hands of guilt. This turns...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 34 and 35-- Witnesses Dr. Melkman and David Melchior

    Session 34. Tape begins with Dr. Joseph Melkman (Michman) being sworn in as a witness for the Prosecution. He was born in Holland and immigrated to Israel. He was the director of Yad Vashem. 00:03:17 Tape jumps. Dr. Melkman is testifying, being asked about a man who helped organize the Judenrat in Holland because the Jews did not know how to deal with the Germans. Edelstein's status is discussed. He describes that at first, many Jews wore the yellow stars with pride; that they were not ashamed to be Jewish, and many Christians supported them in protesting the act. 00:08:21 Tape jumps. Dr. M...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 96 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The camera fades in on a medium shot of the prosecution table. Attorney General Gideon Hausner is seated at the desk. Assistant to the Attorney General Ya'akov Robinson stands to Hausner's right talking to an unidentified man. Assistant State Attorney Gabriel Bach enters (00:00:40) and talks with Robinson. The camera cuts to a shot of the empty booth (00:01:29). Assistant State Attorney Ya'akov Bar-Or enters and walk right to the prosecution table (00:02:19). Dr. Servatius enters the frame, standing behind the defense attorney table (00:02:29). Eichmann enters the booth carrying documents (...

  8. Jewish Ghetto in Amsterdam

    WS street with large street sign: JUDEN VIERTEL JOODSCHE WIJK. Another sign hanging sideways on a building: FUR WEHRMACHT VERBOTEN. DER KOMMANDANT DER STADT AMSTERDAM (Nazi headquarters in Amsterdam). Street scenes, well dressed man riding a bicycle. 03:32:01 CU of street sign: JUDENSTRASSE JOODSCHESTRAAT. People and children on street, some with Star of David on clothing. Woman pushing baby carriage, streetcar passing by sign: JUDEN VIERTEL JOODSCHE WIJK. Girls with Star of David on their coats eating ice cream. 03:32:39 MS open market with sign: TIJDENS MARKT VOOR JUDEN VERBODEN. Crowd of...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Excerpts from session 94 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The camera fades in on the courtroom. Eichmann's attorney, Dr. Robert Servatius, and Attorney General Gideon Hausner sit at their respective tables. Assistant State Attorneys Gavriel Bach and Ya'akov Bar-Or are standing near Hausner conversing. Audio begins at 00:01:31. There are shots of the courtroom from various angles. The camera zooms in on the empty booth (00:01:59). Adolf Eichmann enters the booth carrying documents (00:02:51), which he hands to Servatius via a guard. Servatius examines the documents. All rise as the judges enter the courtroom and Presiding Judge Moshe Landau opens t...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 102 and 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused re: Operation Units

    This tape begins near the middle of Session 102, during a discussion about a meeting held in a cinema pertaining to the issuing of orders to the Einsatzkommando/Einsatzgruppen. Eichmann is cross-examined by Attorney General Gideon Hausner about the number of people who attended the meeting and his own role. Eichmann talks of his personal ambitions to be the commander of an Einsatzkommando, which he claims he thought were military units operating at the Eastern Front, and his disappointment when this did not come to pass. 00:09:08 Later in session 102: Hausner questions Eichmann about his in...

  11. The New York Times (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    Newspaper reporting the voyage of the MS St. Louis as the cover story.

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Reading of 15 counts of indictment

    Session 1. German translation of the First Count, Letter (h). Judge Moshe Landau continues to read the fifteen counts against Adolf Eichmann, followed by the German translation. When the recitation is complete, Judge Landau asks Eichmann if he understands the charges against him, and Eichmann responds affirmatively. Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius requests permission to voice objections against the court before his client enters a formal plea. Judge Landau agrees, and Dr. Servatius states a concern for both the objectivity and competence of the court. Dr. Servatius suggests that an Is...

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 102 -- Cross-examination of the Accused: corrections to the Sassen document

    Session 102. Attorney General Hausner asks Eichmann to read the corrections he made to the Sassen memoirs. Questions concerning the German Minister of the Interior and his connection to Eichmann are addressed. He then decries the entire document, saying that it is completely muddled, and that he cannot answer any further questions on it. The President of Court says that he will answer questions until he is relieved; Eichmann cooperates, but says that he feels he is being "roasted" until they get the answer they want from him. 00:10:48 Following Eichmann's comments about feeling "roasted", t...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 98 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 98. Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross examines Eichmann about sending Jews from the Reich to Litzmannstadt/Łódź. There is a commotion in the courtroom and Judge Landau tells the guards to remove a man from the audience because he is shouting (00:01:42). The camera cuts to a man in the audience being taken out of the courtroom (00:01:50). The English translator is heard saying that the man pointed to a concentration camp number on his arm and shouted "you dog, you dog." The camera turns back to the proceeding. There are shots of Hausner and Eichman...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 7 -- Hausner's opening statement

    Dr. Robert Servatius walks into the virtually empty courtroom and sits down. He pulls a file folder out of his bag and talks with the person sitting next to him. Adolf Eichmann is brought into a booth. The translator steps up to a podium and guards motion for Eichmann to pull his seat forward. Various shots of Eichmann and Dr. Servatius are shown. A woman sits at a podium opposite the translator. 00:05:31 Everyone rises as the Judges walk in and sit down. Presiding Judge Moshe Landau opens the 7th Session of the trial and requests Attorney General Gideon Hausner to continue his Opening Spee...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 95 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins near the end of Session 95. Attorney General Hausner questions the accused about a book written by Gerhard Boldt. Boldt had criticized Hitler throughout the war. Hausner reads a statement given by Eichmann in 1955 that Boldt should be flayed alive for his criticism of Hitler and it was because of him that the war was lost. Eichmann testifies that this statement was correct but asks that it be kept in context (00:01:36). Judge Halevi asks Eichmann if Boldt had broken his oath of loyalty after Hitler's death (00:03:08). The accused replies no and explains that the reason for hi...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Eichmann's personal feelings

    Session 106. Tape starts midsentence with some duplicate material from Film ID 2192. Judge cites that Eichmann ordered the release of a group of Jews from the ghettos in eastern Hungary. Eichmann says that this, along with other examples, were ordered by his superiors, and he explains how and why this was. Generally, he says that he was ordered to do such things, never could he do something like that on his own, and he never questioned the motives behind his orders. 00:11:14 The Judge questions the decision to transfer Jews to the Eastern front instead of the Western front, accusing Eichman...

  18. Medical kit

  19. Shārit ha-plātah Bavaria Register

    List of Jews in displaced persons camps produced under the auspices of Rabbi Abraham J. Klausner, Chaplain, USA.

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 110 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 110. Repeats part of Tape 2212, where Hausner gives examples from Nuremberg where people were exonerated, and he shows that this is not similar to those instances. 00:02:21 Court takes a 20 minute recess. Various shots of people milling about the courtroom. Fade to slate. 00:04:15 Eichmann in his booth and Hausner organizing papers. Various shots of the crowd. 00:10:33 Judges return. 00:10:45 Tape jumps, Hausner is speaking, citing decisions from Ulm that decided that duress is not an excuse for murder. He also cites that bodily harm in the case of refusing to cooperate is also not ...