Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,661 to 31,680 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Ministerie van Justitie: Rijksvreemdelingendienst (RVD) en Taakvoorgangers.

    This fonds contains several relevant files, mainly with regards to the question of Jewish refugees. File nr. 531 contains documents concerning requests from Jewish institutions for exchange of refugees between the Netherlands and Belgium (1939-1941). Documents (dated 1939-1940) regarding the granting of permission to the Comité voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen (Committee for Special Jewish Interests) to exchange minor refugees with Belgium can be found in file 912. In file nr. 1771 we also find documents concerning exchange of refugees with Belgium, in this case at the request of the Haags...

  2. A Kassai VIII. Csendőrkerület Ungvári Osztályának Gazdasági Hivatala (1939-1945)

    • Records of Ungvár Economic Office of the Kassa or 8th Gendarmerie District of Hungary (1939-1945)

    Next to various levels of public administration and the Hungarian police forces, the Hungarian gendarmerie was the major organization responsible for the implementation of the Holocaust in Hungary in 1944. Its representatives ghettoized and deported Hungarian Jews from the countryside and often did so in a cruel and brutal manner. The 8th Gendarmerie district of Hungary was organized upon Hungary's (re)acquisition of territory from Czechoslovakia around the time of the latter's destruction. The gendarmerie district had its center in Kassa and had one of its divisions in Ungvár. Miscellaneou...

  3. Minisztertanácsi jegyzőkönyvek

    • Protocols of the Council of Ministers

    The Council of Ministers was the most important executive authority in Hungary before and during the Holocaust. It was composed of Ministers who could be substituted by leading Ministry officials. It was presided by the Head of State (Regent Horthy until 1944) or, in his absence, the Prime Minister. The Council of Ministers tended to hold its sessions once a week but occasionally more often than that. After 1920, proposals were pre-circulated, the Ministers only added their remarks at the meetings and debates could ensue. The Council of Ministers, originally established in the year of the A...

  4. Joint Magyarországi Képviselete iratai

    • Documents of the Hungarian Representation of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

    The collection contains miscellaneous documents of the Joint Magyarországi Bizottsága (the Hungarian Committee of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) and the Országos Zsidó Segítő Bizottság (the National Jewish Aid Organization) between 1945 and 1950. The documents include the agenda and minutes of meetings of the Hungarian Committee of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee as well as the proposals of its various departments, its financial and operational reports, budgets, internal correspondence, correspondence with various Hungarian authorities as well as internat...

  5. Landeszman-gyűjtemény

    • Documents collected by former Director of the Jewish Archives of Hungary György Landeszman

    The Landeszman collection includes miscellaneous Holocaust-related documents from 1944-45 and the postwar period, such as documents of individual labor servicemen, letters and requests of the Central Jewish Council from the year 1944, daily demands various Hungarian and German authorities sent to the Central Jewish Council, requesting the delivery of various objects or the provision of various services, notes on the organization of ghetto life, documents regarding the ghettoization and deportation of Jews of Kiskunhalas and Sopron, reports from countryside ghettos from May 1944, list of pro...

  6. Magyar Izraeliták Országos Képviselete iratai. Jogügyi Osztály

    • Documents of the National Representation of Hungarian Israelites. Legal Department

    The largest part of this vast collection was created in the years 1959 to 1963 and contains ample information on what happened to individuals and families during the Holocaust in Hungary. The documents were collected by the Magyar Izraeliták Országos Képviselete Jogügyi Osztálya (the Legal Department of the National Representation of Hungarian Israelites). They were employed as evidence in Holocaust-related legal cases such as compensation cases and cases to determinate pensions. Next to personal recollections, the collection includes testimonies taken by notaries and certificates issued by...

  7. A Magyar Izraeliták Országos Irodájának iratai

    • Documents of the National Office of Hungarian Israelites

    This body of documents holds the records of the National Office of Hungarian Israelites. Its elements with relevance to the history of antisemitism and the Holocaust range from 1939 to 1945 and include: documents regarding the organization’s responses to the anti-Jewish legislation, such as appeals and petitions written to the Hungarian governmental and legislative authorities; correspondence with Jewish individuals, communities and Hungarian and foreign authorities regarding the individual cases of persecuted Hungarian Jews in the country and abroad; documents regarding the aid and relief ...

  8. Pesti Izraelita Hitközség iratai (Segélyprogramok)

    • Documents of the Pest Jewish Community (Aid Programs)

    In Hungary, anti-Jewish legal discrimination became increasingly severe during the late 1930s and early 1940s. The Jewish community responded to the hardship its members experienced by organizing aid programs through various channels. The Jewish community of Pest was by far the largest and wealthiest of the Jewish communities of Hungary and, accordingly, it played a leading role in these initiatives. This collection contains, first of all, documents of the Országos Magyar Zsidó Segítő Akció (the National Hungarian Jewish Aid Action) from the years 1938 to 1945. They include essential docume...

  9. XIII. Documents of the Chevra Kadisha of the Pest Jewish Community

    The collection contains documents of the Chevra Kadisha of the Pest Jewish Community from the 1940s. Most importantly for the study of the history of the Holocaust in Hungary, there are various documents from the month of April 1944, i.e. from the time after the German entry and the beginnings of the activities of the collaborationist government but before the mass deportations from the countryside. These documents include the datasheet regarding the financial situation and the assets of the Pest Chevra Kadisa compiled as stipulated by Prime Minister’s Decree 1600/1944, documents on the imp...

  10. Az Országos Rabbiképző Intézet iratai

    • Documents of the Rabbinical Seminary of Budapest

    The collection includes miscellaneous documents of the Rabbinical Seminary from the years 1942 to 1945. There is the documentation of the Directing Committee of the Rabbinical Seminary from 1942-1943 that includes materials discussing the consequences of anti-Jewish legislation, especially the anti-Semitic Act VIII of 1942, which ended the official, state-endorsed status of the Rabbinical Seminary, documents concerning questions and cases of exemption from Hungarian anti-Semitic legislation and the peculiarly Hungarian institution of labor service. There are also miscellaneous documents of ...

  11. Pesti Izraelita Hitközség iratai

    • Documents of the Pest Israelite Congregation

    The fond contains the records of the Pest Israelite Congregation. Its elements with relevance to the history of antisemitism and the Holocaust range from 1919 to 1945 and include: records of the Legal Aid Office documenting antisemitic atrocities in 1919-1921; personal papers of President of the Jewish Council Samu Stern; records of aid organizations and campaigns, such as the Welfare Bureau of Hungarian Israelites, the Welfare Bureau of Pest Israelites, the Veteran Committee of the National Israelite Offices and the National Hungarian Jewish Aid Action regarding the aid and relief of Jews ...

  12. Budapesti Nemzeti Bizottság iratai. A náci és nyilas rémtettek kivizsgálására alakult bizottság iratai

    • Budapest National Committee. The Committee for the Investigation of Nazi and Arrow Cross Atrocities

    The Records of the Committee for the Investigation of Nazi and Arrow Cross Atrocities are incorporated into the Records of the Budapest National Committee. The survived records include the documents related to the establishment of the Committee (fasc.9.), further documents related to the activities of the Committee including its correspondence with the Hungarian institutions of justice and investigation, photographs, documents on the burial of dead bodies that were lying in the territory of the ghetto, the protocols the Committee recorded or received in its official capacity, police protoco...

  13. Budapest Székesfőváros Statisztikai Hivatalának iratai, 1870-1952

    • Records of the Bureau of Statistics of the Capital City of Budapest, 1870-1952

    The capital city of Budapest has played a major role in the life of Hungarian Jewry in modern times. By the 1930s and 1940s, the Jews of Budapest constituted by far the largest community in the country and second largest urban Jewish community on the continent (right behind Warsaw). After the Trianon Treaty of 1920 but before the rounds of border revisions between 1938 and 1941, around half of the Jews of Hungary belonged to this community. This meant that Jewish Hungarians amounted to nearly one-quarter of the population of Budapest at the beginning of the 20th century though, due at first...

  14. Budapest Székesfőváros Árvaszékének iratai

    • Records of the Orphans' Court of Budapest

    The Holocaust was not only the largest genocidal operation in 20th century Hungarian history, but also a gigantic campaign to systematically rob the wealth of Hungarian Jewry. In Hungary, the Europe-wide campaign of robbery usually referred to by the name of Aryanization had various initiators and a large segment of benefactors in society while it was also planned as a state-directed and -controlled process. When the secret decree of April 7, 1944 was accepted concerning the so called de-Judaization of Hungary, it was also decided that Jews could bring 50 kgs of their belongings to the ghet...

  15. Budapest Székesfőváros Főpolgármesterének iratai

    • Records of the Mayor of Budapest

    Unified Budapest was created in the early 1870s and the city would soon emerge as a modern metropolis that in many ways acquired a dominant role in Hungarian affairs. The Mayor of Budapest was therefore a highly significant function. Since Budapest also had the second largest Jewish community on the continent with over 200 000 members and Jews played particularly prominent roles in the life of the city, the Records of the Mayor of Budapest are also of special interest to the study of how the country’s anti-Semitic radicalization was negotiated in the capital city. The story of Budapest and ...

  16. Népbíróságtól átvett peres ügyek iratai

    • Budapest Criminal Court. Records of criminal proceedings taken from the People’s Court, 1949-1950

    The collection contains materials from the late stages of the operation of People's Courts and their trials against war criminals and other defendants charged with political crimes at the time of the Stalinization of Hungary. The accused of these trials from 1949-1950 included various categories of Holocaust perpetrators.

  17. Kerületi Elöljáróságok iratai

    • Records of the District Councils of Budapest

    The Hungarian Law 1893:XXXIII. turned the Budapest district councils, at that time ten of them to which another four were to be added during the 1930s, into modern administrative bodies. Their functions extended way beyond administrative cases and combined functions of an office with an authority responsible for the issuing of certificates, the judging of cases of misdemeanor, the registration of children obliged to attend schools, the arrangement of public health-related issues, the pursuit of poor relief, etc. The combined profile of the disctrict councils of Budapest as administrative of...

  18. Records of the Pest District Law Court, 1945-1950

    • Pestvidéki Törvényszék iratai, 1945-1950

    The collection holds the records of Pest District Law Court including the records of the civil court and the records of criminal court as well as administrative records of the Court (presidential, secret and classified records). XXV.1. 3. General administrative records I.A./17. holds records pertaining to war crimes trials, including legal procedures of Holocaust perpetrators from all walks of life, including employees of municipal and state administration, military and law enforcement officers and intellectuals. It contains plenty of information on antisemitic policies and incidents, the i...

  19. Records of the Central Endorsement Committee No.1-2 of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County, 1945-1947

    • Pest Vármegye I.-II. sz. Központi Igazoló Bizottságának iratai, 1945-1947

    The collection holds the survived records of the Endorsement Committees established after the end of World War II in Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County. Endorsement procedures were initiated against employees of municipal and state administration, military and law enforcement officers and intellectuals, including lawyers, teachers, physicians and pharmacists. The material provides specific insight into various aspects of the political, social and economic life in Pest-Pilis-Solt –Kiskun County. It contains plenty of information on antisemitic policies and incidents, the implementation of Jewish ...

  20. Records of László Endre, 1911-1945

    • Endre László iratai, 1911-1945

    The collection contains the private records of László Endre, one of the most influential extreme right wing politicians in modern-era Hungary and one of the key perpetrators of the Holocaust. The most relevant part of the collection is his private correspondence (XIV.2.a.) with several dramatis personae of the interwar and World War II history of Hungary, many of those played roles in antisemitic and nationalistic policies, Jewish laws and the Holocaust, as well as thousands of persons representing the “Christian conservative” ruling and middle class of Hungary. The collection also holds le...