Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 29,881 to 29,900 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Arthur P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arthur P., who was born in Praszka, Poland in 1927. He recounts beginning school in 1932; moving to Wielun?; antisemitic harassment; being sent with his brothers in 1939 to his grandparents in Piotrko?w Trybunalski; German invasion; his parents' arrival; fleeing to Lublin, then returning with his parents to Wielu?n (his brothers remained in Piotrko?w); finding their home confiscated and their possessions gone; his father returning to Piotrko?w; he and his mother supporting themselves teaching languages; non-Jews assisting them to send food to their family in Piotrko?w...

  2. Solomon G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solomon G., who was born in Nowogrodek, Poland, near the Russian border, in 1920. He describes family and community life before the war; life under Russian occupation; the establishment of German rule and the ensuing anti-Jewish legislation; round-ups and mass killings of Jews, including most of his family; and his confinement to a ghetto in his city. Mr. G. recalls the liquidation of the ghetto, during which most of the inhabitants were deported, and those remaining, including himself and his sister, were interned in two concentration camps established in the city. H...

  3. Jennie A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jennie A., who was born in Czechoslovakia in approximately 1915. She recounts her mother's death when she was three; living with an aunt; working for a dressmaker; Hungarian occupation; forced agricultural labor; deportation with her aunt to the Uz?h?horod ghetto in 1944; their deportation to Auschwitz; sharing extra food with her aunt and a child from her town; separation from her aunt; transfer to Z?migro?d; slave labor digging trenches; receiving extra food from a German solider; a death march to Gross-Rosen; transfer to Bergen-Belsen; taking bread from a dying pri...

  4. Ferdinand H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ferdinand H., who was born in Alba Iulia, Romania in 1907 and moved to Košice in 1911, one of four sons. He recalls his mother's death in 1914; his father working as a third generation cantor; attending synagogue with his father; attending music conservatories in Prague and Vienna; singing in traveling choirs; serving in the Czech military; discharge; Hungarian occupation; returning home; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; returning home several times; placing his youngest brother on an illegal children's transport from Budapest to Palestine; his father's ...

  5. Tania R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tania R., who was born in Vilna, Poland, in 1928. She recounts living in Smorgonʹ; her family's affluence; childhood antisemitic harassment; attending a Tarbut school; Soviet occupation in September 1939; expropriation of their home and business; German invasion in June 1941; fleeing east; staying with relatives in Lebedevo; returning with her mother and sister to Smorgonʹ; her mother's return to Lebedevo, then to Smorgonʹ with her brother (her father had been killed); ghettoization; slave labor in a German officer's home; the Judenrat's refusal to supply lists for th...

  6. Gregor S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cantor Gregor S., who was raised in Liepa?ja, Latvia. This testimony includes much of the information in an earlier interview (HVT-104). Additional topics discussed include learning of mass murders in the Bikernieki Forest; resistance activities; feelings of being a "non-person" for years after the war; and his postwar marriage to an American. Cantor S. recites a Yiddish poem he wrote about meeting his wife.

  7. Allen S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Allen S., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1908. He recalls fleeing to Russia during World War I; attending school in Russia and Poland; completing engineering school in Warsaw in 1935; his father's death; working in Czechoslovakia; returning home two days before the war; traveling with his mother and brother to Pruz?h?any, her hometown, in the Soviet zone; running a Jewish school under the Soviets; German invasion; his brother fleeing (he never saw him again); ghettoization; working outside the ghetto; obtaining food from his boss; marriage; deportation to Auschwitz...

  8. Alzbeta L. Holocaust testimony

    Videtape testimony of Alzbeta L., who was born in Spišská Stará Ves, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia) in 1909, one of five children. She recounts her family's observant Jewish life; attending business school in Kežmarok; working for a Jewish lawyer; the impact of anti-Jewish laws; her boss sending her to Plavnica during the Slovak uprising; hiding with him and others in villages and the forests; digging and living in bunkers; capture by Germans in Jakubany; forced labor there and in Kežmarok; transfer from Poprad to Ravensbrück; crying all the time; transfer to Malchow; ...

  9. Irena W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irena W., who was born in Nová Bystrica, in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia), in 1909. She recalls living in Stará Bystrica; attending Hungarian, then Czech schools; studying in Žilina and Bratislava; working in Petržalka; relocation of her company to Bratislava due to anti-Jewish measures; deportation to Žilina in 1942; escape with assistance from a guard she knew; hiding in Bratislava with assistance from a policeman, then in Ružomberok; marriage; deportation exemption because her husband was a doctor; working as an accountant; hiding her hus...

  10. Isidore R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isidore R., who was born in Paris, France in approximately 1923. He recalls feeling French, not Jewish; German invasion; his father's arrest in August 1941; smuggling back and forth to the unoccupied zone; obtaining false papers; unsuccessfully trying to see friends who were rounded-up into the Vélodrome d'Hiver; being caught smuggling in Digoin in summer 1942; eight days imprisonment; transfer to Pithiviers, Beaune-la-Rolande, and Drancy; deportation to Auschwitz; a month quarantine; seeing his father; his suicide the next day (he never discussed this before); volun...

  11. Trudy H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Trudy H., who was born in Wachenheim, Germany in 1931. She recalls her parents' orthodoxy; the trauma of seeing them beaten on Kristallnacht; several days later being sent with her brother to Paris; living in children's homes, hospitals, and a chateau near Marseille; physical and emotional deprivation; being smuggled with a group of fifty children via Lisbon and Casablanca to the United States; and seeing her parents for the last time from the train en route. Mrs. H. recounts living at a Rothschild home in 1941; living with an aunt, where her brother remained when she...

  12. W?adys?awa Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of W?adys?awa Z., who was born in ?e?czyca, Poland in 1913. She describes her large, Hasidic family; participating in socialist activities; antisemitic experiences at Warsaw University; recuperating from a broken leg in Rabka with Zionists friends; brief imprisonment for leftist activities; moving to ?o?dz?; German invasion; moving to Bia?ystok, then Stanislav in the Soviet zone; marriage; teaching near Korole?vka; cordial relations with Ukrainians and Poles; sending packages to her family in the Warsaw ghetto; visiting L'viv when Germany invaded the Soviet Union; return...

  13. Vera M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vera M., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in April 1920. She recalls her assimilated childhood in Proseč; attending school in Vysoké Mýto; antisemitic incidents; transfering to schools in Prague, then Jeseník; anti-Jewish restrictions, including her father's expulsion from a club and expropriation of their house in 1939; living in Prague with her sister; marriage in October 1941; her husband's deportation to Theresienstadt in December; voluntarily following him ten days later; sharing food; forced labor; sham improvements for a Red Cross visit; her parents' ...

  14. Vukica K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vukica K., who was born in Visegrad, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1911. She recalls attending high school in Sarajevo; graduating as a pharmacist in Zagreb; marriage; working in Sarajevo; German invasion in April 1941; losing her job; being forced to peel potatoes for the Ustaša; her husband being taken as a POW; being warned of raids by non-Jewish friends; hiding with a Croatian Muslim; leaving Sarajevo when it became too dangerous; being smuggled to Mostar in the Italian-occupied zone as a Muslim, using false papers; having her mother-in-law join her; going to Vis...

  15. Brenda H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Brenda H., who was born in Horodenka, Poland in 1926. She recalls her mother's death in childbirth; antisemitic incidents; Soviet occupation in 1939; her oldest brother's draft; Hungarian, then German occupation in 1941; ghettoization; her father's membership on the Judenrat; forced labor; hiding with her siblings during a mass killing in December 1941 during which her father and grandparents were murdered; hiding in a bunker during a second mass killing; the ghetto's liquidation; being hidden with her sister and younger brother by her older brothers and uncle; being ...

  16. Untitled edited testimony

  17. Abe B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abe B., who was born in approximately 1922 in Brest-Litovsk, Poland (presently Brest, Belarus). He recounts living in Biała Podlaska; attending the Mir Yeshiva; antisemitic harassment; Soviet occupation; being smuggled with other yeshiva students to Vilnius; living with a family in Kėdainiai; receiving a letter from his mother (he never saw his family again); Soviet occupation; obtaining Dutch visas to Curaçao in Kaunas with others from the yeshiva; traveling to Moscow, then Vladivostok; receiving permission to enter the United States section of Shanghai; arrival on...

  18. Fredy L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fredy L., who was born in Salonika, Greece in 1914. He recalls his childhood in Chalkis; finishing high school in Salonika; attending university in Athens; becoming a successful tailor; marriage in 1938; the benign Italian occupation; German occupation ; enforcement of anti-Jewish measures; hiding with his family; obtaining false papers through the Greek police; a one month detention with his father, who was released later, in Karditsa; return to Athens; and liberation in October 1944. Mr. L. recounts their complete impoverishment, leading to emigration with his famil...

  19. Klara K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Klara K., who was born in U?jpest (IV. Keru?let), Hungary, a Budapest suburb. She recalls entrance quotas for Jews for educational institutions; attending a Jewish school in Budapest; her father's conscription into a forced labor battalion (he did not survive); German occupation in spring 1944; obtaining false identity papers; living with a family as a non-Jew in Ra?kospalota (XV. Keru?let); joining her mother and siblings in Ko?ba?nya (X. Keru?let) due to fear of exposure; changing their hiding place after their safety became compromised; liberation by Soviet troops;...

  20. Ursula D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ursula D., a non-Jew, who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1938. She recounts her parents' anti-Nazi sympathies; her father listening to Allied radio broadcasts; Allied bombing; constant fear; arrival of United States troops; postwar hardships, including rationing; an influx of refugees; her sense that Germans refused to admit culpability for the war and considered themselves "victims"; visiting relatives in Belgium, where she first learned about the Holocaust; confronting her parents; their unwillingness to discuss it; moving to Israel in the early 1960s; marriage to ...