Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 27,401 to 27,420 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Theophile D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Theophile D., a Catholic, who was born in Zoutleeuw, Belgium in 1918, one of two brothers. He recounts his father's death in 1933; enlisting in the military in 1938; mobilization in 1939; German invasion; capture as a prisoner of war; transfer from Ghent to Wissel, Herzberg, then Stalag 1A; forced labor in a factory, then on a farm; release in January 1941; returning to his family; joining a Royalist group, then the Resistance; burning crops planted for German use; organizing train sabotage; hiding Allied pilots and Jews who had escaped from transports; his mother dis...

  2. Adele B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adele B., who was born in Bussum, Netherlands in 1937. She recalls uniformed men putting them out of their home in 1942; living with her grandparents in Amsterdam; her grandparents being taken away; placement of her younger brother by a church group, which did not tell them where he was to minimize the danger; her father bringing her to live with a family in Laren; knowing she could not reveal she was Jewish; occasional visits from her mother (her parents hid separately); wonderful care from the older children in her foster home; her foster father bringing her to his ...

  3. Ida C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ida C., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1931. She recalls moving to Siedlce, returning to Warsaw prior to 1938; brief German invasion while she was with her grandparents near Siedlce; Soviet occupation; traveling to Minsk; her parents and sister joining them, transport to Arkhangel?sk in late 1939, then to a labor camp in Komi; attending school while her parents worked; hunger; and transfer to Samarqand at the end of 1941. Mrs. C. recounts their return to Poland in 1945; leaving ?o?dz? intending to emigrate to Palestine, living in a displaced persons camp and in Ulm...

  4. Gertrude S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gertrude S., who was born in Wuppertal, Germany in 1914, the oldest of two sisters. Ms. S. recounts her father serving as a physician in World War I; vacations in Bad Kreuznach; seeing Hitler speak at a rally; exclusion from university attendence because she was Jewish; being sent to live with relatives in Amsterdam in 1932; becoming engaged to a German refugee; returning to Germany for her wedding in December; her father and grandfather losing their ability to earn a living due to anti-Jewish laws; her parents and sister joining her in Amsterdam; her son's birth; her...

  5. Alice S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alice S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1921. She recalls her family's affluence; attending school until 1936; her sister's emigration to England; nursing training in a children's home, then the Jewish hospital; an uncle who worked there arranging for the removal of her name from deportation lists (her brother was deported and killed); meeting her future husband, who was hiding in Berlin (his mother was a non-Jew); liberation by Soviet troops; continuing to work with children at the hospital; learning her future husband's father had died in Theresienstadt; visiti...

  6. Hellmut S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hellmut S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1928. He recalls his parents' careers as musicians; losing their jobs due to anti-Jewish laws; piano and violin lessons; excitement at Nazi parades; singing in a Jüdischer Kulturbund youth choir; attending a Jewish school; his father arranging emigration to Palestine for his two daughters from a previous marriage; obtaining visas for Manchuria; witnessing mass destruction and synagogue burnings following Kristallnacht; departing on November 21, 1938; the long ship journey from Naples to Shanghai; traveling to Harbin; ben...

  7. Susan T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Susan T., who was born in Budapest, Hungary. She describes early edicts against Jews; continuous efforts to obtain American visas for her family; her husband's deportation to a labor camp near the Czech border in 1942, then to one in Russia in 1944; and life in the "open ghetto" in Budapest. She relates the German occupation of Hungary in March 1944; anti-Jewish legislation and increased deportations under Eichmann's supervision; restrictive conditions in German-occupied Budapest; the forced march to a brick factory outside Budapest; and the negotiation of the group's...

  8. Paule M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paule M., a non-Jew, who was born in I︠E︡nakii︠e︡ve, Russia (presently Ukraine) in 1912. She recounts being in Russia due to her father's employment; her brother's birth; fleeing to the Kola Peninsula during the revolution; her brother's death; moving to England for a year, then Isbergues, France; her sister's birth; moving to Beverwijk; attending a Dutch school; moving to Uccle in 1924; completing university in 1934; becoming a professor of German literature; traveling with her sister in Germany in 1934; observing antisemitic signs; sheltering German refugees; German...

  9. Sally R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sally R., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland in 1923, one of six sisters. She recounts antisemitic harassment; German invasion in 1939; expropriation of her father's business; his death; one sister's deportation; communications from her from Gru?nberg; marriage in 1943; ghettoization; living with her husband's family and one sister; forced factory labor; hiding in a bunker during round-ups; deportation of her mother, other sisters, and sister's child (they did not survive); arranging to join her sister in Gru?nberg; transfer with her husband and sister to the Sosnowiec g...

  10. Winnie S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Winnie S., a non-Jew, who was born in the Netherlands in 1925. She recalls the German invasion; animosity toward women who dated German soldiers; confiscation of Jewish stores; round-ups of Jews, who were deported, and of Dutch men for forced labor in Germany; participating in resistance activities with her fiance; giving her identity papers to a Jewish girl, then obtaining new ones for herself; her job in city hall which provided the opportunity to take blank documents, which her fiance provided to the underground, and to remove files so people "no longer existed;" a...

  11. Pavel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pavel G., who was born in Bánovce nad Bebravou, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia), in 1935 to an assimilated family. He recalls sensing malaise when his parents listened to the radio; confiscation of his father's carpentry business due to anti-Jewish laws; his sister's birth in 1942; deportation with his family to Sered three months later; exemption from further deportation due to his father's skills; deportation of his grandmother and aunt (they did not survive); cruelty by the Hlinka guards; a policeman freeing them in August 1944 due to the Slovak uprising; retu...

  12. Yosef B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yosef B., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1920, one of three brothers. He recounts his family's assimilated lifestyle; his father hiring a rabbi to tutor him for his bar mitzvah; studying graphic design at art school; German invasion in 1939; his mother paying a non-Jew to hide him and his brothers; ghettoization; working as a graphic artist for the Judenrat and German police, making signs in Gothic calligraphy; helping produce false papers; his thirteen-year-old brother's death; deportation to Płaszów; doing lettering for Kommandant Amon Goeth; receiving extra fo...

  13. Chana S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chana S., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1923. She describes having to leave school when war broke out; her family losing their prosperous business; ghettoization in 1941; deportation with her family to P?aszo?w; slave labor in salt mines; the deportation of her father to Mauthausen, her mother to another camp, and she and her sister to Auschwitz in 1943; and their agreement to meet in Krako?w after the war. Mrs. S. recalls three months in Birkenau; conditions of hunger, deprivation and illness; transfer to a camp in Czechoslovakia with her sister; liberation by S...

  14. Robert M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Robert M., a Catholic, who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1921. He recounts a half-brother from his mother's previous marriage to a Jew who was killed in World War I; visits with his half-brother to his mother's first mother-in-law; his father's death in 1929; participating in a Boy Scout group; assisting Jewish refugees from Germany; attending university; German invasion; fleeing to Rouen, Les Sables-d'Olonne, and Toulouse; his brother joining the French army; returning home; participating in the resistance through Group G; giving his identity card to a Jewish woma...

  15. Zlatko V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zlatko V., who was born in Sus?ak, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy(presently Croatia) in 1914. He recalls moving to Zagreb after World War I; attending school; participating in Maccabi athletics; working in a factory; his parents' deaths in the mid-1930s; antisemitic harassment beginning in 1938; German invasion in 1941; arrest by the Ustas?a on June 21, 1941; deportation to Pag Island; gruelling slave labor, starvation, and beatings; a speech by a camp official, Vjekoslav Luburic?, informing them of their evacuation in August; transfer to Krapje; slave labor building levee...

  16. Menachem O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Menachem O., who was born in Dębica, Poland in 1922, an only child. He recounts attending public school and cheder; antisemitic harrassment; participating in a religious Zionist youth group; his father's business exporting eggs; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish restrictions; attending a clandestine yeshiva; his father's emergency surgery arranged through non-Jewish contacts; separation from his parents after a round-up (he never saw them again); deportation to Rzesźow; severe depression due to separation from his parents; after six weeks deciding to do...

  17. Anna K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna K., who was born in Biecz, Poland in 1915. She describes her childhood in the small town; her close family; education with a traditional female emphasis; marriage in 1939 and the birth of her son in 1940; her father's death from typhus; her husband's deportation to P?aszo?w in 1942; and hiding during the final liquidation with the aid of a Polish acquaintance who assisted her in leaving to join her husband. Mrs. K. recalls a few weeks in the Krako?w ghetto, working in the kitchen in P?aszo?w and her deep sense of hopelessness following her son's death in 1943. Sh...

  18. Charles F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles F., who was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1923. He remembers SA street marches; his parents' divorce; attending boarding school in Austria; moving to Florence with his mother; moving to Berlin because his father wished him to have a German education; the 1936 Olympics; attending boarding school in Coburg; destruction of his school on Kristallnacht; his father's arrest; moving to Paris with his mother; attending boarding school; German invasion; joining his mother in La Bourboule; their move to Nice; attending hotel management school; traveling illegally to Por...

  19. Regine B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regine B., who was born in Paris, France in 1925. She recounts her parents' emigration from Poland in the 1920s; German invasion in 1940; anti-Jewish laws; transport with her parents to Drancy in July 1942 (her brother hid outside Paris); harsh conditions and the loss of dignity; release after her mother convinced authorities she was a French citizen; and reluctance to leave her parents. Mrs. B. describes hiding outside Paris for two years with her brother in the home of an uncle whose wife was not Jewish; her uncle's arrest; his wife's obtaining false papers for them...