Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,541 to 9,560 of 55,889
  1. "The Freeman Legacy: Their Past, His Future, One Survival"

    Contains one booklet entitled "The Freeman Legacy: Their Past, His Future, One Survival", by Michelle Freeman. In the paper, she describes the Holocaust experiences of her grandparents, Joseph and Helen Freeman, both originally of Radom, Poland, and their post-war life in the United States. She also profiles her father, Louis Freeman, and his experiences as the child of two Holocaust survivors. Includes photographs of the Freeman family.

  2. Anna Grun manuscript

    Anna Grun's manuscripts include one Polish and two English versions entitled, “Remembrance,” about Anna's childhood in Kraków, Poland, her experiences in the Kraków ghetto and Płaszów concentration camp, and working at Oskar Schindler's enamel factory.

  3. Badge with a yellow Star of David on a black circle worn by a Romanian Jewish woman

    Star of David badge that 20 year-old Simona Weissmann was forced to wear in Piatra Neamt, Romania from 1941-1945. In November 1940, the fascist government of Romania of General Antonescu joined the Axis Alliance. They immediately put in place polices to persecute Jews, such as the requirement that Jews wear a Star of David badge2 on their clothing at all times. The antisemitic regime also supported increasingly violent attacks and pogroms against the Jewish population.

  4. Agata Tuszynska-Dasko collection

    Collection of Rosenberg and Kaplan family photographs, and of Henry Dasko [donor's late husband's family] who survived the Holocaust on false papers in Warsaw and vicinity. The Rosenberg family was originally from Łódź, Poland, and Rywa Kaplan, Henry's mother, was from Vilna. Professional identification card issued to Wladyslaw Daszkiewicz (real name, Mojesz Josl Rozenberg), stating that he is a member of lawyer's association.

  5. Ottenheimer family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of the Ottenheimer family including photographs taken in pre-war Germany, a book on the genealogy of the Moos family, a pre-WWII advertisement for Ludwig Ottenheimer's clothing store, a photocopy of the same advertisement after the Aryanization of the store, postwar correspondence. and a small siddur (daily Jewish prayer book) carried by Ludwig Ottenheimer during his military service during WWI and with him to the United States. Ludwig Ottenheimer was arrested after Kristallnacht and spent one month in the Dachau concentration camp. Aft...

  6. Selected records from the Ordnungspolizei

    Records pertaining to the Ordnungspolizei, including organization and daily administration of the Ordnungspolizei, expulsion of Jews, expropriation of Jewish property and assets, the Gestapo headquarters in Vienna at the Hotel Metropol, treatment of homosexuals, and personnel matters (such as promotions to SS).

  7. Selected records from the Deutsches Staatsministerium für Böhmen und Mähren (R 30)

    Contains records pertaining to aryanizations and deportations, passport issues, restrictions on Jewish passports, administrative reports, and reports on conditions for the Jewish population of Bohemia and Moravia.

  8. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Marne

    Contains records pertaining to the systematic expropriation of property belonging to Jews and Freemasons in the Marne and information regarding the harassment, internment, and disenfranchisement of Jews from French business, education and society. Also contains information concerning the deportation of Jews from the Marne.

  9. Events in Germany in the 1920s

    Onscreen title reads "Generalstreik. Buergerkrieg [General strike. Civil war]" (perhaps refering to the so-called Sparticist uprising in January 1919?) Nice shots of a communist demonstration. People marching down the street, many carrying dark colored flags. Lots of children in the parade. Title at 01:10:51 reads "1920. Innere Kaempfe [1920. Inner struggle]." Huge crowd in the Lustgarten in Berlin. Dark colored (red?) flags and banners. The camera pans across the crowd. Shots of a dormant factory and soldiers in trucks. 01:11:25 title: "Kapp-Putsch." Crowds on Unter den Linden in Berlin du...

  10. The World Jewish Congress New York Office records. Series E. Culture Department

    The Series E (Culture Department) consists of correspondence of the department directors, Simon Federbush and Wolf Blattberg, together with reports, publications, and other material pertaining to the activities of the New York branch of the Culture Department. Material in the series includes correspondence of the first director, Simon Federbush (1945–circa 1950) and the second director, Wolf Blattberg (1950–1958), who joined the department in 1945. After Blattberg's death in 1958, Greta Beigel assumed his responsibilities for cultural work. Included in Blattberg's files is correspondence wi...

  11. Central Historical Commission : Historical questionnaires (M.1.Q)

    Contains 667 questionnaires gathered by the The Central Historical Commission (CHC) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone, Munich from selected Holocaust survivors coming from different countries and towns. The aim was to gather detailed information about the persecution during Nazi rule.

  12. Károly Verebes papers

    The collection consists of the memoir of Károly Verebes (1920-1987), a Hungarian actor who worked almost continuously in forced labor battalions during World War II. Mr. Verebes was only able to complete a first draft of his memoirs; however, the wartime chapter is complete. Also includes deposit receipts and wartime postcards and letters written to family and friends about his thoughts, feelings, and experiences while working in the Jewish labor battalions. The majority of correspondence is with Sándor Gelb, who was likely a relative.

  13. Charles Peter Heimann collection

    Consists of 14 photographs taken upon the liberation of an unknown concentration camp in the spring of 1945. The photographs, which depict corpses lined in rows, were either taken or acquired by Charles Peter Heimann, a member of the United States Army. Also includes the envelope in which they were held.

  14. Jews wearing armbands in market square in Slovakia

    Shots of buildings surrounding a town square. A bearded Jewish man wearing an armband holds his hat on his head. Two Jewish women, also wearing armbands, walk toward the camera. MLS of people in the market square. Several more Jews walk past the camera. Brief shot of people in a swimming pool, then back to the market. The camera picks out several more Jews amongst the other people at the market. They all wear armbands.

  15. Reports and investigative materials compiled by the Military Commissions of the Red (Soviet) Army related to the crimes committed by the Nazis and their collaborators on the occupied territories of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe during WWII

    The collection consists of the investigative materials, reports and statements compiled by the military commissions of the Red (Soviet) Army established for the investigation of the crimes committed by the Nazis and their collaborators on the occupied territories of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe during WWII.

  16. Ezriel Reitzfeld identification card

    Collection consists of an identification card issued July 1, 1948, to Ezriel Reitzfeld, in the "Exodus" Police force in the Sengwarden displaced persons camp.

  17. Robert S. Tullman collection

    The Robert S. Tullman collection consists of two scrapbooks and a photograph album relating to the career of operatic performer and cantor Robert S. Tullman (Tulmann). The scrapbooks include articles and announcements of his performances in German, 1925-1930. The photograph album contains photographs of Tullman in various performances, as well as photographs of Robert S. Tullman and his wife in the United States, circa 1930s-1940s.

  18. Ed R. Harris photograph collection

    Collection consists of ten photographs taken by Ed Harris, an American soldier, immediately following the liberation of the Ebensee concentration camp in Austria.

  19. Nazi banner with a black swastika within a white circle

    Nazi flag recovered from the stadium at Nuremburg, Germany in the spring of 1945 by Glen Hatch, a soldier in the United States Army. Hatch also was with one of the US Army units that liberated Dachau concentration camp on April 29, 1945.

  20. Einstein speech on the occasion of the opening of the German radio exhibition

    Albert Einstein gives a speech at the opening of the seventh German radio exhibition at the base of the radio tower in Berlin. Einstein instructs his audience that when they listen to the radio they should think of all of the known and unknown scientists who have contributed to its development. He says that engineers have contributed much to democracy by facilitating daily work as well as making the work of great thinkers available to all. He says also that radio has a special role to play in international reconciliation. Good MCUs of Einstein as he reads his speech and of the audience.