Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,461 to 9,480 of 55,889
  1. Gabriel Lawit collection

    Consist of nine original photographs relating to the donor's family in Łódź, Poland before the war; one letter written by the donor's father to his wife, written on an official letter by his supervisor, dated 1940, in Novoshtice, Bielorussia.

  2. Irma Morgenstern Grundland collection

    Contains an identity card, documents, and photographs concerning Irma Grundland's postwar life in Poland.

  3. Thomas Lugosi collection

    Collection consists of two photographs, one of Thomas Lugosi with a friend and one of Lugosi with his father.

  4. Eva K. Wolman Unterman collection

    Collection of four postcards and 64 photographs of the Kafeman family, taken by Gustawa Jacheta Kafeman, [maternal grandmother of Eva Unterman, donor], when she immigrated to Palestine from Łódź, Poland in 1930's. She returned for a family visit in July 1939 and was forced into the ghetto, deported to Auschwitz and Stutthoff in August 1944, where she was murdered. These photographs were given to donor by her cousin in Israel.

  5. Gertrude Laufer collection

    The Gertrude Laufer collection include an identification card and a letter. The identification card (Foreigners' Resident Certificate) was issued to Gertrude Brück upon her arrival in Shanghai in 1939 from Vienna. The letter written by Margarethe Braun Mittler (Gertrude Laufer’s aunt) from the ghetto in Opole, Poland to a friend in Vienna, Austria, in November 1941 and describes the poor health and subsequent death of her mother. Margarethe was born in 1901 and is believed to have perished in 1942 in the Belzec or Sobibor killing centers in Poland.

  6. Central Historical Commission : Documentation of the Dachau concentration camp (M.1.D)

    The collection contains the central card index of camp, payment cards, and correspondence of the camp administration.

  7. Moshe and Chana Batista collection

    Collection consists of two photographs depicting the Batista family which survived the Holocaust in Transnistria, in Tropova concentration camp. Two of the donor's younger brothers died of hunger and exposure.

  8. Green velvet monogrammed tallit pouch buried for safekeeping while owner in hiding

    Velvet tallit pouch buried for safekeeping with other religious items by Johanna Baruch Boas while she lived in hiding in Brussels, Belgium, from 1942-1944. A tallit is a prayer shawl worn by Jewish males for prayer services, It originally belonged to her husband, Bernhard, who died in Berlin, Germany, in 1932. She brought it with her when she fled Nazi Germany for Brussels in March 1939 with her daughter’s family. Germany occupied Belgium in May 1940 and soon there were frequent deportations of Jews to concentration camps. Johanna had a non-Jewish landlady who hid her in her attic. In Dece...

  9. Torah

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn35054
    • English
    • 1932
    • Height: 4.500 inches (11.43 cm) | Width: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) overall: Height: 135.380 inches (343.865 cm) | Width: 4.620 inches (11.735 cm)

    Miniature Torah preserved by Johanna Baruch Boas while living in hiding in Brussels, Belgium. The Torah belonged to her husband, Bernhard, and was possibly used while traveling. Bernhard died in Berlin in 1932. Johanna carried it with her when she fled Nazi Germany for Brussels in March 1939, with her daughter’s family. The Germans occupied Belgium in May 1940 and enacted punitive anti-Jewish legislation. Soon they were deporting Jews to concentration camps. Johanna buried the yarmulke and other religious items to keep them safe during the occupation. Johanna survived with the help of her n...

  10. Antisemitic signs during an NSDAP gathering

    Streets in Merseburg bedecked with swastika flags. Two signs hang above the streets. One invites citizens to come to the Party gathering to be held on the 24th and 25th of August. The other, larger, sign states that anyone who buys from Jews is a traitor. In the next scene, several people stand in front of a Der Stuermer kiosk, reading the newspapers posted inside the case. Another sign hanging over the street: Ein Jud und ein Laus ist wie die Pest im Haus [One Jew and one louse is like the plague in the house].

  11. Roza Chodik photograph collection

    Collection consists of two photographs depicting Roza Chodik with her paternal uncle's family immediately after the war in Szczecin, Poland in 1946. In these photographs, Roza is standing aside during the birthday party of her cousin Shaye, whom she knew as her brother.

  12. Filming of the 1942 Theresienstadt propaganda film

    Scenes from the filming of a 1942 film about Theresienstadt. Interior of a crowded coffehouse with a band playing on stage. Star of David badges are visible on clothing. A man sits down at a table with his young daughter and a waitress serves them coffee. The scene is repeated. Shots of the band and people in the audience. The next scene shows a man leaving the coffeehouse. A sign on the door states that entrance cards must be presented when entering and leaving the coffeehouse. An outdoor shot of a uniformed German with a camera filming two signs. Two other Germans accompany him. A close u...

  13. The Striker, Number 32, August 1938, 16th year 1938 Der Stürmer (Nuremberg, Germany) [Newspaper]

    Der Stuermer, dated August 1938, Number 32, anti-Semitic newspaper published by Julius Streicher.

  14. Trial of the 20th of July plotters against Hitler

    View of the courtroom in the Supreme Court of Berlin, showing the accused sitting in the dock, surrounded by police. Roland Freisler and the other judges enter the room and give a Hitler salute before taking their seats. Freisler calls the name of the accused Hans-Georg Klamroth and Klamroth is brought forward. Freisler berates Klamroth for knowing about the plot and doing nothing to prevent it. Hans-Bernd von Haeften is brought before Freisler. After confirming his position in the political department of the Foreign Office, he says that he no longer felt bound by his oath to Hitler, and th...

  15. Reprisal action by the Grossdeutschland regiment in Pancevo

    Color. Shots of the cemetery at night, followed by a sketch that Kessel drew showing how the partisans shot the Germans from hiding places in the cemetery. The next scenes show the gruesome executions of civilians in the cemetery. Members of the Grossdeutschland regiment and Serbian civilians inspect the corpses of men who were lined up against the cemetery wall and shot in reprisal for the killings of the Gemans. Several men are hanged in the cemetery. In his narration, Kessel points out that these are not partisans but civilians who are being executed as examples. Serbian civilians perfor...

  16. Henry J. Kellermann collection

    Consists of documents and correspondence related to the pre-war, wartime, and post-war life and accomplishments of Dr. Henry J. Kellermann, originally of Berlin, Germany. Includes material regarding Dr. Kellermann's pre-war life and schooling, the Gross-Breesen agricultural school for German-Jewish boys, and Dr. Kellermann's involvement in wartime refugee affairs and in the Nuremberg war crimes trials. Also includes material regarding Dr. Kellermann's post-war career in the United States Foreign Service, where he served in Bern and as the permanent representative to UNESCO, and regarding hi...

  17. Choir practice in the New Synagogue in Berlin on the night before Yom Kippur, 1932

    LS of Cantor Leo Gollanin as he sings the Kol Nidre in front of a choir on the evening before Yom Kippur in 1932 in Berlin's New Synagogue. Closer views of Gollanin and the female choir behind him.

  18. Schoolteachers receive instruction in racial theory

    Daily life at a Nationalsozialistischer Lehrerbund (NSLB) school. The NSLB was founded in 1929 in association with the NSDAP. Its task was to indoctrinate teachers into the Nazi worldview. Title on screen: Weltanschauliche Schulung [education in the [Nazi] worldview]. A group of men, presumably schoolteachers are instructed by Stadtradt Fink, who is speaking. They are outside under a tree. Title on screen: Stadtrat Pg. Fr. Fink spricht ueber die Judenfrage [Fink speaks about the Jewish question]. Interior shot of Fink, standing in front of a swastika flag and speaking animatedly. The camera...

  19. Authur Born collection

    Collection consists of documents, poems and 29 photographs concerning the experiences of Arthur Bornstein [donor], born in Oświęcim, Poland, interned in Sosnowiec ghetto in Poland and ultimately deported to Gruenberg and Kittelitztreben (sub-camps of Gross-Rosen) and Buchenwald concentration camps, where he was liberated and taken to Switzerland by the Red Cross to recuperate. Inlcuded in the collection are pre-war images of donor's family in Oświęcim, poems transcribed immediately after liberation by donor who learned them in Buchenwald, and postwar documents and images of his experience...

  20. Goering visits wounded soldiers on train along his route, Eastern front.

    A map shows the location where Hermann Goering is visiting wounded soldiers on the Eastern front. The men are on a train travelling back to Germany. CUs of Goering and smiling wounded troops. Goering is accompanied by a large entourage of officers and several nurses.