Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,001 to 9,020 of 55,889
  1. Judith Fierst Hemmendinger collection

    Contains a photo album of children's homes Ambloy and Taverny, established by OSE after the war. Judith Fierst (donor) was the director of Ambloy, which cared for child survivors of Buchenwald.

  2. Estate of E. Lewis and Margaret Pollack collection

    Collection of photographs depicting the Dachau concentration camp after liberation; and a menu dated December 1942 from Christmas dinner held by American soldiers that includes lyrics to Christmas carols and an anti-Hitler song called "Der Führer's Face." Acquired by Elwin (E. Lewis) Pollack while serving with the US Army in Europe during WWII.

  3. Friedman family papers

    The Friedman family papers consist of biographical materials, photographs, and restitution files documenting the Friedman family from Mukachevo, their prewar lives, the deaths of family members in the Holocaust, the immigration of surviving family members to the United States, and their efforts to receive restitution for their persecution and suffering during the Holocaust. Biographical materials include certificates of birth, marriage, death, citizenship, and good conduct; identification papers, immigration papers, a partial list of former Holleischen inmates, Ruth Cohen’s personal narrati...

  4. Dorpmueller speaks; antisemitic float in Fasching parade

    Title on screen: Die Reichsbahn frei von Versailles [The Reichsbahn is free from the terms of the Versailles Treaty]. Julius Dorpmueller, newly named head of the Reich Ministry of Transport, announces that his new program is to protect, develop, and improve all modes of transportation. He says that all sectors of the transportation industry must be employed in the service of the welfare of the people. Railway workers on parade (20,000 of them, according to the narrator) in celebration of the return of the Reichsbahn to the authority of the state. Men march with flags and salute Hitler, who ...

  5. Poland uniform patch worn by a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps

    Uniform patch issued to Dr. Edmund Lusthaus when he served in the 2nd Polish Corps from 1941-1945. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and seventeen days later, the Soviet Army invaded from the east. Lusthaus was captured and taken to a camp for Polish prisoners of war in Novosibirsk, Siberia, where he served as a physician. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Polish POWs were released to join the fighting. Lusthaus joined the volunteer Polish Army of the East, known as Anders Army. In August 1942, the unit left Soviet territory and became the 2nd Polish Corps, British A...

  6. Family relaxes in a park in prewar Olomouc while Hanna plays

    Hanna with a baby carriage is on camera briefly. Benedikt, Ella, and other adults (Ella's relatives) walk down a path. They are all sitting on park benches. Hanna runs about as the adults talk. CUs, adults. Shots of all of the people there. Hanna puts things into a garbage can.

  7. Jewish shop in Vienna

    Sign saying "Non-Aryan shop". Sign proclaiming "Herzmansky is Aryan again". [Herzmansky was one of Vienna's grand stores and the leading store for textiles; owned by Max Delfiner since 1933, Aryanized in 1938, Delfiner had to emigrate.]

  8. Girls dance outdoors in prewar Poland

    The girls dance outdoors in Jaremcze in front of an ethnic band, with drum, violin, and some kind of held piano. Brief shot of their mothers Ella and Nelly on a bench.

  9. Mrs. Shulamit Fritzi Ayalon collection

    Contains photographs and documents depicting the Ganz and the Huss family in Romania before the war in Fălticeni, Romania, and after the war. Includes photographs of Fritzi and Abraham Huss in Apeldoorn, Holland during their recuperation, dated 1947-1948; photographs of Fritzi, Abraham and Roza Huss in Israel, 1948-1953; identification cards Roza and Fritzi Huss in Romania and Israel; letters to Fritzi and Abraham in Apeldoorn, Holland from their mother; and an autograph book in which friends in Holland and later in Israel wrote their wishes to Fritzi, 1947-1951.

  10. Hitler parades in Vienna

    Schupo police handing out Nazi merchandise to crowd. Bread being handed to young adult men. Schupo. CU, man eating bread. Crowd at "Sirk-Eck" opposite Opera house on Ringstrasse watching parade. Man with hat identical to earlier shot at 01:03:56 (?). Parade. Hitler passing in car. Hitler's car from behind. Filmmaker appears to stand in front of police line (?). Parade, crowd of spectators, tanks. Crowd saluting, CUs of man with hat. More of military men and vehicles parading. Crowd lining Ringstrasse. Spectators sitting on a tank. CUs of parade. Wehrmacht infantry. More shots of the parade....

  11. Belgian volunteers enlisting for Germany

    Belgian volunteers enlist to fight the Soviets on the side of the Germans. Men stand outside a building with a big sign that reads "Wallonie pour la lutte contre le Bolschevisme". They look at a poster on the building. Inside the building, men hand over their identity cards to a clerk, who records their information.

  12. Ike Diamond papers

    The Ike Diamond papers include his 1934 Polish identification card, a 1946 passport entry indicating Diamond could enter Venezuela, and his 1939-1945 diary describing the outbreak of war, his confinement in the Warsaw ghetto, his escape, hiding on a farm in Otrębusy, and liberation. He appears to have begun his diary while in hiding in May 1943, so the descriptions of fall 1939 through summer 1943 are written as chapters in the past tense while entries beginning September 1, 1943 are written as diary entries in the present tense. The first half of the diary describes hardships during the in...

  13. Hungarian Discount and Exchange Bank, Co. Personnel Department Magyar Leszámitoló és Pénzváltó Bank Rt. Személyzeti Osztály (MOL Z 68)

    Contains records related to the aryanization process and conditions of employment of employees in a large and reputable financial institution, the Hungarian Discount and Exchange Bank following the first anti-Jewish laws of 1938. Includes bank statements, announcements and reports related to the implementation of Jewish law in the bank.

  14. Cases of the victims of Nazi pseudo-scientific experiments (MOL IXI L BEG 01)

    Contains legal claims, questionnaires, medical documentation, and administrative records of victims of Nazi pseudo-scientific experiments.

  15. Indexes to restitution and compensation records of BEG- BRȔG (MOL IXI L BEG 02)

    This collection contains reproductions of alphabetized indexes to Bundesrückerstattungsgesetz-BRüG (Federal Restitution Act) and Bundesentschädigungsgeset-BEG (German Federal Compensation Law) cases. A second part of the larger collection; see also RG-39.024M.

  16. Children pass time by dancing and digging in the garden

    Incredibly grainy, out of focus, and not steady. Hanna dances, and then Babeta rakes the soil. It is very difficult to distinguish anything beyond that.

  17. Janet Szyjewicz Markman collection

    Contains a letter of recommendation for Gerszon Markman (donor's husband) from the director of the Heidenheim DP camp; dated February 20, 1946. Gerszon Markman was secretary of the camp, and this letter was written to wish them well on their journey to Belgium. They were stopped at the Belgian border because they did not have the right papers, so they ended up travelling to the United States instead.

  18. Lieberman family visits a church and Hanna plays ball with her father

    The Lieberman family and Ella's relatives are on their way to Holy Hill church near Olomouc. There is a beautiful view of Olomouc from this hill. They walk the long road approaching the church, dressed for cold weather. Hanna chases after a ball bounced to her by her father Benedikt and mother Ella. She wears a fur coat and hat. Car with CS (Czechoslovakia) plate is shown for a single second.

  19. Jewish quarter in Poland

    Street scenes, dark, people gathered, automobile. Interior shots of a restaurant (probably Owsianka) in a Jewish quarter in Nasielsk, Poland, many people looking inside the window in clear view. Several wonderful street scenes of people, especially children, in the Jewish quarter grinning and vying for the camera's attention. A sign above a shop indicates a grocery, "Spozywczy". Some people have been identified, including: Shmuel Tyk and Faiga Milchberg at 01:11:25, Chaim Talmud and Shmuel Tyk at 01:11:56, Simcha Rotstein and Avrum Kubel at 01:12:04, Yitzhak Borts at 01:12:09, Srebro at 01:...

  20. Children in a garden in prewar Poland

    The kids walk around a grassy field near the house. They begin playing in a dirt area. The toy wheelbarrow is brought out, and Thomas and Hanna play with garden tools.