Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,781 to 7,800 of 55,889
  1. RAD labor in July 1943

    Private film by Herbert Apfelthaler. Title card reads “Soldaten der Arbeit” with a Nazi insignia. Another title card briefly reads “Ein Ferrania Film der Hera / von: H. Apfelthaler. / Mitwirkende: Führer und Mannschaft des RAD Abt S/343 Schönering.” Nazi insignia. Title card: “Student u. Handwerker, Bauernsohn u. Lehrling, zu einer Gemeinschaft zusammengeschweißt, arbeiten unter dem Zeichen des Reichsarbeitsdienstes.” View of houses on the other side of a river. A mini-bus drives down the road on the side of the river. Young blond men, part of the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD), ride in the car....

  2. Bill Rosenbluth collection

    Contains two black and white photographic prints entrusted to donor's family by a cousin, Abraham Holzman, who was in the United States military during WWII. Images depict corpses, victim of Nazi persecution, and civilians who were probably forced to assist with burial; location not identified but likely to be the Mauthausen concentration camp or one of its subcamps.

  3. "Stolpersteine"

    Consists of one DVD containing a documentary, approximately 22 minutes, regarding the Stolpersteine in Berlin. The Stolpersteine, which translates to stumbling blocks, are small markers that memorialize those who previously lived at specific addresses. This DVD focuses on the Stolpersteine of Siegfried and Marie Perl, who were deported from Berlin to Theresienstandt in July 1942; Siegfried perished there in September 1943, while Marie was murdered in Auschwitz in 1944. It also focuses on the memorial for Selma Heimann, who was deported in September 1942 and killed in Raasiku, Estonia. Mrs. ...

  4. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  5. Bernard F. Graham collection

    Contains a colorized photographic print of Hirsch and Deborah Green Neijman (Newman) who were last heard from in 1939-1940 in Łódź, Poland.

  6. Spitzer family photographs

    The Spitzer family photographs consist of seven prewar, wartime, and postwar photographs of the Spitzer family of Iași, Romania and their relatives. The photographs depict Anton and Fany Spitzer and their children, Sara, Nathan, and Lily as well as Fany’s sister and brother, Chana and Lazar Wax, and a cousin, Simcha Wax.

  7. Noon Gourfain collection

    Identification card: issued to Renate Adler-Rudolphi immediately following the Holocaust, by the “Committee for Ex-Political Prisoners”. Renate, born July 22, 1925, Jewish, was deported from Hamburg, Germany to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in the Czech Republic in 1942. From there she was deported in October 1944 to Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center in Poland and then to Oederan slave labor camp, a sub-camp of Flossenbürg concentration camp in Germany. She and her mother both survived and she immigrated to the United States in 1952 from Bremerhaven, Germany

  8. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  9. Chaim Posner photograph collection

    The Chaim Posner photograph collection contains ten photographs of the Glas and Posner families from Jaworzno and Chrzanow in Poland before the war.

  10. Kresch family collection

    The Kresch family collection consists of correspondence, photographs, and identification documents related to the Kresch family of Poland. The collection consists of a wedding invitation for the wedding ceremony of Annie Kurtz and Herman Kresch, May 24, 1912; a Polish passport issued to Hyman Kresch in New York, 1921; a Certificate of Naturalization issued to Hyman Kresch, October 4, 1948; a letter written by Gitla Kersch Riss in Czortków, Poland to her brother Hyman Kresch in New York, dated February 1933; and a postcard written by Gitla Riss in Czortków to her brother Hyman Kresch, circa ...

  11. Kleinhaus and Gradom family papers

    Correspondence, photographs, and documents, related to the family of Jehuda (Yehuda, later Jules) Kleinhaus and Poriah (Gradom) Kleinhaus, of Antwerp, Belgium. Includes a wedding certificate (1936); birth and identification documents; U.S. naturalization certificates; and extensive correspondence, in particular from Poriah's parents in Antwerp, to their daughter and son-in-law in New York, dated 1940-1941.

  12. Nazi rallies in Wachau region (Austria)

    Dark frames of people. “Weissenkirchen in der Wachau.” A crowd of people stand, talking and shaking hands, amongst suitcases at the side of train tracks. There are some men in uniform with Nazi armbands. A group of young men wearing white shirts and swastika armbands. A band plays. A train approaches on the tracks. CUs of the train. People hang out of the train windows, waving. CU of an older woman’s face, she sits on a bench. Pan of the town with the mountains in the BG. Villagers walking. A boat on the water. Villagers walking. A dog stands on its hind legs. A cat. A train goes by on the ...

  13. Nazi flag acquired by an American soldier

    Nazi flag acquired by 23 year old Edward J. Paukovits, Sr. , a US soldier, around April 28-30, 1945, in Ulm, Germany. His unit was stationed in Goppingen, and, while passing through Ulm on the way to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Paukovits saw the huge flag still flying atop a building. He had the driver stop the jeep. The flag was anchored to the finial, so Paukovits climbed the pole and took down the flag. Paukovits was assigned to the 815th Quartermaster Battalion. He and his unit were deployed overseas in Africa, Italy, France, Germany, and Austria. He served in the US Army from November 1942...

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- De Larminat in Cameroon

    French colonial troops perfomring drills on an expanse of desert sand. As dusk falls the men make fires out of doors. 03:19:16 Colonial troops stand at attention awaiting the arrival of General Edgard de Larminat (the general's arrival is not shown). Some of the men play bugles. General de Larminat sits at a table on his balcony. His aide-de-camp brings him some documents. CU of the general reviewing documents. Larminat and another man travel by car to the Chamber of Commerce building.

  15. Walter Rhodes photograph collection

    Contains nine photographs taken at liberation of the Bergen Belsen concentration camp in April 1945 by British Army photographers. Three of the photographs show the dire conditions for the liberated women prisoners; one photograph depicts British POWs suffering from malnutrition; five photographs show the corpses of the murdered inmates and burial in mass graves by the SS personnel on orders from the British Army.

  16. 19th Zionist Congress in Lucerne

    Title: "All over the world the elections to the Congress are carried out on the principles of democracy. In Erez-Israel, 10 parties applied for a mandate to the 19th Zionist Congress. Election day in Tel Aviv." Men post election broadsides in Tel Aviv. People stand in line to vote at the Great Synagogue on Allenby street. People vote in other locations, interior and exterior shots. Advertisements for ships that will travel to Lucerne for the Congress. A busy train station in Lucerne; ferry traffic on Lake Lucerne. An intertitle identifies Dr. Kahn and Dr. Ullmann, the leaders of the Congres...

  17. Caroline and William Schneider photographs

    Contains photographic prints documenting the lives of Caroline (Lilly) Davidovics (donor) and her huband William Schneider, who were married immediately following the Holocaust in Romania. Includes pre and post-war images including those of their marriage and war-time images of William in a forced-labor battalion; dated 1926-1957.

  18. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  19. Sara Szrojt papers

    The Sara Szrojt papers are comprised of documents and photographs collected by Sara during her incarceration in a Soviet forced labor camp and in the years before and after. The documents consist primarily of postcards from Sara’s mother and father written in 1941 shortly before they went into hiding in Lublin. Also among the documents is a marriage certificate for Chana and Jankiel, reissued in 1946. The photographs depict the Szrojt family and friends before and after the war in Lublin and images of a Jewish cooperative of upholsterers and curtain-makers in Wrocław, Poland c. 1950. Some o...