19th Zionist Congress in Lucerne

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 2011.123.1
  • RG-60.1306
Level of Description
  • English
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Yiddish
EHRI Partner


Scope and Content

Title: "All over the world the elections to the Congress are carried out on the principles of democracy. In Erez-Israel, 10 parties applied for a mandate to the 19th Zionist Congress. Election day in Tel Aviv." Men post election broadsides in Tel Aviv. People stand in line to vote at the Great Synagogue on Allenby street. People vote in other locations, interior and exterior shots. Advertisements for ships that will travel to Lucerne for the Congress. A busy train station in Lucerne; ferry traffic on Lake Lucerne. An intertitle identifies Dr. Kahn and Dr. Ullmann, the leaders of the Congress. People go into the Lucerne art museum. The Labor "fraction" [faction] at a meeting. David Ben Gurion speaks animatedly to two men at the meeting. Several speakers address the members: Anselm Reiss addresses the Labor meeting. The next several speakers address a meeting of the Keren Kayemeth (Jewish National Fund) Chairman Menachem Ussishkin (Usischkin). Mrs. Basle Kaufman addresses the group on behalf of the Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO). Mr. Goldstein of the United States presents the Congress with a check for $25,000. Dr. Avraham Granowsky speaks. Shots of posters illustrating the work of Keren Kayemeth. More shots of Lucerne from the lake. 01:26:33 Title: "The Jewish State Party gets ready." The Congress reconvenes and more members speak: Majer Grossman; Baruch Weinstein of Tel Aviv; Izchak Grunbaum and the heads of the Palestine offices; Dr. Goldhammer of Haifa (talking about Hachshara); Dr. Ignatz Schwarzbart of Krakow; Dr. Ben-Zion Mosinsohn of Tel-Aviv; Dr. Emil Schmorak of Lvov. More shots of the scenic countryside shot from Lake Lucerne. People enjoy the sun on board a ferry. Young men sell newspapers in Yiddish and German, including the Kongress Zeitung. People stand about and read the paper. Men raise pennants on flagpoles. Title: "On the opening evening." Dark shots of Lucerne at night, with the silhouettes of buildings outlined in lights. Attendees arrive at the conference. Inside the hall, a picture of Theodor Herzl adorns a large banner. 01:38:30 Several speakers address the Congress: National Councilor Dr. Walter welcomes the Congress on behalf of Swiss authorities the representative of the British government, Mr. Shone; 01:39:34 James G. MacDonald, League of Nations Commissioner, who states that Zionism is not just a Jewish cause, but a human one; Dr. Erlanger, representative of the Jewish Communal Union in Switzerland; Dr. Cohn, delegate of the Swiss Zionist Union; Neville Lasky, representative of the Board of Deputies, London. One of the attendees reads a letter from David Lloyd George. A man from Keren Hayesod (Keren Hajessod, the Foundation Fund, established by the World Zionist Conference in 1920) presents a bulletin board with photographs of Jewish colonies in Palestine. Another man shows a model of a settlement. 01:44:01 Dr. Kaeser of Prague speaks to the organizers or stewards (Ordner), who are made up of young people wearing clothing that look like Zionist youth organization uniforms. Night time: dark shots of crowds in the street and in front of the building where the Congress is taking places. People dance the hora. President Gronemann, the president of the Congress jury, at a meeting in Paris. David Ben-Gurion addresses the Congress in Lucerne. Professor Brodsky speaks for the London executive. More scenes of Lucerne shot from the ferry. Title: "The leaders of Keren Hajessod have invited their delegates and guests to tea." Speakers include: Leib Jaffe, Dr. Alexander Goldstein, 01:53:47 Rabbi Stephen Wise, Leo Herrmann. The Congress jury reports. Title: "Weizmann appears. After 22 years he again takes his place among the delegates." Weizmann receives a standing ovation. CU of Weizmann seated with other delegates. Various delegates eat lunch at a terrace restaurant, among them Berl Locker, Mereminski and Kurt Blumenfeld. A young bellhop speaks a few words of Hebrew while selling a pack of cigarettes to a delegate. 02:00:00 Title: "The motor-cyclists of the "Hapoel" Erez-Israel start on a world trip" Men on motorcycles line up and drive off. Rev. Goldbloom speaks to the World Union of Zionists delegates. The delegates hold a discussion around a small table. 02:00:59 CUs of Weizmann. Delegates in a hall with booths offering trips to Palestine. Title: "The collaborators of the "Haarez" around their chief, Dr. Glucksohn." Dr. Glucksohn speaks. A car arrives from Israel. CU of the animal hood ornament topped by a Star of David. 02:03:20 Mrs. Albeck interviews Dr. George Landauer. She asks him how the assimilation of German Jews into Palestinian life is proceeding. Dr. Hans Friedenthal of Berlin speaks to the Maccabi delegation, followed by Alexander Rosenfeld of Tel-Aviv. The Maccabi organization holds a sports competition. Shots of some caricatures of some of the delegates drawn by Mr. Bickels. 02:07:40 Title: "After laborious days the Congress meets for the last time." David Remez, chairman of the permanent committee, addresses the delegates. Then the leader of the "Haschomer-Hazair," Meir Jaari, speaks, followed by Avraham Ussischkin, and finally Chaim Weizmann. The delegates all stand and sing the Hatikvah.




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