Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,541 to 3,560 of 55,889
  1. Senate Commission for the Fine Arts 363-2 Senatskommission für die Kunstpflege

    Selected records of organization and administration of the Senatskommission für die Kunstpflege (Senate Commission for the Fine Arts), related to the state and non-state measures of art promotion and care, and scholarship applications. Includes minutes of the sessions of the Senate Commission for the Fine Arts (1925-1933), files of artists (Rée, Anita, painter; Rosenthal, A. von, sculptor); applications of the Hamburgische Künstlerschaft for the promotion of fine arts in Hamburg and the replacement of posts in cultural institutions (1930-1932), a report "Die Verhältnisse der bildenden Kunst...

  2. Medical Council 352-3 Medizinalkollegium

    Medical reports, minutes, statistics, guidance, circulars, registers and correspondence relating to German organization and regulations of medical care (1925-1944): trainings, testing and approvals of employment of medical personnel; cure of diseases through hypnosis, suggestion, and magnetism; demolition of the synagogue Poolstr (1937/38); health surveillance of prisoners of war; medical procedures (abortions, sterilization, castration, miscarriages), the exhibition "People and Race" in the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden (1936) 1941-1942; implementation of the law on the prevention of ge...

  3. Family in park in Budapest

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” A continuation of Film ID 4401, where a group of Schiffer family members walks toward the camera, posing for the camera. Ernö gestures at the cameraman, and waves/sends kisses (possibly to the NY branch of the family). Jonas Schiffer with a cane sits on a bench and smokes his pipe. More shots of the Schiffers walking in the park, posing, probably in 1929 or 1930. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  4. Selected records from the Division Politica of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina

    This collection consists of records of Argentine embassies and consulates relating to the political situation in all countries between 1933-1955. For example, includes records from the Embassy in Germany relating to persecution of the Jews.

  5. Oral testimony of John ?

  6. Oral history interview with Charles Roman

  7. Schiffer family posing for the camera in City Park

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” A continuation of Film ID 4402, adults pose for the camera in a park. (02:02) Gyuri playfully photographs the cameraman, Ernö. Jonas and Jenny Schiffer. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  8. "Die Nachrichten - Abteilung 17 stellt sicher..."

    Book of drawings by a German soldier from Communications Unit 17 of the German Army in France 1944. Unique drawings showing satirical attitude toward war and camaraderie of unit. Drawings were produced for the 50th birthday of the Division commander in August 1944 by Fritz Illburger.

  9. John William Fisher papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of John Fisher (formally Hanus Fischer) and his family, originally from Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, and his mother Martha Fischer’s (née Schwarz) family of Pilsen and Cham, Germany. Biographical material of the Fischer and Schwarz families includes identification documents; birth, marriage, and death certificates; report cards; restitution paperwork; employment papers; passport; and Josef Fischer’s naturalization certificate. Correspondence primarily consists of pre-war and wartime letters from Josef and his family in Pilsen and Budapest to...

  10. Oral history interview with Clara Rechnitz

  11. Oral history interview with Zelman Rosenberg

  12. Two-piece suit made of cloth from Dorothy Finger's family's fabric business

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn702540
    • English
    • a: Height: 27.000 inches (68.58 cm) | Width: 32.500 inches (82.55 cm) b: Height: 30.000 inches (76.2 cm) | Width: 21.630 inches (54.94 cm)

    Two-piece, black-and-white, subtly checked suit, created postwar using cloth from Dorothy Finger's (born Dysia Kraushaar) prewar family fabric business in Chodorów, Poland (now Khodoriv, Ukraine). The fabric was among personal items that survived in the possession of non-Jewish neighbors who the items to Dysia after the war ended in 1945.

  13. Oral history interview with Kiwa Zyto

  14. Secretaria de prensa Presidencia de la Nacion

    This collection contains newspaper clippings which were provided to the Presidents of Argentina. It includes Information relating to the Second World War as well as to former Nazis in Argentina (Eichmann, Mengele, Schwammberger) and individuals who helped them escape to Argentina.

  15. JDC supplies unloaded for refugees in Cyprus

    Dockworkers unload relief supplies (most likely in port of Famagusta) for Jewish refugees held in British detainee camps on Cyprus (from August 1946 to February 11, 1949). The Joint provided food, medical, and welfare supplies and other services for detainees. Two men wheel a box filled with fish. Boxes offloaded from a ship by a crane, the boxes lowered. Boxes of fish are loaded on hand trucks by dockworkers and carted away. Men move a large wooden board labeled “AJDC 832 CYPRUS”. Workers carry large sacks on their shoulders. Ship in BG. CU of fish in open box as it is wheeled past, truck ...

  16. Stolzman and Cala families papers

    The collection consists of documents, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and a photograph album related to the experiences of Aaron Stolzman and Molly Cala Stolzman, who met as displaced persons after the Holocaust and later immigrated to the United States. Biographical material includes family history researched by a Polish researcher, clippings, a card from Aaron’s bar mitzvah, Aaron and Molly’s marriage certificate, and Aaron and Molly’s naturalization certificates. Correspondence includes pre-war postcards and a letter from Aaron’s father Chiel Sztolcman and wartime postcards from ...

  17. Remember Commission 1945 testimonies

    Contains five typescript testimonies of Holocaust survivors compiled shortly after World War II, previouly bound together in a binder marked "Remember Commission 1945." Testimonies are identified as: "Dr. A. Weinberger, geb. 5.2.1904 in Auschwitz, mit Frau Bertha und Kind Josef (40 pp); "Max Moses, geb. den 7.12-1900 in Strassburg, mit Frau Batseba und Kindern Renee und Freddy Robert, seit 1919 in Holland (Tilburg)" (66 pp; page number 91 is missing, may also be missing pages after last page marked 108); "Dr. Abraham Wainryb, geb. in 1912, aus Wilna" (16 pp); "Jankiel Koppel Leimer, geb. 24...