Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 55,888
  1. Family Remembrance

    Contains two booklets of Holocaust memorials, 'Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Commemoration Service, 1995' and "We Will Not Forget Them - In Memory of the Jews of Vilna (1943- 1963)." Herein Sonia Tencer (nee Smolnik) tells the story of the murder of her brother, Leib Smolknik, during the Holocaust.

  2. Kriminalpolisen i Malmö

    • Malmö Criminal Police
    • Stadsarkivet Malmö
    • Kriminalpolisen i Malmö
    • English
    • 1874-1970
    • 240,7 linear meters of textual records

    The archive includes the F7 series, which contains 12 volumes of extensive material on refugees and survivors, including survivors and refugees who arrived in Sweden during and after the Second World War. The documents from 1943-44 contain documents concerning refugees who came to Sweden from Denmark, including those who fled to Sweden in the autumn of 1943. Later documents concern refugees and survivors from other countries. The series also includes lists of survivors who came to Malmö using various boat transports and interrogation protocols. Volume F7: 9 contains the Malmö police's alpha...

  3. Hollanderbolagen

    • Riksarkivet
    • Hollanderbolagen
    • English
    • 1862-1996
    • 36,1 linear meters of textual records, financial reports, print material, and photographs.

    The archive originates in Fritz Hollander's documents which were deposited with the National Archives, and contains documents after Baltiska Skinnkompaniet, A.J. Hollander, Fritz Hollander and successors for the period 1862-1996. Hollander, Fritz Hollander and successors for the period 1862-1996. The archive also contains documents relating to Swedish and foreign Jewish organizations, documents relating to the Mosaic congregation in Stockholm, Zionist organizations, as well Hollander's father-in-law, Jacob Ettlinger's, surviving documents. The archive consists of two main parts: The first i...

  4. Elias Joelsons samling

    • Elias Joelson'c collection

    The two-volume Joelson Personal and Family Archive contains correspondence and other archival documents that testify to the different fates of the Joelson family during the Holocaust.

  5. Advokatfirman Julius Hepners arkiv

    • Law firm Julius Hepner's archive
    • Riksarkivet
    • Advokatfirman Julius Hepners arkiv
    • English
    • 1920-1976
    • 12,7 linear meters of textual records, organized in 141 volumes.

    The archive of Law firm Julius Hepner contains client files from victims of Nazi Germany's persecution of Jews and the Holocaust whom the firm assisted in seeking reparations, known as Wiedergutmachung, from West Germany. There is no index or catalog, but the client files are in alphabetical order A-Z. The archive contains series of correspondence concerning Wiedergutmachung and other documents relating to legal aid for victims of Nazi persecution.

  6. Parlamentariska undersökningskommittén ang flyktingsärenden och säkerhetstjänst

    • State commission on the treatment of refugees and the intelligence service
    • Sandlerkommissionen
    • Riksarkivet
    • Parlamentariska undersökningskommittén ang. flyktingsärenden och säkerhetstjänst. YK 984.
    • English
    • 1945-1947
    • 57 volumes of textual records.

    The archive contains 57 volumes of archive documents from the commission's assignments during the period 1945-1947. The series Personakter till anmälningsdiariet (F: 2) contains 390 files containing reports and other documents with information about refugee cases reported by aid organizations and private individuals because they were treated incorrectly by the authorities when they tried to come to or stay in Sweden as refugees. Many of these were Jews. There is an index of the files in volume C: 1. A selection of the reported cases is also summarized anonymously in the commission's report ...

  7. Justitiedepartementet

    • Ministry of Justice
    • Riksarkivet
    • Justitiedepartementet
    • English
    • 1840-1996
    • Textual records.

    Series E1 A and E1 B contain consular files containing the so-called citizenship acts, i.e., applications for Swedish citizenship with accompanying documents. All refugees from Nazi persecution, and Holocaust survivors, who later became Swedish citizens have a citizenship file in the Ministry of Justice's archives. In addition to applications and notifications of citizenship, the files contain all other documentation that the Ministry considered relevant to the decision. In the files are short accounts of personal experiences reproduced in police interrogation reports, biographies, certific...

  8. Koen Pyl. Collection

    This collection contains two small paintings which have been signed by a certain H. Hofbauer. One painting contains a pear, the other one contains cherries. Also in this collection is the wedding book of Petrus Pyl.

  9. Illustrated report of memories of the deported men and boys of Diepenbeekstraat by the occupying forces in Antwerp. Collection

    The collection features an illustrated report titled "Geïllustreerde reportage: Herinneringen aan onze Weggevoerden der Van Diepenbeekstraat te Antwerpen" ("Illustrated Report: Memories of Our Deported from Van Diepenbeekstraat in Antwerp"). This report sheds light on a significant historical event during the Nazi occupation, wherein work refusers were gathered in the Van Diepenbeekstraat and subsequently deported to Germany. The seven-page report includes four compelling photographs depicting the building used by the Germans for this purpose. Accompanying the visuals is a detailed narrativ...

  10. Anna Teitelbaum. Collection

    This collection contains: copies of three photos taken in 1941 right before public parks in Antwerp became non-accessible for Jews, showing the girls attending fifth grade at the local primary school (Stedelijk Onderwijsgesticht voor meisjes nr. 1) at Lange Leemstraat in Antwerp, including Anna Teitelbaum, her best friend Eliane Russinger and their Jewish class mates Ruth Wenger (not deported), Eveline Kohn (deported), Annette Grossfeld (deported), Felicie Gruszow (not deported), Suzanne Spingarn (not deported) and Paulette Liliane Buschel (deported) ; a copy of three pages from Anna Teitel...

  11. Kentone Radio company and Jewish employee Jacques Zussmann. Collection

    The collection comprises various documents primarily related to the professional activities and wartime experiences of individuals and businesses during World War II in the Belgian occupation period. The items in this collection shed light on the complex interplay between work, coercion, and survival during this tumultuous period. Of particular significance is a postcard written by Jacques Zussman on October 10, 1942, addressed to his employer Albert Kennis. This poignant artifact was composed by Zussman while en route to Auschwitz aboard Transport XII from the Dossin Barracks. Additionally...

  12. Goldfischer-Wyszegrodzka family. Collection

    This collection contains a Polish passport issued to Marjem Wyszegrodzka in 1937. Marjem Wyszegrodzka, born on 20 August 1908 in Łęczyca, Poland, moved to Belgium and married Leibisch Goldfischer. She had been in Belgium since 22 August 1927, working at a clothing shop in Brussels. On 7 October 1942, both Marjem and Leibisch were registered at the Dossin Barracks for deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau on Transport XIII, which departed on 10 October 1942. Upon arrival, Marjem did not survive the deportation. Her husband, Leibisch, was selected for forced labour and survived the war, being rep...

  13. Advertising leaflet of fur business H. Mittler, hotel Au Tigre Royal and Antwerp cinemas. Collection

    The collection comprises a single leaflet designed for promotional purposes in Antwerp. Featured establishments include the fur conservation business H. Mittler, the esteemed hotel Au Tigre Royal, and a list with a diverse selection of cinemas throughout Antwerp.

  14. Emergency Deutsche Marken overprinted with NSDAP anti-Semitic election slogans. Collection

    This collection consists of 15 emergency Deutsche Marken banknotes overprinted with NSDAP anti-Semitic propaganda slogans. These banknotes were originally issued in 1922 during the hyperinflation crisis of post-World War I Germany. Overprinted with election slogans in the early 1930’s accusing Jews of financial misconduct and advocating for their removal from positions of power, these banknotes serve as artifacts of Nazi propaganda tactics during their rise to power.

  15. Goldberg-Goldberg family. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war and wartime pictures of Sarah Goldberg’s family, and a group photo of repatriated female Auschwitz survivors ; a testimony written post-war by Sarah Goldberg, documenting her experiences in the concentration camps ; documents regarding the wartime and post-war life of the family of Jacques Goldberg, future husband of Sarah Goldberg, in hiding as the Goffin family, including several fake Belgian IDs ; propaganda leaflets ; three worn yellow stars ; photocopy of a letter sent by Sarah Goldberg and her fiancée Henri Wajnberg after their arrest to Henri’s famil...

  16. Sara Weis-ova. Collection

    This collection contains two photographs showing Sara Weis-ova and young Gilbert Furcage outside in a park in Antwerp in 1941.

  17. Mémorial national aux Martyrs juifs de Belgique – Nationaal Gedenkteken aan de Joodse Martelaren van België. Collection

    KD_00947_01: Extracts from the Belgisch Staatsblad – Moniteur belge [Belgian Official Journal] regarding the statutes and composition of the (Fondation) Mémorial national aux Martyrs juifs de Belgique – (Stichting) Nationaal Gedenkteken aan de Joodse Martelaren van België [National Memorial (Foundation) to the Jewish Martyrs of Belgium], 1965-1985 KD_00947_02: File regarding the composition of the national committee, the Brussels committee and the Antwerp committee, including lists of board members and documents regarding the death of co-president Bernard Tarnowski, 1965-1987 KD_00947_03: M...

  18. Commemorative medal awarded to Fernande De Smet. Collection

    An honorary commemorative medal for distinctive services to the Jewish people of Belgium awarded to Fernande De Smet on 12 October 1980 by the Comité Hommage aux sauveurs - Comité Huldebetoon aan de redders, subsection of the Comité d’Hommage des Juifs de Belgique à leurs Héros et Sauveurs (1940-1945) - Huldecomité van de Joden van België aan hun Helden en Redders (1940-1945) for Fernande’s envolvement in the hiding and rescue of six Jewish children at Fernande’s orphanage, the ‘Sweet Consolation for the Deprived’ institution (Instituut Troost der Bedrukten), in Geraardsbergen. The group of...

  19. Jeanne Glibert. Collection

    This collection consists of an interview with Jeanne Glibert. In her testimony Jeanne talks about her youth, the beginning of the war as she fled with friends, living under occupation in Antwerp, traitors who snitched on Jews, Jewish youth friends Betti Van Hamberg, Claudine Van Hamberg and Irène Brandes, and about Jewish links after the war.

  20. Kluizen - Coffres-forts. Collection

    This collection consists of the bank vaults which were not claimed by their original owners post-war. The owners were both Jewish and non-Jewish war victims or refugees who did not return to Belgium. The vaults do not contain any valuables, but documents including securities and personal documents, family photos, and objects such as cutlery, photo cameras and tableware. This collection is not accessible to third parties. Relatives who might be entitled to the content of one of the vaults are requested to contact