Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 541 to 560 of 55,889
  1. Documentation of the Reichsfinanzministerium (Reich Ministry of Finance), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsfinanzministerium (Reich Ministry of Finance), Germany, 1933-1945

  2. P.31 - Collection of Ottó (Natan) Komoly, Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség (Hungarian Zionist Organization), 1941-1944

    P.31 - Collection of Ottó (Natan) Komoly, Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség (Hungarian Zionist Organization), 1941-1944 Biography of Ottó Komoly: Ottó Komoly (Hebrew name: Natan-Zeev Kahan) was born in Budapest in 1892; by profession he was an engineer. In 1940 he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség, and in 1941, he was elected as its Chairman. In 1943, the Budapesti Mentőbizottság (Budapest Relief and Rescue Committee) was established in Budapest and Komoly served as its chairman. In this capacity, he was involved with relief activities and attempts to smug...

  3. תיקים של אוסף Schumacher מה-Berlin Dokument Center בארכיון Wuerzburg, בואריה

    The Schumacher Collection is a collection of documents from the period 1933 -1945 compiled by Mr Schumacher. Mr. Schumacher, former procurator of a paper shop, was employed after 1945 at the Berlin Document Center (BDC). The files were sent to the Bavarian state archives via the BDC. The part accessible at the Wuerzburg State Archives consists of documents from district offices, municipalities and gendarmerie offices in the district of Lower Franconia. The surviving substance is very different in quality and quantity. There are extensive records, e.g. from the districts of Bad Kissingen and...

  4. Documentation of the Committee for State Security (KGB) in Belorussia, 1945-1953

    Documentation of the Committee for State Security (KGB) in Belorussia, 1945-1953 Included in the collection: - Legal documentation and documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding war crimes of the Germans in Belorussia.

  5. Documentation of the municipal administration in Vitebsk, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the municipal administration in Vitebsk, 1941-1942 The Collection includes appeals by local residents to the municipal administration regarding the confiscated Jewish property; instructions regarding the transfer of confiscated Jewish property to German Army units.

  6. Documentation of the Regierung der Oberpfalz (Regional government in the Upper Palatinate)

    Documentation of the Regierung der Oberpfalz (Regional government in the Upper Palatinate) Most of the files in the Collection deal with Aryanization.

  7. תיקים אישיים,בעיקר של יהודים, של Gestapo Staatspolizeileitstelle Duesseldorf

    Structure of the Gestapo Staatspolizeirektion Duesseldorf: Division II (Domestic Police) is subdivided into subdivisions, of which the Department of Culture (II B), Division II C (Reaction and Opposition), II H (Party Affairs) and II E, the Department of Economics, are mentioned. Head of the Cultural Department (II B) was from 1935 to 1943/44 police superintendent Wilhelm Friedrich. The cultural department was again subdivided into the department for the Catholic Church (II B 1), the department for the Protestant Church and sects (II B 2), the department for emigrants (II B 3) and the depar...

  8. Documentation of the commissioner of the Grodno district affiliated with the Zivilverwaltung (civilian administration) of the Bialystok region, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the commissioner of the Grodno district affiliated with the Zivilverwaltung (civilian administration) of the Bialystok region, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: Correspondence regarding industrial factories and skilled professionals in the Bialystok region; directive of the Reichskommissar fuer das Ostland (Reichs commissioner for Ostland) in Riga, given to the Generalkommissar (general commissioner) of Belorussia in Minsk, regarding the confiscation of property of cultural value in the Belorussia area by Einsatzstab Rosenberg; investigation and imprisonment of Polish c...

  9. M.52.DAChrvO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Chernovtsy Region

    M.52.DAChrvO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Chernovtsy Region History of the Archives The State Archives of the Chernovtsy Region was established in November 1907, but it was closed in early 1918 along with other government institutions following the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The northern area of Bukovina and the Khotin district in the Bessarabia region were included in the Kingdom of Romania. By order of the Romanian Ministry of Education and the General State Directorate of the Archives of Romania, the State Archives of Bukovina in Chernovtsy was established in ...

  10. P.63 - David Kranzler Collection

    P.63 - David Kranzler Collection Dr. David Kranzler dedicated himself for many years to the research of the rescue of Jews in occupied Europe, and published many books regarding organizations and people active on behalf of this aim. Dr. Kranzler collected, for the purpose of his research, a vast amount of detailed documentation regarding various rescue activities: - Rescue activities by George Mantello, the First Secretary at the El Salvador Consulate in Geneva, who issued 10,000 El Salvador citizenship certificates and sent them to Jews living in the occupied areas; - Rescue activities by ...

  11. M.85 - Documentation from archives in Bosnia regarding the Jews of the former Yugoslavia mainly during the Holocaust period

    M.85 - Documentation from archives in Bosnia regarding the Jews of the former Yugoslavia mainly during the Holocaust period In the collection there is documentation including statistical data regarding the Jews of Bosnia, lists of Jewish partisans, documentation from the State Commission for Investigation of War Criminals in Yugoslavia and more.

  12. Documentation of the Municipal and District Order Police (Ordnungsdienst) in Borisov, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the Municipal and District Order Police (Ordnungsdienst) in Borisov, 1941-1942 The Collection includes instructions from the Commander of the area administration in Borisov regarding confiscated Jewish property; instructions regarding the manner of confiscating Jewish property; documentation regarding the confiscated Jewish property; documentation of the Order Police in the Borisov District regarding the detention of Jews and their deportation to a ghetto; appeals to the authorities by residents of Novo-Borisov regarding the illegal occupation of homes that were confiscated...

  13. P.29- Personal Archive of Attorney Jean Brunschvig - Certificates from the San Salvador Consulate in Geneva, 1942-1944

    P.29- Personal Archive of Attorney Jean Brunschvig - Certificates from the San Salvador Consulate in Geneva, 1942-1944 Jean Brunschvig was a young Jewish attorney who lived in Geneva, Switzerland during World War II. During the war, he helped Jewish refugees who escaped to Switzerland. He cooperated with George Mantello, the First Secretary of the San Salvador Consulate in Geneva, and other people in obtaining San Salvadorian protective passes for persecuted Jews, principally in Hungary. The collection is composed of documents signed by Mantello certifying that the bearer of the document is...

  14. Documentation of the operational committee in the Rovno region, 1939 and 1944-1945

    Documentation of the operational committee in the Rovno region, 1939 and 1944-1945 Included in the collection: - Reports from meetings of the operational committees of the Kostopol and Lyudvipol districts, 1939; - Appeals sent to the authorities by evacuated Jews requesting to return to the Rovno region; - Correspondence with the People's Commissioners Committee of Ukraine, regarding the return of Soviet Union citizens to their homeland.

  15. P. 71- Collection of Blanka Tauber, artist, native of Hungary and Holocaust survivor

    P. 71- Collection of Blanka Tauber, artist, native of Hungary and Holocaust survivor The artist, Blanka Tauber was born in Somorja, Hungary, in 1910. She studied drawing and graphics at the Art Academy in Prague and exhibited her works in Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Israel and the United States. She lived in Israel from 1950 until her death [in 1989] and was one of the founders of the Safed Artists' Colony. Tauber and her family, among them her sister, Dr. Julia Tauber, were deported to Auschwitz. A large part of the Collection pertains to Julia Tauber. There is documentation in the C...

  16. Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: The Hashomer Hatzair Movement in Hungary and Slovakia

    Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: The Hashomer Hatzair Movement in Hungary and Slovakia In the Record Group there are seven files containing Hashomer Hatzair documentation from Hungary and Slovakia. In the Collection there is a journal kept by the "Hahagshama" group in Budapest, conducted from 1939 until the murder of the Jews of Hungary, including a description of the events and underground activities. The journal was transferred to Eretz Israel by Zvi Erez, one of the survivors of the group. In the Collection there is also documentation regarding the activities of the parachutists [f...

  17. Documentation of the "Herzliya" Jewish youth movement in Riga, 1928-1940

    Documentation of the "Herzliya" Jewish youth movement in Riga, 1928-1940 Covenant of the Herzliya youth movement and protocols of meetings of the central committee; receipt books; lists of members of the movement; summaries of meetings and gatherings; reports regarding the activities of various Zionist organizations and activities of the aliya training agricultural farm; monthly inspections regarding the movement's activities; lists of donors; survey and pamphlet of the World Organization of the General Zionists in Latvia and overseas; correspondence by the Herzliya movement with the Jewish...

  18. Documentation of the Jewish education administration in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1920-1941

    Documentation of the Jewish education administration in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1920-1941 Correspondence with the office for Jewish education regarding various matters: Opening of Jewish schools, and opening of a conservatorium; acceptance of new teachers, and dismissals; the language of instruction/studies: Yiddish or Hebrew; examinations; reports regarding the Jewish theater, and the Jewish workers professional committee; lists of men of letters [intellectuals].

  19. Documentation of the Commissioner for the Four Year Plan (Beauftragter fuer den Vierjahresplan), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Commissioner for the Four Year Plan (Beauftragter fuer den Vierjahresplan), Germany, 1933-1945 The Four Year Plan is an economic plan, that began in 1936, and that was meant to prepare Germany for war. Hermann Goering was appointed to head the program. The monitoring of the economy in the Third Reich before the war was not absolute and the objectives of the program were only partially achieved, due to, among others, lack of coordination between the supervisors in the various fields. At the beginning of the war, the German economy became more centralized and the responsi...