Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,261 to 2,280 of 55,838
  1. Kriegsberichterstattung: Von den Stellungen an der Narwa. Nach der Schlacht (version 1)

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Rudolf Becker, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "From the positions at the Narwa After the battle." Dramatic description of the battlefield during the Battle of Narva. Becker describes a young Estonian soldier, looking across the river at the Soviet positions, and how this battle for him is all about Heimatboden [homeland]. Detailed description of engagement between the Soviets and the Germans that ends with the death of the Estonian soldier.

  2. Terezin recital

    "Terezin Recital" EP. Supraphon. In German and Czech. Side A: C2306. Ilse Weber (comp); Ich Wandere durch Theresienstadt; Wiegenlied. Side B: C2307. Pavel Hass (sic), Song to Old Chinese Text; Gideon Klein, Sonata for Piano Solo; Joseph Chaloupka, Bread.

  3. Kriegsberichterstattung: Von einem Gefangenenlager in Italien senden britische Kriegsgefangene Weihnachtsgrüße an ihre Familien

    Decelith Folie D. 8 discs. "From a prison camp in Italy, British prisoners of war send Christmas and New Years greetings to their families." Several South African soldiers speak in Afrikaans to their families. The narrator names, gives the home address, and mentions specific family members of each POW. The POWs say they are “fit and well” and send love and greetings to family and friends by name. Some names are unintelligible. One provides an address of 18 Ratcliffe Road, Yorkshire, Sheffield. Ralph Thompson Matthews calling his wife Vera Matthews, 143 Oxford Road, County West (?). Gunner T...

  4. Am Isrvel Jai | Am Isrvel Jai

    Yiddish performance of "Am Isrvel Jai" (the first and second parts). Alternate spellings: Am Yisroel Khai; Am Yisrael Chai. Text: Anonymous; Music: Misha Straitman. Vocalist: Aaron Alexandroff. Disco Víctor P-3.322. Published: Buenos Aires, 1950.

  5. Kiedy | Oriental Tango

    Circa 1947 recording featuring Polish popular jazz band exiled to Iran, "The Jolly Boys." Performers include Stanislaw Sperber, S. Helishkowski. The Jewish band found unexpected sanctuary in Tehran, where they had been invited to perform at the future Shah’s wedding party (in the summer of 1939), and where they continued to perform as a group until the war had ended. Although the “Jolly Boys” never made a commercial recording in Poland, the group did record several songs in Tehran. One bandmate, pianist Artur Baigelman (AKA “A. Bay”), one of Henry Baigelman’s many musical siblings, did not ...

  6. Oral history interview with Meyer Vesterman

  7. IRO Children's Village in Bad Aibling

    This personal film of the IRO Children's Village Bad Aibling in the American Zone of Germany was filmed by John Powelson, an AFSC worker assigned to the Children’s Village. Military vehicle driving past a sign pointing to “IRO Children's Village Bad Aibling IRO Area 7.” Children hold hands with adult men and women, probably in late winter 1949. 0:31 The woman in the green overcoat could be Wendy Elliott who coordinated kindergarten teachers and activities (this woman appears in several following scenes). Adults and teenagers pose for the camera and speak with one another in front of camp bu...

  8. Oral history interview with Raoul Hilberg

  9. Hunting scenes in Brandenburg province; Group of Sinti

    AGFA 1939. Hunting scenes in Brandenburg province [Location based on car registration shown in minute 11 - IE 38214]. Tracking shot from car on dirt road, countryside. Bouncy views. Animals running in field - LS. Deer, fox. Dog retrieves birds. Two dogs retrieving geese. Dog carries fox in mouth. 01:02:45 (b/w) Sinti group. Wagon, woman, clutter, small dog, pail steaming on fire. Boys, 8 or 9 kids, pose for camera. Toss a dead fox. Woman walks up. 01:03:57 (color) More hunting and retrieving. Dog, man with rifle, two adult women. Very pretty shots, still fields. 01:05:20 Rabbit running. Gee...

  10. Contemporary footage of Treblinka

    Contemporary film showing a transport to Treblinka. Point of view given by a passenger from the train, over which a woman sings. Arrival at the former death camp.

  11. Jewish DPs leaving Berlin, Germany

    DPs (Jewish) Leaving Berlin, Germany, May 17, 1949. Semitrailer truck loaded with personal belongings of families pulling away from apartment house. LS, neighborhood in German city, truck standing in courtyard. MS, few civilians standing at entrance as workmen are taking out personal belongings. MS, middle-aged woman holding infant child; several people in BG. Household goods standing next to truck. CU, truck. Hand-written on truck "Lufttransport Munchen Frankfurt." LS, man carrying suitcase in litter-strewn yard. LS, semitrailer truck loaded with household effects going into courtyard entr...

  12. Oral history interview with Dina Abelson

  13. Flight and Rescue special exhibiton monitors

    AV monitors exhibited as part of "Flight and Rescue" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from May 4, 2000 to October 21, 2001.

  14. Transit camp in Eindhoven

    Scenes from a transit camp located in the Philips factory in Eindhoven, Netherlands. According to the IWM record, the camp was run by the 506 Detachment, Civil Affairs, and the nationalities of the laborers include Dutch, French, Polish, and Russian. Adult and children civilians (former foreign forced laborers) and British soldiers in front of military trucks. CUs of a woman talking and laughing with a British soldier. Military truck carrying civilians enters a gated compound. Passengers disembark from the back of the truck. Quick shot of slate indicating 3/15/1945 and cameraman Sgt. Collin...

  15. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin "Ostarbeiter" file from the Oberfinanzdirektion

    Includes information about various "Ostarbeiter" (forced laborers from the East) and their property.

  16. Dachau at liberation; Stevens

    Jeep in front of what appears to be a garage building with a swastika over it, sign reads: "Quarantine Typhus, This concentration camp is off limits to all civilian and military personnel by order of General Patch, C.G. 7th Army." The jeep Toluca in front of a yellow sign that reads: "Dachau." A building is marked: "Burger Brau-Keller." Stevens on bridge, opening a pack of cigarettes.

  17. Di hoyfzinger | Di Wanderer

    Radio Leon / Yiddish recordings published in Buenos Aires in 1950. Side A = Di hoyfzinger. Music and text: unknown (repertoire probably from "Ararat" theater, prewar Lodz). Side B = Di Wanderer (Di vandere; AKA Tango fun geto). Music: Sholom Secunda (parody of "Mayn yidishe maydele"); Words: Unknown. Performers: Elvira Bochcovska, Shimon Nussbaum, Max Neufeld, instrumental ensemble. The Bochcovska/Nussbaum/Neufeld revue "'Di freylekhe vanderer" oder 'Nisht dos vos geven'" (the happy wanderers or not what it used to be) toured Latin America in the 1950s, and may have recorded under the group...

  18. Smithsonian Folklife Archive broadcast recordings

    Holocaust audio collection containing radio broadcast recordings in English and Yiddish.

  19. The United States Holocaust Memorial Commission and United States Holocaust Memorial Council

    Contains information about the establishment of the President's Commission on the Holocaust by President Jimmy Carter in 1978 and the establishment of the United States Holocaust Council in October 1979.

  20. Belsen: corpses

    LS bodies, limbs, ribs, male corpse in pit.