Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,821 to 11,840 of 55,889
  1. Charles Roman documents

    Contains documents pertaining to Charles Roman's experiences in Vienna, Austria, and as a child in orphanages in France during the war. Includes an original letter from Felix Chevrier, the director of the Château de Chabannes children's home, to Charles's mother, Marianne Roman.

  2. Siege of Warsaw

    This is an incomplete version of the film "Siege" and does not have Julien Bryan's soundtrack. Warsaw 1939. Julien Bryan introduction to camera. Civilians digging ditches, constructing blockades, dead horses. Poles washing outdoors in makeshift homes, food lines. Bundles of belongings on baby carriage. Poles walking with bundles. Interior - damage to Kodak film laboratory where Bryan's films were being developed. Fires, church destruction, priests, relics, etc. INT, hospital damage. Open field, women gathering potatoes, injured by strafing of Luftwaffe planes. Poles gather in front of town ...

  3. Art school and zinc refinery

    Several trims/outtakes that jump around to different regions of Poland. CU, a young boy sculpts a bust from clay. MS of young girls doing needlework in a classroom. Hot piece of zinc in a furnace (the refinery in Katowice), zinc plates being made. Cut back to the boy with the bust and girls learning needlework. Snow-covered mountains of Zakopane, tracking shot down the mountainside. CU, iris in the zinc-smelting furnace, back to the girls and needlework, back to the zinc refinery, workers exiting the refinery. Art school in Zakopane. EXT, LS a courtyard of a modern looking building, white, ...

  4. Romanian troops; Tiso; French war equipment

    Reel 2. Part 1: German officers deplane from transport and review Romanian troops in Bucharest. 01:31:02 Part 2: Slovakian President Tiso with aides. 01:31:56 Part 3: Italian seaplane bombers take off and attack British fleet in Mediterranean Sea. 01:33:38 Part 4: Captured, wrecked French vehicles and war equipment in France and Germany, troops salvage wrecked French equipment. 01:35:06 Part 5: German railroad gun fires in France.

  5. Struggle between British and Germans in Africa

    One reel (not the first) from a feature film set during the first World War depicting a struggle between the British and the Germans in Africa. A young woman who works for the British is secretly helping her German husband, with the aid of a young boy and an African man. The woman and her husband communicate using messenger pigeons. The woman takes masks down from the wall of her room and leaves the British camp with her two companions. The camera lingers on a boxing match that is taking place outdoors at the camp. The woman delivers the masks to her husband, along with the news that the Br...

  6. German countryside, village

    Bucolic lake countryside. Mountains, village dirt road, church, people walking with umbrellas, bicycles, cows. Sailboats, taking down sails.

  7. Postwar destruction in Poland

    Building rubble. HAS, boys playing soccer. Damaged buildings. CUs of engravings on arches, church, broken statue.

  8. Factory scenes, Katowice, Poland 1936

    Katowice, Poland, 1936. CU, worker takes off his mask as he exits the zinc refinery. MLS, camera pans down the refinery smokestack to reveal the entire refinery in the valley, full pan of the valley, and then back into the mine, miners hacking away at the rocks with pick axes. Shots of bubbling molten ore at 01:01:55:00. The workers leave the refinery, and head off to the church. More shots inside the mine, the cars full of zinc ore, etc. VS of the women sorting the good pieces from the bad. EXT, the miners emerge from the mine, head into another building at the refinery. 01:04:54:00 Worker...

  9. Title credits for the film "Poland - the Country and the People"

    Opening credit sequence. Credits are as follows and appear in this format: The International Film Foundation presents POLAND The Country and the People A Julien Bryan production Associate producer Eugene Cenkalski Photography Jules Bucher, Julien Bryan Music Jerzy Fitelberg Commentary Robert Spencer Carr Narrator Merce Cunningham Animation Philip Stapp

  10. Polish prisoners; British Courageous air carrier; German ships

    German intertitles describe action. Low aerial shot of Polish prisoners marching, then a shot of the column from ground level. The camera pans across a field of prisoners and starved-looking horses, some of which are yoked to carts. Dead horses, abandoned carts and weapons strewn about on the banks of a river and in the river. A low aerial shot of rows of cannons in a field; no people in the shot. Piles of weapons and gas masks, then a brief shot of German soldiers with rifles, perhaps inspecting the weapons. Hitler reviews soldiers in Warsaw. Soldiers on foot, on horseback, and with bicycl...

  11. Liberation in Warsaw

    Majdanek after liberation. Sign acknowledging the L. Rechkemmer firm of Warsaw for providing the heating and plumbing facilities at the camp. Human skulls in the grass. Eyeglasses, shoes, hairbrushes, other personal belongings. Soviets inspecting the camp, walking across a huge pile of shoes. Crowds line the streets, greeting returning Polish army. Man standing on a tank speaks to crowd.

  12. Invasion of Norway

    The German invasion of Norway, which happened on April 9, 1940, simultaneous with the invasion of Denmark. The Norwegians offered much more resistance than the Danes, and they did not capitulate until May 9. Airplanes in the air. Interior of the plane with German soldiers, smiling and talking. The plane lands on an airfield on the coast of Norway and the troops disembark and gather their weapons and equipment. They march away from the airport, to "occupy the important military points in the area of the airport." View of Norway from an airplane. The planes drop bombs on targets near Oslo. Th...

  13. Warsaw ghetto

    A Polish documentary about the creation and destruction of the Warsaw ghetto, 1939-1943, made for the 20th anniversary of the liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto. Incorporates archival footage, including Nazi newsreels and propaganda footage, with English narration and titles. Shows building a memorial to victims.

  14. Establishing shots of village life in Katowice

    Peasants and farm families going about their daily activities in the region of Katowice, Poland. Several shots of men, women, and children harvesting wheat, herding cattle, and talking to each other and to the camera. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  15. Home movies of Fuchs family at the beach

    Friends of Hana's parents -- Oskar Fuchs and Rosa (Krasa) Fuchs -- (one identified as Dr. Spousta) walking down street, car in BG. At right, Olga Klepetarova (Hana's aunt) drinking coffee with her friends. Boys on bicycles, including Hana's brother Jiri (George). At beach with frisbee. 01:01:50 Hana crawling at beach with her friend Inge, playing with frisbee. 01:02:14 CU, Hana and brother. Peeling apple, at table with mother. 01:03:30 (brief) Hana and friends walking down street, Hana in pants. 01:03:40 At beach, Dr. Klein digging in sand with his daughter Anna. 01:04:17 Dr. Spousta's daug...

  16. Caucasus Front

    Animated map of the Caucasus region. The campaign in the Caucasus began in the summer of 1942, preceding Stalingrad. An airfield with a plane. Three men in flight suits study a map; one of them holds a dog. According to the narrator, they are preparing to fly a reconnaissance mission around the Terek river, looking for artillery emplacements. View of a plane from the ground, then the interior, with two men in the cockpit. Aerial view of the Terek river and surrounding area. The copilot studies the ground through binoculars. The scene switches to German soldiers on the ground, listening to r...

  17. Polish Army parade in Warsaw

    Short clip of a large military procession of Polish troops, including cannons, horses, etc. down a main street in Warsaw.

  18. Nazi Germany trims: Autobahn, HJ, Woolworth's, zeppelin, "Der Stuermer", exhibitions

    TRIMS. Signs for gasoline - "Gro Essen" and "Flug Essen." Autobahn. Mechanics. "Gesperrt" sign on Autobahn. Construction. Gas station. Construction, Nazi flags in BG. Driving on Autobahn. Mechanic working on coal/rail engine. Building construction, workers with cart. Autobahn. 01:02:12 City, HJ march in FG, church in BG. BDM girls marching street side, women on steps, gardening. Soup. Nazi poster. Autobahn. Leica factory. CUs, roof. HAS, market, vegetables, eggs. CUs, peasant woman selling wares, flowers. 01:04:06 CUs, boots. 01:04:17 Amusement park rides, spectators, children. Woolworth sh...

  19. Cart used by forced labor prisoners at Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp

    Two wheeled wooden handcart used by inmates while working as forced laborers at the Small Fortress in Theresienstadt (Terezín) ghetto-labor camp northwest of Prague, Czechoslovakia. Carts like this were used to transport food and other heavy loads. Special workers also used them to transport bodies of ghetto residents who had died of starvation and disease. After the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, the town of Terezín was renamed Theresienstadt and a ghetto and camp were established in November 1941.The camp served as a transit center for Jews en route to killing centers in the east,...