Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,721 to 11,740 of 55,889
  1. Records transferred to the Government of Sweden by the Soviet Commission to investigate the fate of the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg

    Contains records related to an investigation of the fate of the Swedish Diplomat Raoul Wallenberg who disappeared in the Soviet Union after WWII. The files include correspondence between Soviet Government agencies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, the Ministry of Interior of Sweden, and the Swedish Ambassador in Moscow, regarding the investigations of Wallenberg's fate after he and his driver Vilmos Langfelder had been arrested and taken into custody by Soviet authorities in Budapest in May 1945. All the documents had been gathered by the Soviet Commission, established in 1990....

  2. Letters and personal documents of the Jewish Soviet soldier David Khoraz from the Front

    Contains from the Solomon Golbrikh collection of the Judaica Institute in Kiev letters and personal documents of David Khoraz. During his military service, David Khoraz maintained an active correspondence with his family (parents and siblings) evacuated from Kiev to Central Asia. In his patriotic letters, David Khoraz describes his daily service and activities, including theatrical performances, lectures, news from the front line, etc.

  3. Prevention of rickets (osteomalacia) in German children

    The title appears superimposed over a British flag. Children with rickets (osteomalacia) are superimposed over a map of England. The narrator claims that the English tried to use rickets as a war weapon against the Germans. A doctor examines a child with the disease. The narrator explains the cause of rickets over an animated diagram of a bone. More children and infants with rickets are shown and symptoms explained, and the narrator explains that for women the condition can preclude vaginal delivery of children. The narrator explains what prevents rickets, as a woman is shown breastfeeding ...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Winston Churchill aboard a ship; hidden camera in Paris

    Winston Churchill and other men aboard a naval vessel. The men wear life vests. Churchill descends into the hatch at one point. He is shown getting off the ship and being received by crowds of soldiers at the port. 01:44:46 A man demonstrates how clandestine footage was filmed in occupied Paris. This appears to be a reenactment. He places a movie camera into a bicycle basket and covers it with wine bottles. The camera's lens pokes through a slat in the basket. The man rides his bike down the street.

  5. Béla Weichherz diaries

    The collection includes two diaries written by Béla Weichherz for his daughter, Kitty Weichherz, in order to record the events of Kitty's life. The diaries begin in 1929, with Kitty's birth, and continue until 1942, when the Weichherz family was deported from C̆adca, Slovakia to a concentration camp. In the diary Béla makes note of daily events and tracks Kitty's development. Kitty also writes and draws in the diary. Towards the end of the diary, Béla writes about political changes and his fears for his family. The diary also includes family photographs, a birthday card Kitty made for her f...

  6. 10 Years -- 1926 to 1936

    "Gauhauptstadt Thueringen" named as location. Scene opens on poster illustrating 1926 to 1936. 1926 was the year of the first Reich Party Day. Narrator: Hundreds of thousands come to celebrate with Hitler and his trusted advisers. Shots of flag and banner draped city streets. Hitler arrives by car to a large outdoor venue, surrounded by crowds. Close-up of Hitler speaking about the economic situation that existed in Thueringen when he took power and how much better it is now, even though their enemies held it to be impossible. German farmers now stand on firm ground. Shots of crowd watching...

  7. Anti-Nazi, pro-Soviet film about the Ukraine

    Film illustrating the effect on the Ukraine of the Nazi invasion there in 1941. The perspective is pro-Soviet and anti-Nazi (it was produced by the US Government). The film opens in the city of Lvov. People wearing native costume parade along a street, then shots of civilians marching and giving the Soviet salute. The narration speaks of the divided, oppressed Ukrainians and the freedom and unity they found under Joseph Stalin's rule. The camera focuses on a reviewing stand full of Soviet officials but Stalin does not appear to be among them. The camera pans across an aerial view of Kiev, d...

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Recruiting posters and drives in US

    A group of people, many of them teenagers. A woman in a W.A.A.C. uniform sits behind a desk outside a van labelled "U. S. Army Recruitment Mobile Station" and speaks with a group of women. The scene shifts to soldiers in a parade down a street, then recruitment posters and a chart illustrating the number of people who have enlisted in Muncie during the month. Men walk into the recruitment offices. Interior of recruiting office where young men talk to a recruiter, who sits behind a desk. Close-ups of the boys and of recruiter. Outside, draftees (not enlisted men) board a bus while another ma...

  9. Prison camp in Yugoslavia; Communist commemoration

    Titles in Cyrillic - Serbo-Croatian. Series of head shots, close, of corpses with names superimposed. HAS from airplane. Destruction, ruins in town. Croatian man. Homes. Group of villagers (men) marching, soldiers guarding them. Pan up, gate with "Radna Sluzba Ustaske Obrane Sabirni Logor Br. III" German sign: "Arbeitslager..." Prisoners, soldier with rifles, walking barefoot to perform labor, horse/carts, farmhouse. VAR shots, carts, construction, labor (digging, etc). Guardtower. Pushing wheelbarrow. Soldier with gun guards from tower. Lunch rations. Newspapers/headlines. Corpses. Local f...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- World War I memorial at Vimy; French refugees, Belgium

    Several Frenchmen, some of whom wear the uniforms of high-ranking officers and some of whom are in civilian dress, visiting the Canadian World War I memorial at Vimy, France. They survey a vast fortification system dug into the earth and lined with sandbags. The camera focuses on a sign reading "Canadian Front Line, 1917." The scene switches to show soldiers (French?) marching across a town square, then back to the men inspecting the fortification. The men approach a huge structure that serves as the memorial. 01:21:44 Various views of ruins of buildings in the Flanders region of Belgium. C...

  11. Swedish Red Cross Aid for prisoners in Germany, 1945

    "Witness Stand: A Reportage on the Swedish Red Cross Aid Action for Prisoners in Germany" Production date, April 1945. Part 2, the ambulance column arrives. Memorial day for E V Ringmann, ambulance driver who was killed in an allied aircraft, whose casket is loaded onto a railroad car. Norwegian paramedic team. Doctors examine the new arrivals. Women with naked torsos show their tattoo marks. Naked women bathing, showering, and get new clothes. They are disinfected from lice. Registration stall for Danes and Norwegians. Danes get new clothes. Some people talk with each other, doctors examin...

  12. Leni Riefenstahl gets film prize for Triumph of the Will

    Title on screen: "Die besten geistigen Werkes des Jahres erhalten in der Berliner Staatsoper den Filmpreis und Buchpreis 1935." Goebbels at a podium announcing Leni Riefenstahl as the winner of the 1934 Film Prize for her film Triumph of the Will. Shots of Hitler and other leaders (Wilhelm Frick, Goering, Hess, Ley, in the audience as Goebbels describes Triumph of the Will as the "great film vision of the Fuehrer." Riefenstahl is not shown. Goebbels goes on to award the Book Prize to Eberhard Wolfgang Moeller for two of his books of poetry.

  13. Winnower of the type used in wartime Poland

    Wooden agricultural winnower found years after the war in the region near Belzec, Poland. It is the type that would have been used by farmers in late 19th-early 20th century. In 1942, when the Germans decided to destroy all traces of the murders committed at Belzec killing center, they requisitioned agricultural equipment from the surrounding villages. This winnower purportedly belonged to the local mayor and was taken and returned by the Germans, but its use at the camp is uncertain. Because it has a mesh screen, it was rumored to have been used to sift through the ashes of cremated human ...

  14. Quilted wall hanging made postwar by a survivor to honor family members killed in Chelmno

    Quilted, mixed media wall hanging created by Minia Wasilkowska Moszenberg in 2002 in tribute to her family who was murdered at Chelmno killing center. It represents the separation of the family in the Ozorkow ghetto in Poland in April 1942. It depicts her parents, Jonah and Pesa, and two young siblings, Cela, 9, and Josef, 5; a skull in a helmet with a swastika floats above their heads. To their right stands a skeletal guard with a gun, then a girl, Minia, 16, walking away to the right. Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany in September 1939. The family home was bombed and they moved around fr...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Allied liberation of France; Eisenhower and Bradley aboard ship

    American infantrymen in France. Soldiers sheltering in an overgrown field, then speaking to French civilians, including two children. A goup of American soldiers holding a German flag and smiling at the camera. Destroyed houses. A British warship at sea. Generals Dwight Eisenhower and Bernard Montgomery are aboard the ship. Montgomery is assisted down a ladder. Eisenhower and Bradley stand together facing the camera. This may be footage taken aboard the HMS Apollo on the way to Normandy. American soldiers question German POWs in France. Wide shot of a large group of Canadian (or British?) s...

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- Postwar Germany, puppet show depicting Goering being hanged

    Men working on a badly damaged building in postwar Munich. People and horse-drawn carriages on the streets. A crowd of people gather to buy newspapers. The dope sheet indicates that this footage was filmed on the day after the executions at Nuremberg. A woman looks at a poster advertising a performance of "Die Schoene Helena" by Offenbach, a Jew whose works were forbidden under the Nazis. Men looking at more advertisements for entertainment, some of them in English. A huge billboard advertises a Loretta Young movie, "Roman einer Taenzerin," also with Konrad Veitd. Scenes from a stage perfor...

  17. Boycott of Jewish Businesses in Berlin

    The boycott of Jewish businesses in Berlin. [Rare views, not the oft-repeated scenes] Exterior scenes of Berlin streets, which, the narrator notes, are calm and orderly on the eve of the boycott. Scene opens on the "e v. Grunfeld" store; in the next scene shop names of "Rosenberg", others, are visible. Shot of "Leiser" store; heavy pedestrian traffic in the street, streetcars passing. Shot of "Kaufhaus des Westens," "Hermann Tietz" Sign in a window reads, in English and German: "Germans, defend yourself against Jewish atrocity propaganda!" People on the street, conscious of the camera. Clos...

  18. Young Bobby and Edith in prewar Austria

    Robert (Bobby) Tennenbaum as a young child just learning to walk. Bobby toddles along the path of a park and climbs stairs in a park in Baden, a suburb of Vienna. His relatives, including his grandparents and uncle, stand by to catch him in case he falls. Bobby plays with cousin Edith. Lots of very cute baby shots. Bobby in the arms of his mother, Ernestine (Erna), walking across a lawn in the park. Bobby and Edith seated on a blanket with their mothers. Very nice scenes of the family playing with the children. 01:27:32 Bobby's paternal grandfather walks in a park-like setting in Sauerbrunn...

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- Annexation of Austria

    Hitler returns to Berlin from Vienna after the annexation of Austria. Shots of his plane touching down, with Nazi flags flying and a crowd waiting to greet him. Uniformed members of the League of German Girls and Hitler Youth await Hitler's arrival. Shots of his motorcade driving through the crowds. Aerial shots of Hitler and Hermann Goering walking into the Chancellery, then waving from the balcony. Aerial pans across the huge crowd. More scenes from Austria: Austrians waving Nazi flags; civilians marching down the streets giving the Nazi salute; Arthur Seyss-Inquart saluting. German soldi...